
Cecilia Cheung's biological father of three children? Jiang Yiyi whitewashing? Fan Chengcheng pursues Guan Xiaotong? Daughter of Yu Shuxin

author:Aju commented

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Recently, Jiang Yiyi's suspected tax evasion has become the focus of heated discussion, and she issued a statement to try to clarify the incident. The statement said that Jiang Yiyi was a minor before, so the studio was registered by her mother, and the finances were managed by the original company, and she did not know the tax situation. Until 2021, she obtained financial management rights and paid back taxes. She also claimed that the more than 2 million yuan in supplementary taxes reported by netizens had nothing to do with her and were a trap set by the former company. This incident has become a rare case in tax-related issues with a clear chain of evidence response.

However, it is worth noting that Jiang Yiyi's statement still has some loopholes. In particular, the explanation of the artist's collective self-inspection tax supplement in 2021 is not clear, and she only re-declared it to the relevant departments before her real-name report in May 2023, and it is not clear whether this part of the supplementary payment is included. Fortunately, however, no further official action has been taken, and Jiang Yiyi has not been fined. In the present circumstances, her statement is somewhat self-justifying. If she can keep a low profile, it will most likely not be affected much. It turns out that keeping a low profile is sometimes a wise choice to avoid unnecessary attention and criticism.

Cecilia Cheung's biological father of three children? Jiang Yiyi whitewashing? Fan Chengcheng pursues Guan Xiaotong? Daughter of Yu Shuxin

In addition, Yu Shuxin's debt issue has recently become the focus of controversy, and she is known as the "daughter of Lao Lai". This revelation sparked a fierce debate, and Yu Shuxin's fans and netizens launched a fierce debate. Despite the embarrassment of this incident, there are more examples of debt in the entertainment industry. Yu Shuxin as an artist, although there are no particularly outstanding highlights, her luck seems to be quite good. Her performance in the entertainment industry has attracted much attention, especially the original voice acting and excellent acting skills. Her family and resource docking also showed a very high attitude, whether successful or not, she showed great self-confidence.

And rumors about Fan Chengcheng and Guan Xiaotong co-starring in the TV series "Alley People" have also attracted a lot of attention. Fans of the two artists do not seem to be too optimistic about this, and they asked to wait for the official announcement before celebrating, not wanting Fan Chengcheng to chase too backwards. Co-starring in a TV series is not the same as pursuing each other. In fact, this project does exist, and it is a new work directed by director Zhang Kaizhu. Fan Chengcheng has been confirmed to join, and whether Guan Xiaotong will star has not yet been determined.

Cecilia Cheung's biological father of three children? Jiang Yiyi whitewashing? Fan Chengcheng pursues Guan Xiaotong? Daughter of Yu Shuxin

In general, these news and events in the entertainment industry have attracted the attention and discussion of the public. However, we should also look at it rationally, and the privacy of artists' personal lives should be respected, and there should be no excessive speculation and speculation. At the same time, events in the entertainment industry are only a part of life, and we should pay more attention to our own lives and growth.

Cecilia Cheung's biological father of three children? Jiang Yiyi whitewashing? Fan Chengcheng pursues Guan Xiaotong? Daughter of Yu Shuxin

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