
When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

author:The flower planter rabbit

Text/Flower planter that rabbit

Editor/Flower Planter That Rabbit

China firmly defends its territorial and resource rights and interests in the South China Sea and will not tolerate any provocations. The importance of Huangyan Dao cannot be underestimated, and China will take all necessary measures to safeguard its sovereignty and security

News 1: When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

Recently, the Philippines has repeatedly tried to resupply its warships at Ren'ai Jiao, and has tried to take China to court through an international tribunal, accusing China of destroying the marine environment by fishing for coral reefs on a large scale in the South China Sea and profiting from the collection of clams.

Although China has always been committed to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea, the Philippines has chosen to take provocative actions, which has exacerbated tensions in the South China Sea. China responded decisively to this, taking multiple measures to defend its rights and interests, and showing a firm position.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

First, China has set up 300-meter-long buoys near Scarborough Shoal to restrict access by Filipino fishing boats and ensure that resources are no longer indiscriminately fished. This action is justified because China has always adhered to the legal regulations on the fishing of marine resources, especially coral protection policies. The Philippines' accusations lack factual basis, and China's actions are aimed at protecting these precious resources.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

However, the Philippines has opted for double standards, publicly denouncing China's buoy installation, claiming that it affects the fishing activities of Filipino fishermen. This act of double standards shows that the Philippines is trying to act in its own interests, regardless of international law and regional peace and stability.

In fact, China has allowed Filipino fishermen to fish near the shoals out of a good-neighborly and friendly position, but the Philippines has to go further and try to compete for sovereignty in the South China Sea, which is intolerable.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

Scarborough Shoal is geographically important, controls key access to the Pacific Ocean and is vital to China's maritime trade and military activities. In addition, the waters around Scarborough Shoal are rich in fisheries and mineral resources, as well as potential oil and gas and combustible ice resources. Therefore, China's control of the region is of strategic importance.

China's response was not limited to setting buoys, but also accelerated island reclamation. The resumption of the reclamation project shows that China no longer tolerates provocative actions by the Philippines. If the Philippines continues its provocations, China may take more resolute measures to defend its territorial and maritime rights and interests.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

In short, China firmly defends its territorial and resource rights and interests in the South China Sea and does not tolerate any provocations. The importance of Huangyan Dao cannot be underestimated, and China will take all necessary measures to safeguard its sovereignty and security. At the same time, China also calls on the Philippine side to stop its provocative behavior, resolve disputes through dialogue and consultation, and maintain regional peace and stability.

News 2: Fighting with India, Canada suddenly found it very embarrassing, and the British media's big truth was more heart-wrenching

A diplomatic dispute between Canada and India has escalated in recent days over the involvement of Indian agents in the murder of Nijjar, the Canadian Sikh leader. The incident has attracted widespread attention and highlighted Canada's isolation in international affairs.

As a core member of the Western bloc, Canada is a member of the G7 and the Five Eyes alliance and should theoretically be able to rely on the support of Western allies to counter the threat from India. Surprisingly, however, almost all Western countries, including the United States, have hardly come forward to support Canada, an embarrassing situation.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

Canada's former director of Security Intelligence said Canada cannot act to counter the Indian threat without the support of its allies. It also shows that Canada's relatively low status in the international community makes it difficult to gain sufficient support.

The BBC's analysis points out that in the eyes of Western allies, India's position in global strategy is far more important than Canada's. In particular, India is an integral part of the strategy to contain China. Therefore, Western countries are reluctant to confront India and are unwilling to support Canada.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

The incident also underscored U.S. strategic calculus. The United States is actively containing China and sees India as a key partner in its Indo-Pacific strategy. Therefore, the United States is reluctant to confront India because of Canada, which could undermine its overall strategy in the Indo-Pacific.

In dealing with this incident, Canada needs to recognize its position and should not expect Western allies to come forward. Canada, like other countries, must act in its own national interest, not rely on the support of others.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

The incident also shows that in international politics, so-called justice and conscience are often constrained by practical interests. Western countries tend to weigh their actions according to their own interests, rather than on a moral position. Canada should understand this, not feel aggrieved by losing the support of Western allies, national interests are the most important.

Finally, Canada needs to recognize U.S. strategic considerations and not interfere with U.S. overall strategy in the Indo-Pacific. International politics is complex, and Canada must find a balance between defending its interests and avoiding conflict with its allies.

News 3: A major incident occurred on the island, he was promoted by Tsai Ing-wen, and the former "chief of staff" took the lead in opposing Lai Qingde

At present, the situation in the Taiwan Strait region has attracted much attention, and the complicated situation within Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party is even more worrying. Lai plays an important role in Taiwan's political scene, and his policy leanings are seen as more pro-independence, at odds with those of current Taiwanese leader, Tsai Ing-wen. In this context, some senior officials who had been promoted by Tsai Ing-wen began to publicly express their opposition to Lai Qingde, which caused widespread discussion and concern.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

Huang Shuguang is a high-profile military official in Taiwanese politics who was promoted to "chief of staff" of Taiwan's military, responsible for Taiwan's homemade submarine project. Recently, however, Huang made it clear that he is not affiliated with the DPP, stressing that his concern lies in Taiwan's security. This statement was regarded by the outside world as his lack of support for Lai Qingde.

Mr. Huang's statement raised a series of questions, especially given that he had previously been promoted and trusted by Ms. Tsai. His family members include multiple political parties, including the Kuomintang, the Democratic Progressive Party, the People First Party and the People's Party, so his political positions are considered complex and changeable. His statement was seen as a wait-and-see attitude, and he left open a variety of possibilities.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

Huang is currently in charge of Taiwan's homemade submarine project, one of the key initiatives actively promoted by Tsai's government. His statements may be related to the project or influenced by the political battle between Ms. Tsai and Ms. Lai.

On the other hand, Huang Shuguang mentioned the security of the Taiwan region in an interview with Japanese media, and he stressed that Taiwan needs international support to ensure security. This may reflect his concern that the security of the Taiwan region is threatened under the current tension in the Taiwan Strait, and he hopes to receive the support and protection of the international community.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

In short, Huang's statement reflects the complexity and divisions of Taiwan's internal politics. In the uncertain political situation in Taiwan, politicians may adopt a wait-and-see attitude to protect their political interests. However, ultimately how to support or oppose Lai will also depend on a balance of factors. The security of the Taiwan region will also continue to attract the attention of the international community.

News 4: To give Vietnamese fighters, the United States does not blink its eyes, but it is too naïve to want to provoke China

Recently, the United States experienced a significant escalation in relations with Vietnam, and quickly began selling arms to Vietnam, including the much-anticipated F-16 fighter jet. The move is seen as a new milestone in U.S.-Vietnam relations, and there is speculation that China will be unhappy with it. However, the United States may be underestimating the current complex situation.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

Not long ago, US President Joe Biden made an important visit to Vietnam aimed at raising relations with Hanoi to a height parallel to China. This diplomatic move marks a major change in Vietnam's foreign policy since the end of the Vietnam War. Biden said the move is intended to balance geopolitical competition with China and ensure that relations with the two superpowers are managed effectively.

However, the United States did not seem satisfied with this, and quickly began military cooperation with Vietnam, planning to sell a batch of F-16 fighter jets to Vietnam to cement this emerging partnership. Although the specific agreement has not yet been finalized, it is widely believed that the US move is aimed at helping Vietnam reduce its dependence on Russian weapons and solve the shortage of funds.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

However, it is worth noting that the high cost of U.S. weapons has resulted in Vietnam buying less than $400 million in U.S. weapons over the past decade. At the same time, the Ukraine crisis has complicated Vietnam's relations with Russia, making it difficult to obtain Russian-made weapons. While the U.S. is trying to fill the gap and Vietnam is actively negotiating new arms supply agreements with Russia, U.S. arms deals still face many challenges.

While the United States has tried to package the arms deal as part of enhanced security cooperation to counter Chinese influence in the South China Sea, the move is not just about security. The United States is also pinning its hopes on opening up Vietnam's huge potential arms market and reaping economic benefits from it.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

However, even if the two sides eventually reach an agreement, China will not necessarily be irritated. China, which has strong military power and sovereignty claims in the South China Sea, will not change its position with Vietnam's purchase of American fighter jets.

In addition, China and Vietnam have close ties in the fields of economy and security, so Vietnam is unlikely to easily undermine friendly relations with China. In addition, Vietnam can learn from the Philippines' relationship with China and will not become an outpost of the United States.

When I woke up, the Philippine side was blinded! China has taken an important step

In conclusion, while the U.S.-Vietnam arms deal may trigger a degree of tension, China is unlikely to be provoked by it. Vietnam's geopolitical realities will drive a balance between safeguarding national security and developing its economy, in which relations with China play a crucial role. The United States needs to look at this issue more rationally and not overestimate its influence on China.

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