
Yang Mi was also involved? Zhang Jike's more fierce material was exposed, shattering the three views, and Jing Tian made a wise decision

author:Reliable doors

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Zhuo Wei, a well-known reporter in the entertainment industry, recently revealed some shocking insiders about Zhang Jike's incident. As an experienced reporter in the entertainment industry, Zhuo Wei's information is unique. He revealed in detail how Zhang Jike leaked Jing Tian's intimate photos, as well as the cause and effect of the incident.

As a result of this incident, the person who threatened Jing Tian was sentenced to 7 years in prison and is still in prison. Zhuo Wei revealed that an initial source from Myanmar provided him with information about Zhang Jike and Jing Tian. At the time, he did not know that the source was Mr. S, and Mr. S claimed that Zhang Jike owed him up to 17 million gambling debts. Although Zhang Jike was unable to repay the debt, he made a stunning proposal that he was willing to use Jing Tian's private video to settle the debt. The videos were eventually handed over to Mr. S by Zhang Jike, who used the videos to threaten Jing Tian. Fortunately, Jing Tian finally decided to call the police, and Mr. S was arrested and imprisoned.

Yang Mi was also involved? Zhang Jike's more fierce material was exposed, shattering the three views, and Jing Tian made a wise decision

It should be emphasized that Zhuo Wei had learned this news as early as 20 years ago. As a reporter in the entertainment industry who is not afraid to challenge authority, he did not immediately publicly disclose the incident, but chose to share this shocking news with Jing Tian. After Jing Tian learned the truth, he fell into heavy mood swings and could not continue filming the movie. Zhuo Wei's careful choice was to protect Jing Tian's privacy, which showed his ethics and professional ethics. Through his reminder, Jing Tian was able to defend his legitimate rights and avoid the fate of being blackmailed by Mr. S. Jing Tian's decision was absolutely wise, and she chose to call the police rather than succumb to blackmail.

Yang Mi was also involved? Zhang Jike's more fierce material was exposed, shattering the three views, and Jing Tian made a wise decision

The fact that Zhang Jike used photos of his ex-girlfriend to settle debts is already well known. Over time, more evidence will surface, making Zhang's so-called lawyer's statement even more untenable. His statement is too hypocritical to last.

A big V released news that Zhang Jike has been arrested and will disclose more details related to his gambling problems. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg of Zhang Jike's problem. The copycat liquor he endorsed is made rich by any means by borrowing his world champion aura and selling it at a high price. In addition, the milk tea brand he founded was also put on the list of dishonest due to credit problems, and was sentenced to nearly 900,000 yuan in debt, and many stores have been closed.

Yang Mi was also involved? Zhang Jike's more fierce material was exposed, shattering the three views, and Jing Tian made a wise decision

According to the revelations, Zhang Jike is also suspected of privately colluding with female fans to participate in the concubine selection incident, similar to Wu Moufan's bad behavior. Even more shocking is that he had a relationship with a female fan during the concubine selection process, which led to her pregnancy and the birth of his illegitimate child. However, the child is currently being raised by adoptive parents, and the outside world only knows that they are related to the child. More seriously, Zhang Jike allegedly borrowed money from many fans in private, then defaulted and lost contact, becoming one of the representatives of bad old behavior. These revelations have attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. As a Grand Slam player in the world of table tennis, his actions have a negative impact on the values of young people and violate basic morality and legal regulations.

Yang Mi was also involved? Zhang Jike's more fierce material was exposed, shattering the three views, and Jing Tian made a wise decision

After the Zhang Jike scandal was exposed, Zhang Rui was also photographed eagerly calling while driving. Zhang Rui is Zhang Jike's girlfriend, who was the ex-wife of Bai Baihe's current husband Zhang Silin. Reports show that Zhang Rui and Zhang Jike once played golf together in Sanya and got along well. According to the gossip media, Zhang Rui's family is wealthy, and it seems that the two have children, but they have not received a marriage certificate. In addition, the media also pointed out that Zhang Rui is very rich, which may be the reason why Zhang Jike chose to associate with her, and some people even speculated that those luxury cars may be hers.

The media exposed photos of Zhang Jike and Zhang Rui living together in January 2021, and also took pictures of them going to the supermarket shopping together in 2022, confirming that the relationship between the two is very stable. In addition, the media also disclosed Zhang Jike's experience of pursuing Yang Mi, as well as his borrowing money from Yuan Shanshan and not paying it back, and it was Yang Mi who finally came forward to help

Yang Mi was also involved? Zhang Jike's more fierce material was exposed, shattering the three views, and Jing Tian made a wise decision

The assistant made Zhang Jike return the arrears. These revelations are all from credible channels and have no false elements.

The exposure of Zhang Jike's incident has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions, and the storm in the entertainment industry has once again set off a huge wave. This incident not only involved stars in the entertainment industry, but also involved gambling, blackmail, moral failure and other aspects. Zhang Jike's behavior is not only infuriating, but also thought-provoking.

First of all, this incident revealed the unhealthy trend within the entertainment industry. Celebrities are supposed to be role models for society, but some have gone to no return because of greed and moral decay. Zhang Jike's various behaviors not only put him to shame, but also smeared the entire entertainment industry. This reminds us that the entertainment industry needs stricter self-regulation and regulation to ensure that the interests of the public are not harmed.

Second, the incident demonstrated the majesty of the law. Zhang Jike's extortion eventually led to criminal punishment, which is a powerful blow to the violation. The impartiality and authority of the law must be upheld, and no one can escape justice. It also serves as a warning to others who may find themselves in similar situations that extortion will be punished by law.

Most importantly, the incident triggered a broad reflection in society on the behavior of celebrities. Celebrities are not just part of the entertainment industry, they are also a mirror of society. Their actions and words can have a profound impact on young people's values. Zhang Jike's unethical behavior reminds us that celebrities should assume social responsibility and set positive examples, rather than be reduced to representatives of moral corruption.

To sum up, the revelation of Zhang Jike's incident has triggered people's deep thinking about the entertainment industry, the law and the behavior of stars. We hope that this incident can prompt the entertainment industry to carry out self-reflection and reform, and also call on stars to be more self-disciplined and responsible to transmit positive energy to the society. Only in this way can the entertainment industry continue to bring joy and inspiration to people, instead of negative demonstration and moral turpitude.

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