
A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

author:Mickey is gone

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A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry
A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

Text | Mitch



This small country in the South Pacific was once known as "paradise on earth", with blue sea and blue sky scenery, beautiful and moving girls, tourists here seem to be in a wonderland on earth.

But behind this wonderland hides an unknown secret, the prevalence of drugs and sex trade!

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

Drug dealers have smuggled more than 500 tons of cocaine here, and the gangs are in charge of the city, and the murder rate is among the highest in the world.

Moreover, the country treats women as commodities, and the government not only indulges prostitution, but even supports the auction or exchange of wives at will.

It looks like heaven, but it's actually hell! Why is a good country so ridiculous?

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

The abyss of colonial rule, the hope of democracy out of poverty

Honduras in Central America is an ancient country with a long civilization, where the Maya and Aztecs thrived and created a brilliant culture.

Columbus's "discovery" in the 16th century completely changed the fate of the place, and the colonists brought not only high civilization, but also boundless greed and violence.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

The Spaniards regarded Honduras as their own backyard, growing drugs on a large scale, plundering resources, enslaving the population, and the indigenous population was forced into slavery and living an inhuman life on plantations.

The rebels would face brutal repression, and the Spanish colonists would violently establish rule over Honduras to serve Spain's own interests.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

Honduras declared independence in the 19th century without truly freeing itself from colonial rule, and Britain and the United States quickly replaced Spain and continued to control the fragile country through economic plunder and political intervention.

Honduras became a transit point for drugs, from which cocaine and other drugs flowed to the United States, and Hondurans once again fell victim to colonizers.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

In the 20th century, the United States interfered in the internal affairs of Honduras out of national interests, and in 1954 the United States supported a military coup d'état that overthrew the democratically elected government.

In the 80s, the United States supported Honduras' intervention in the civil war of neighboring countries, which led to the death of more than 300,000 people and the creation of more than 2 million refugees, and the economy of Honduras was devastated.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

But the people of Honduras did not abandon their quest for independence and democracy, and democracy sprouted in Honduras at the beginning of the 21st century, when the first left-wing president came to power and began to fight poverty and inequality.

He increased investment in education and infrastructure, improved health care and social security, and worked to narrow the gap between rich and poor. Despite the difficult road, Honduras has seen significant improvements in human development indicators and poverty rates.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

Drugs remained a big problem, but Honduras was moving out of the quagmire of history and rebuilding the country through democracy and development.

With extraordinary courage and perseverance, the people of Honduras have proved to the world that indomitable struggle will prevail over poverty and tyranny, and they have brought a ray of hope to the peoples of the third world, which are also oppressed.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

A hot spot for drugs

When Juan Orlando Hernández became president of Honduras in 2014, he promised to lead the country to the light, but soon he embarked on the path of drug trafficking in order to revive the economy.

Honduras, a small, resource-poor, monolithic country that relies mainly on exports of primary commodities to sustain its economy, is helpless as markets for several major exports shrink.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

In order to overcome the economic difficulties, he seized a large amount of land for drug cultivation, formed a large landlord-style economic structure, and colluded with the oligarchy to exclude the domestic bourgeoisie, further plunging Honduras into trouble.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

This has led to reduced food production, large numbers of farmers taking to the streets to protest over food and clothing, and violence in Honduras has become increasingly problematic. The country has a high murder rate and brutal methods, making it one of the most dangerous countries in the world.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

Hernandez also encouraged gang fights, screened drug traffickers, accused of manipulating gangs for drug trafficking, and street gangs became hotbeds of crime and turned Honduras into a hell of drugs, violence and despair.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

But this is just the tip of the iceberg of Honduras, a tropical region once rich in natural resources and hospitable people, known as the "Little Switzerland" of Central America.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

But colonial plunder and internal corruption led the country step by step to the point of no return for drug trafficking and crime.

As early as the 20th century, Honduras, along with neighboring Guatemala, became the "back garden" of American fruit companies, which monopolized Honduras' rich land resources but brought only exploitation and poverty to the locals.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

The people of Honduras had to leave their homes and work plantations, and Honduras' forest resources were severely damaged.

Honduras, which could have reversed its fortunes after independence, is still subject to the economic control of the United States, and in the late 70s, Honduras began to grow bananas in large quantities for export to the United States.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

This industry once supported the economy of Honduras, but it was eventually controlled and has been in trouble since the 21st century as the penetration of the US economy into Latin America has intensified.

Hernández's rise to power further deepened its dependence on the United States, and Honduras lost its economic autonomy and became a vassal of the United States.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

In the context of the runaway economy, drugs are rampant, and Honduras has become an important link in the South American drug industry chain, and a large amount of cocaine is shipped to the United States through Honduras.

Honduras has also become a consumer market, with a large number of gang members becoming more difficult to control after drug use, and violent criminal activity has increased, and Honduras has been drawn into a drug spiral with no end in sight.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

Honduras' environment is also becoming increasingly polluted, with garbage everywhere, blackened rivers, the pungent smell of processing plants in the air, and starlight rarely seen even at night.

Rapid urbanization has exacerbated traffic congestion and law and order problems, forced women to survive to earn a living from the sex trade, and the country is being consumed by drugs and crime, and people are living in dire straits.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

Hernández did not hesitate to let the country fall to this point for the sake of the economy, and his actions should be condemned, and Honduras needs to get rid of external dependence, establish an independent economy, and restore its former glory.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

The fate of women

Honduras is a country full of pathos, and the economic backwardness of the situation has led a large number of women to choose to sell their bodies in order to survive.

The economic situation in Honduras is quite bad, with nearly 25% of Hondurans identifying themselves as in the poorest strata, according to a 2018 poll.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

If we look at the level of development, the 2019 Human Development Index shows that Honduras is at the same level as the poorest countries in Africa.

This poverty has led to serious social problems, such as high youth unemployment and high social inequalities, which have further contributed to the prosperity of the sex industry.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

High unemployment means more time for illegal work, social injustice creates discontent, and economic hardship pushes people to satisfy material desires, all of which are reasons why women go down the road to prostitution.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

Honduras' economic backwardness has also led to a drug epidemic, with many women themselves being drug users or needing to earn money to feed their drug-addicted families, and the result of the vicious cycle of drugs is that they are further cornered and eventually become prisoners of the sex trade.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

As the bottom of society, Honduran women have no other means of livelihood but to sell their bodies, and many of them are themselves drug addicts or have families who need to support themselves from drug use, which makes them even more desperate.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

Honduras has become the largest red-light district in Central America, and men from all over the world come to it as a paradise for fun. Visitors often see Honduran women as sex toys to play with, as their own backyard.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

In an alley in the province of Atlantida, a prostitute woman named Lelina lives in the alley, where she spends her days soliciting business in exchange for her living expenses, drug addiction and support her idle husband.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

The alleys are full of people who can't find jobs, people who use drugs, and women who have sunk in the peach trade, and Lelina has no time to care about drug addicts who fall to the ground in order to complete the business as quickly as possible, she needs to make money, otherwise it will be difficult to survive.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

The fate of these women is worrying, will they die from drug addiction, disease, domestic violence? Or can you just survive on the trade of flesh? No one knows their end.

Some blame the plight of Honduras on the laziness of the countrymen, but in fact Central America as a whole is facing violence and pornography.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

This seems to be related to an external power, and that is "the United States".

It has close historical and geographical ties to Latin America and has had a decisive impact on Honduras.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

The Honduran government has also come to realize the benefits of relying on the sex trade of women to develop tourism, and these women have been turned into a tool to attract foreign tourists.

Some officials even solicit foreign men to come here in search of flowers, turning Honduras into a haven of indulgence.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

When a society needs to rely on the female body to drive economic development, the society loses the motivation for real progress.

Honduras is experiencing moral decay, trampling on civil rights and loopholes in the rule of law. Such an environment further erodes the dignity of women.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

Honduran women are going through a life without dignity, and we cannot simply blame them for it, but need to reflect on why this society has pushed women into the abyss.

Perhaps Honduras needs to rely on women to drive the economy, but this has lost the motivation for society to move forward, and we can only find solutions to social problems through rational thinking, so that everyone can live in dignity.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry


But Honduras' future is not hopeless, and perhaps it is this long and dark history that has given birth to the courage and strength of the Honduran people to rise up to resist.

When they resolve to unite and rebuild their homeland from the shackles of the past, Honduras will finally usher in its spring.

How we can provide sincere and effective help while respecting Honduras' independent choice is a question worth pondering.

A small country where what appears to be heaven is actually hell, the president spearheads drug trafficking and relies on special services to drive the tourism industry

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