
A sixty-year-old man marries a young and beautiful little wife, and his wife shouts in pain on the night of the cave, what do you think of me

author:Wei Da Film and Television

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In a quiet town, two strong hearts meet to weave a touching love story. They are Su Daqiang and Cai Xiaohua, one is over the age of Huajia, and the other is young and full of vitality. Their encounter is not love at first sight, but a gradual heating process. In this small town, people affectionately call Su Daqiang "Big Brother", he is a highly respected elder who is still full of vitality despite his age. In stark contrast to him is Cai Xiaohua, a 27-year-old nurse, who not only has a beautiful appearance, but also exudes a gentle and kind temperament.

A sixty-year-old man marries a young and beautiful little wife, and his wife shouts in pain on the night of the cave, what do you think of me

However, her life was full of challenges because she suffered from a rare disease.

The first time the two met took place at a health lecture in a small town, where Su Daqiang was invited to share his life experience, and Cai Xiaohua asked him some questions related to nursing work after the lecture. This chance encounter kicked off the prologue between the two, and gradually, Su Daqiang became Cai Xiaohua's confidant, and Cai Xiaohua also began to open up to him to share his illness troubles and life's challenges. Su Daqiang has always encouraged her, given her strength and support.

A sixty-year-old man marries a young and beautiful little wife, and his wife shouts in pain on the night of the cave, what do you think of me

However, their road to love has not been easy. On their cave night, Cauliflower endured great pain, and tears kept flowing. Despite her advanced age, Su Daqiang did not hesitate to gently wipe her tears with her gentle hand, comforting her softly: "Honey, what do you think of me?" These words, like a warm light, illuminated Cauliflower's heart and made her feel comforted and determined.

Soon after, Cauliflower's condition deteriorated and she urgently needed a dangerous operation. The doctor told them that the operation was very risky, but without the operation, Cauliflower's life would be threatened.

A sixty-year-old man marries a young and beautiful little wife, and his wife shouts in pain on the night of the cave, what do you think of me

Su Daqiang signed the consent form for the operation without hesitation, knowing exactly what this decision meant to Cai Xiaohua. The operation was very difficult, and every moment was full of tension and worry. Su Daqiang has been guarding outside the operating room, silently praying that Cauliflower can successfully survive this life and death test.

As time passed, Cauliflower's health gradually improved, she regained the vitality of life, and Su Daqiang felt extremely pleased because of her choice. Despite the huge age gap, this did not hinder their firm love, but made them know how to cherish each other more.

A sixty-year-old man marries a young and beautiful little wife, and his wife shouts in pain on the night of the cave, what do you think of me

They laughed together, cried together, and experienced the bittersweet and bitter of life together.

The story of Su Daqiang and Cai Xiaohua is like a touching ballad, conveying the power of tenacity and courage. They broke the barriers of age with sincere love and mutual respect, and demonstrated the true meaning of love. This story also reminds us that life is full of challenges and difficulties, but as long as we have sincere love, we can get through it together no matter what we face.

However, this story also tells us that love is not all smooth sailing. It requires sacrifice and sacrifice, courage and tenacity.

A sixty-year-old man marries a young and beautiful little wife, and his wife shouts in pain on the night of the cave, what do you think of me

It is precisely because of Su Daqiang and Cai Xiaohua's selfless dedication and unwavering belief that their love is so strong and moving.

So, when we look back on this touching story, we must not only be moved by their love, but also think about whether our own life can also convey the power of tenacity and courage. Perhaps, each of us can find our own Cauliflower and Su Daqiang in life, face the challenges of life together, and walk through the journey of life together. No matter age, identity, and circumstances, as long as we have sincere love, we can go through the ups and downs of life together and create our own beautiful love story.

A sixty-year-old man marries a young and beautiful little wife, and his wife shouts in pain on the night of the cave, what do you think of me