
American experts have emphasized 130 times that China cannot rise peacefully, so how can China break the doubt?

author:Zhiang Fair

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China's rise has entered an irreversible phase, while the United States frequently expresses very different voices, which is a sobering phenomenon. John Mearsheimer, a well-known scholar of international relations, has repeatedly emphasized the idea that "China cannot rise peacefully", and he even used so-called "offensive realism" to support his argument. However, this extreme view actually reflects cognitive biases.

At present, the United States is closely preparing for two important events: the upcoming midterm elections and the upcoming G20 summit. Given the slump in public opinion faced by the Democratic Party in power, they have had to send some unusual signals in international affairs to try to reverse the current adverse situation. The White House has confirmed that the president and vice president will attend the G20 summit, indicating their intention to change their policy toward China. However, this has not changed the US skeptical attitude towards China, and Mearsheimer's views still dominate US policy practice.

American experts have emphasized 130 times that China cannot rise peacefully, so how can China break the doubt?

Mearsheimer attributes his views mainly to two reasons. First, he believes that conflict between major powers could erupt. The United States, citing its historical military expansion as an example, emphasizes its superiority in military power. This not only allowed the United States to accumulate huge war wealth in the process of its rise, but also enabled it to continuously maintain its position through military hegemony after its rise. As a result, the United States is skeptical of China's rise, viewing it as a potential threat, and has taken containment measures that have exacerbated friction and confrontation between the two countries. Second, Millsheimer believes that there is an economic interdependence between China and the United States, but the United States is trying to break away from this dependence. Although China's economy is closely linked to the world, the United States and its allies have begun to try to reduce their dependence on the Chinese market, putting pressure on China through economic sanctions and other means, which has had an impact on China's economic growth. This behavior shows that the United States is strongly wary of China's rise, and even sees it as a threat.

American experts have emphasized 130 times that China cannot rise peacefully, so how can China break the doubt?

However, China is not unable to cope with this dilemma and promote a peaceful rise. In addition to dealing with U.S. interference, China must also deal with the changing roles of other countries in international affairs, as well as its own developments. So how can China actively address these challenges and achieve a peaceful rise?

First of all, at the economic level, China needs to unswervingly promote technological innovation and expand domestic demand, and strengthen the construction of economic industrial chain. China has become one of the world's leading economies and has maintained strong economic momentum despite facing sanctions from the West. In the future, China needs to formulate sound economic policies and demonstrate its strength and interests to gradually overcome various "dilemmas" in its rise.

American experts have emphasized 130 times that China cannot rise peacefully, so how can China break the doubt?

Second, at the military level, China must further enhance its military capabilities to effectively respond to external challenges. Mearsheimer's argument suggests that while China's power is growing, it has not yet reached the level of global fear, and that it must continue to strengthen its military power to ensure the foundations of a peaceful rise.

To sum up, despite the biased views of American experts, China's peaceful rise still faces practical challenges. China must address these challenges through firm strategic measures, consolidate its economic strength, enhance its military capabilities, gradually break through the "dilemma" in its rise, achieve a peaceful rise, and become an important force in maintaining global balance and stability.

American experts have emphasized 130 times that China cannot rise peacefully, so how can China break the doubt?


China's rise has become an unstoppable trend, despite the United States' repeated claims that "China cannot rise peacefully." This view, though perpetuated by international relations scholar John Mearsheimer, may in fact be a bias based on America's own interests. At present, the United States is actively preparing for the midterm elections and the G20 summit to try to improve relations with China. However, Mearsheimer's views still dominate U.S. policy, arguing that conflict could erupt between major powers and emphasizing the economic interdependence between the U.S. and China. Nonetheless, China can meet the challenges and achieve a peaceful rise through firm strategic initiatives, including technological innovation, expanding domestic demand, and increased military capabilities. This requires China to take decisive action and gradually overcome various difficulties, most of all

American experts have emphasized 130 times that China cannot rise peacefully, so how can China break the doubt?

It will eventually become an important force for maintaining global balance and stability.

To achieve a peaceful rise, China needs to take smart strategic moves in a number of areas. First, China must continue to promote technological innovation. In the modern world, technology is at the heart of national strength and competitiveness. China has made major breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, 5G communications, new energy and other fields, but it still needs to continuously strengthen basic research and talent training to ensure technological leadership. This will not only help enhance China's international influence, but also support sustainable growth of the domestic economy.

American experts have emphasized 130 times that China cannot rise peacefully, so how can China break the doubt?

Second, China should step up efforts to expand domestic demand. Although China is already one of the world's largest consumer markets, there is still potential for domestic demand. The government can take measures to promote household consumption, improve the level of social security, and encourage entrepreneurship and innovation to create more jobs and increase people's disposable income. This will not only help China's domestic demand growth, but also reduce dependence on foreign trade and reduce the impact of international economic fluctuations on China.

American experts have emphasized 130 times that China cannot rise peacefully, so how can China break the doubt?

In addition, China needs to continue to improve its military capabilities to ensure national security and maintain regional stability. Military strength is not only an important guarantee for national self-defense, but can also play an active role in international affairs. China should strengthen military modernization, improve the level of weapons and equipment, and actively participate in international peacekeeping operations to demonstrate its international responsibility and influence. Through these measures, China can gradually allay international concerns about its military rise and promote a peaceful rise.

In short, although the views of American experts are biased, China's peaceful rise faces real challenges. China must unswervingly promote technological innovation, expand domestic demand, and enhance its military power to gradually overcome the various "dilemmas" of its rise. This not only conforms to China's own interests, but also helps maintain global peace and stability. Just like the great rejuvenation in China's history, China's peaceful rise will be the common glory of the world and will also make positive contributions to the improvement of the global governance system. In this process, China needs to continue to uphold the concept of openness, cooperation and win-win results, and work with other countries to build a fairer, just and harmonious international order.


China's rise has become an unstoppable trend, despite the United States' repeated claims that "China cannot rise peacefully." This view though in international relations

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