
The new agricultural cooperative is "trapped" in payment difficulties, is 380 yuan really high? Old farmer: Hide 4 big cats

author:Humorous evening tong

The New Agricultural Cooperation is a medical security policy launched by the mainland to solve the problem of farmers' medical security. The new agricultural cooperative aims to provide farmers with better and more affordable medical security services. However, in addition to the promotion of medical security services by the new agricultural cooperative cooperation, there are some unreliable problems behind it, such as difficult payment and high fees. Today, we are going to discuss the problems in the new agricultural cooperative and how to avoid them.

The new agricultural cooperative is "trapped" in payment difficulties, is 380 yuan really high? Old farmer: Hide 4 big cats

First, let's look at the difficulty of payment. Many farmers have encountered problems during the payment of the new agricultural cooperation. Why? Because many farmers are not rich and cannot afford the high cost of medical insurance. This problem may seem simple, but it is not easy to solve. To solve this problem, the government needs to introduce some incentive policies for farmers, such as exemption and exemption of new agricultural cooperative contributions. For groups of farmers, this is a very important issue that affects their families and health.

The new agricultural cooperative is "trapped" in payment difficulties, is 380 yuan really high? Old farmer: Hide 4 big cats

Second, let's look at the problem of high fees. The new rural cooperative is to provide medical security services to farmers at a lower cost. However, in practice, the cost of some services has been doubled, making the cost of medical security very high. Such a rule is very unfair, because for farmers who do not live in wealth, it is equivalent to easily "stopping" their money. This has also led to the disappointment and distrust of many farmers in the new agricultural cooperation.

The new agricultural cooperative is "trapped" in payment difficulties, is 380 yuan really high? Old farmer: Hide 4 big cats

Finally, let's take a look at the four hidden tricks in the new agricultural cooperation. This is very important because these are very detrimental to the safety of farmers. The first is the existence of black hospitals. Some clinics and hospitals are not on the NECO-list, but still have a mandate under the NPS. To shorten the time, doctors will prescribe some necessary or unnecessary medicines and tests for the elderly. This is followed by medical fees and examination fees. For changes in the cost of certain tests, such as blood glucose and liver function tests, most farmers do not notice the change in fees because these fees are often charged in a fixed form. In addition, social security fees that have already been collected may not be available in a timely manner, preventing farmers from experiencing real health care services.

The new agricultural cooperative is "trapped" in payment difficulties, is 380 yuan really high? Old farmer: Hide 4 big cats

Therefore, the government should establish a verification mechanism for the authenticity of rural medical insurance services, so that the accuracy is fully considered in the examination and approval, and investigate the situation in various places, eliminate loopholes in the new agricultural cooperation system, and safeguard the rights and interests of the elderly.

The new agricultural cooperative is "trapped" in payment difficulties, is 380 yuan really high? Old farmer: Hide 4 big cats

Finally, although there are some problems in the new agricultural cooperative system, grasping the essence of the new agricultural cooperation system can enable farmers to grasp the social medical insurance resources and protect their due rights and interests.