
Definitions, examples and key technologies of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT).

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The term "Industrial Internet of Things" is prevalent in an industrial context, as digital transformation has become a business priority for many organizations. So, what is IIoT?

Industry 4.0

With internet computing and other advancements in the internet, we are now in the middle of the next industrial revolution, mining and turning data into information.

This period of evolution is known as Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which includes the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and digital transformation mechanisms to facilitate the development of the fourth generation of automation era.

What is the Industrial Internet of Things?

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), also known as the Industrial Internet, is a part, or arguably, a subset of the Internet of Things. It is a network of numerous industrial devices connected by communication technologies that enable systems to monitor, collect, exchange, analyze, and deliver valuable new insights that can help industrial companies make smarter, faster business decisions like never before. This improves the efficiency of manufacturing processes and services and reduces costs.

IIOT's main focus is on industrial applications such as manufacturing, power plants, agriculture, energy, and more.

Real-time data for the Industrial Internet of Things

For most organizations, data is not real-time, inefficient, and prevents key stakeholders from making informed decisions. IIoT makes decisions based on information received in real time, not reports created based on yesterday's data.

IIoT is about connected instruments, sensors, and many other devices. They are networked together and communicate with computer-driven industrial applications in many manufacturing and energy management business areas.

IIoT is the evolution of control systems to significantly improve automation by using cloud computing to enhance and optimize process control.

Key technologies of the Industrial Internet of Things

IIoT relies on many technologies, but key technologies mainly include artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, cloud computing, edge computing, and data mining.

(1) Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are part of computer science. It is becoming increasingly important for IoT as they can be used to analyze the vast amounts of data generated by IoT devices and extract meaningful insights. This can help businesses make smarter decisions and optimize their operations.

(2) Network security technology

Cybersecurity technology became an important foundation for the Internet of Things and IIoT, enabling disconnected machines to physically connect and communicate in a secure manner.

(3) Cloud computing

Cloud computing basically uses IT services and files uploaded and downloaded from Internet-based servers, rather than servers connected locally to an external network.

(4) Edge computing

Edge computing is a distributed computing model that brings data storage closer to where it is needed and optimizes sensors, industrial computers, and devices that are part of an IIoT system to publish and consume data for faster processing.

(5) Data mining

Data mining and analysis is about collating and inspecting large amounts of data stored from various parts of a business.

(6) Digital twin

A digital twin is a virtual representation that refers to a digital replica of a physical company's physical assets, existing processes, automation systems, and equipment. The twins use real-time data to enable learning and reasoning to improve decision-making.

(7) Blockchain

Blockchain technology is being explored as a way to improve IoT security and privacy. Blockchain can be used to create secure, decentralized networks for IoT devices, which can minimize data security breaches.

Examples of IIoT applications


IIoT devices can be used in manufacturing to monitor machine performance, detect equipment failures, and optimize production processes. For example, sensors can be used to monitor the temperature and humidity of manufacturing facilities to ensure optimal conditions for the production of sensitive products. IoT devices can also be used to track inventory, manage supply chains, and monitor the quality of finished products. The Industrial Internet of Things is such a vast space for new technologies that it is sometimes referred to by its own abbreviation: IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things).

Definitions, examples and key technologies of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT).


IoT devices can be used in agriculture to monitor soil conditions, weather patterns, and crop growth. For example, sensors can be used to measure the moisture content of soil, ensuring that crops are irrigated at the optimal time. IoT devices can also be used to monitor livestock health, track equipment, and manage supply chains. In remote areas, low-power or solar-powered devices can often be used with minimal supervision.

Definitions, examples and key technologies of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT).


In the transportation industry, IoT devices can be used to monitor vehicle performance, optimize routes, and track freight. For example, sensors can be used to monitor the fuel efficiency of connected cars, reducing fuel costs and improving sustainability. IoT devices can also be used to monitor the condition of goods to ensure that they arrive at their destination in optimal condition.

Definitions, examples and key technologies of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT).

Industrial IoT development tools

Sovit3D is an IoT visualization PaaS development platform, based on JavaScript language, which provides rich display forms and visual effects for web visualization, helping software development companies and solution providers easily build 3D visualization interfaces. The platform focuses on visual applications such as production control of industrial digital twins and monitoring and operation and maintenance of smart cities, and the modular configuration form of the product can meet the construction of all-factor smart scenarios. Widely used in power energy, water conservancy, Internet of Things, industrial Internet, smart city, smart medical, smart agriculture, IT operation and maintenance and other industries.

Sovit3D platform adopts B/S architecture, based on WebGL drawing technology standards, provides 3D visualization industry components based on web browser, supports HTML5/SVG and other latest technologies, and can be easily browsed and debugged on the browser. Make large-screen visualization applications for developers that meet the user's habits, including 2D chart analysis, 3D architectural reality, 3D industrial equipment models and other related content, which can be easily dragged and dropped, and real-time data and animation display, history playback, alarm, command issuance and other functions can be controlled.

The Sovit3D platform provides a large number of 3D models, and custom models can also be uploaded online; Zero-code visual online editing, fully automatic scene file generation; Multiple data source access, easy to seamlessly connect with third-party platforms, visually set real-time animation effects, simple settings can be introduced into third-party systems... There are many features, and all IoT visualization developers can log in to the platform to try it out by themselves.

As a platform, Sovit3D not only contains the environment required for development, but also provides a large number of examples to learn online, and a large number of templates and 3D models can be used directly.

For more information, click Information Events - Aerospace Cloud Network, National Industrial Internet Platform

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