
After being tortured to death for six months, the boy was pulled out 10 fingernails in a row, and the murderer turned out to be his own grandmother

author:Leisure Time Theatre

Six months after being tortured to death, ten of the boy's nails were pulled out, and it turned out that the murderer was his kisser. grandmother

If there are demons in the world, and there are demons in hell, then there are such demons in real life. Some people behave like animals. In order to indulge their selfish desires, they will do whatever it takes to persecute others. Some people don't even forgive their own family because he treats children so cruelly and horribly.

Children are still so young, they need to be loved and grow up at this age. The child does not understand how naïve he is, he only knows that you are good to him and he likes you. But there are always people who are cruel and ruthless. Such cruel and violent treatment of loved ones is truly unpredictable and chilling.

This is done to express your dissatisfaction. Today we are going to tell the story of a five-year-old boy who was abused by his own grandmother and pulled out ten nails in a row. The means are very cruel and terrible, why treat a five-year-old child like this?

After being tortured to death for six months, the boy was pulled out 10 fingernails in a row, and the murderer turned out to be his own grandmother

What kind of deep hatred is there that even his own grandson treats him like this? He was just a kid who didn't understand anything. According to news reports, the mother of the abused little boy was not in a good financial situation. So the boy's mother sent him to his grandmother's house so that she could take care of him.

But what we didn't notice was that her grandmother not only failed to take good care of him, but also abused the boy very cruelly. The little boy didn't even have enough to eat. Chronic malnutrition left the boy haggard and pale. The little boy's grandmother pulled out ten of his nails. Last October, the little boy was seriously attacked and suffered serious head injuries.

But unfortunately, after being taken to the hospital for treatment, he died here. The five-year-old boy has just left this world. Originally, he still had a long life to see the outside world, but he was tortured to death by his cruel grandmother. One child was abused for six months. For these six months, he was literally in hell.

After being tortured to death for six months, the boy was pulled out 10 fingernails in a row, and the murderer turned out to be his own grandmother

On 8 September, the court also convicted the grandmother of child molestation guilty of child abuse and death. Grandmother was sentenced to life imprisonment. The police have informed the results of the investigation. The abused mother sent the boy to his grandmother because he could not care for his three children with his ex-husband at the same time.

In July 2018, the little boy and sister were sent to his grandmother's house to be cared for by his grandmother. However, the child's mother did not explicitly tell the child that the grandmother asked her to take care of her when she left. Even my mother when I was a child did not explain the reason. Tell the grandmother, so this grandmother is very dissatisfied with her having to take care of the child alone. Dissatisfied, he began to abuse children, venting his dissatisfaction and unhappiness on the little boy. His way of venting is also extremely cruel. Not only did he not feed the little boy, but he tied his hands and feet with steel cables and strangled his neck. They were beaten with mops and brooms. Sometimes the beatings were so bad that brooms and other things were broken. He also brutally pulled out all his nails.

After being tortured to death for six months, the boy was pulled out 10 fingernails in a row, and the murderer turned out to be his own grandmother

After a long period of abuse, the little boy also developed pneumonia for various reasons. On October 31 last year, the little boy fell into a coma and was taken to the hospital for treatment. But the injury was too severe for an intracranial hemorrhage to save him. In this way, the young life left this world forever.

What's even more outrageous is that the boy's grandmother also said that she had a mental illness to abuse children in this way. Because I really can't control it, I want my sentence to be reduced because I have a mental illness.

However, the results of the hospital examination showed that the boy's grandmother was not mentally ill at all. This is nonsense. Eventually, the court sentenced her to life imprisonment for the death of the child as a result of prolonged child abuse. During these six months, the child's skin was abused, the skin ulcerated, the whole body bleed, and the wound expanded. The new wound has not healed, and the old wound has been added. She still did not let go of the child, did not even take the child to the hospital for treatment, but continued to beat and scold.

As a child, her grandmother had no intention of converting, so the court ruled that she would be deprived of her rights for life. In the end, I hope that such a thing does not happen again. Every child should grow up happy and healthy. And such demons will also be punished accordingly.