
LeEco's autumn media conference announced the revision of the sub-account, and all the proceeds were given to the film party!

author:Online Entertainment Observer

On September 25, LeTV Video held the 2023 Fall Media Communication Conference, at which the main creative team of LeTV's solo drama "Da Sheng Kui" met with the audience. The event brought together director Wang Xinmin, screenwriter Mei Feng, actors Su Li, Wu Liansheng and other creative team members to share the filming process and profound insights into film and television creation.

In addition, Xu Tianyang, head of LeEco Video copyright, revealed LeEco Video's next billing revision plan at the press conference: LeEco Video will transform into a video open platform, lower the threshold for cooperation, and all the revenue brought by the video will be given to the film side, and there is no limit on the billing period to allow the film party to make profits through the platform without kidnapping the copyright of the film party. At the same time, it does not over-market, reduces marketing noise pollution, and also provides a clean environment for the audience to choose the content independently.

LeEco's autumn media conference announced the revision of the sub-account, and all the proceeds were given to the film party!

"Da Sheng Kui" has been dusted for ten years, but now it is more realistic to broadcast, I believe young people will like it

On September 10, "Da Sheng Kui" was broadcast exclusively on the LeTV video network platform, and the first round of Inner Mongolia Satellite TV, Shanxi Satellite TV and Tianjin Satellite TV was broadcast. A TV series that has been written for 4 years, filmed and produced for 3 years, and waiting to be broadcast for 10 years has finally been presented to hundreds of millions of viewers across the country.

Since its launch two weeks ago, its ratings have performed well in the provincial satellite TV Golden Theater TV series, and the Douban score once climbed to 9 points, and now it is stable at 8.8 points, and the daily playback volume of LeTV Video Station is second only to "The Legend of Zhen Huan". This TV series that has gone through a bumpy road has finally handed over a satisfactory answer to the audience. Why did such a historical legendary drama with an excellent reputation suffer twists and turns in distribution and broadcast for ten years?

LeEco's autumn media conference announced the revision of the sub-account, and all the proceeds were given to the film party!

Director Wang Xinmin regretted that after the filming of the TV series, the review team and the TV station gave high evaluation, but at that time, the entire TV series market was gradually taking shape, and distribution became a new industry, and the team did not understand this enough, thus delaying the release. But in today's environment, the director believes that ten years of dust is not necessarily a bad thing.

"Da Sheng Kui" takes the opening of the grassland Silk Road in the early Qing Dynasty and the bumpy experience of three grassroots entrepreneurship as the content, telling the origin of "taking the west exit" and the legendary story of China's largest multinational trading company "Da Sheng Kui" in this situation. Three helpless grassroots civilians experienced hard work and entrepreneurship and relied on hard work and wisdom to achieve a counterattack, Wang Xinmin believes, "Stories like "Da Sheng Kui" are more relevant in the current economic environment, and will be an inspiration for young people facing setbacks and challenges, I believe that if young people watch this drama, they will be inspired and will like this drama." ”

"In addition, the history of Da Sheng Kui is closely related to the development of Hohhot, and choosing to broadcast it on its hometown Inner Mongolia Satellite TV in the first round will play a positive role in understanding the history and culture of Inner Mongolia and Hohhot, promoting the development of local tourism, commerce and economy, and cultivating national pride and cohesion," said director Wang Xinmin.

According to reports, in order to restore historical stories, especially in the absence of sufficient historical materials, Wang Xinmin compiled two masterpieces, namely "Travel to Mongolia Business Guide" and "Walking to the West Exit Tongjian", a total of more than 3 million words, for the reference and study of actors and crew. In addition, in the process of script creation, young screenwriters Wang Lusha and Mei Feng were also invited to join in to examine historical figures such as Wang Xiangqing, Shi University, and Zhang Jie from the perspective of young people.

The drama took 10 months to complete and covered all seasons of the year, ensuring a true restoration of the climate and environment, while also striving to serve the Tao's accuracy. As the director said: "We want the audience to be closer to the original flavor of the story, closer to the archetypes of historical figures." Although "Da Sheng Kui" was delayed for ten years for various reasons, the story itself is not outdated, and we believe that today's young audiences will also enjoy it. "With a solid script, a twisty story, a real environment, a vivid performance, and beautiful music, I believe this drama will move the audience with sincerity." This is also the only reason why a drama has no traffic stars, no small fresh meat, and can still be favored by various David TV stations after more than ten years. ”

LeEco's autumn media conference announced the revision of the sub-account, and all the proceeds were given to the film party!

Behind the exclusive broadcast of "Da Sheng Kui" LeTV video is a bet on a good story

At this media conference, LeEco Video not only presented the highly anticipated historical TV series "Da Sheng Kui" to the audience, but also revealed the content cooperation logic behind it and its unremitting pursuit of high-quality content. Xu Tianyang, head of LeEco Video Copyright, introduced that LeEco Video has always been characterized by classic film libraries and classic content, always adhering to the creative spirit of featuring classic content, taking stories as the core, and pursuing comprehensive production quality. And "Da Sheng Kui" fits this style perfectly.

Interestingly, some people also compared "Da Sheng Kui" with LeTV Video's hit "The Legend of Zhen Huan". Both dramas take place during the Kangyong period of the Qing Dynasty, although the themes are different, the former is a drama based on the hunger and cold of men in the vast grassland to start a business, the latter is a drama about harem women seeking survival and gaining power, seemingly without any similarities, but in fact they are about characters with a low starting point, relying on persistence, perseverance, forbearance to finally achieve a counterattack, are contrary to today's "if you can't lie down" thinking, there is the meaning of encouragement and encouragement. Moreover, Da Sheng Kui is based on real history and characters, which is more realistic than "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

According to director Wang Xinmin, before LeTV Video, the head video platform also contacted the show. However, due to the early production time and long broadcast time, there was no reply to the cooperation, and it was at this time that LeEco Video decided to introduce the show without hesitation.

Xu Tianyang, head of LeEco Video Copyright, said, "In the absence of hype marketing, the premiere performance of "Da Sheng Kui" has been very good, and the internal evaluation before the introduction is also extremely high, and we will definitely not lose money on this show." LeEco Video has bought a large number of film sources in its history, some of which are very successful, and some of which have suffered serious losses. It is the soberness and maturity after getting rid of excessive waste, and the reason after precipitation and reflection, that makes the platform firmly choose the highly anticipated work "Da Sheng Kui", and at the same time, LeEco Video is firmly optimistic about the revenue return created by the show in the next 10 years.

Xu Tianyang introduced, "LeEco Video does not consider dramas that rely purely on traffic stars as selling points. LeEco Video is the first platform in China to buy copyright and distribute copyright, and the way to spend money is indeed very dashing, we did have been willful, but now we can't afford to burn it. We now value better scripts and good stories, and we have been in contact with projects that are in line with the values of the platform. ”

It was previously reported that the revenue brought by "The Legend of Zhen Huan" to LeEco Video is still tens of millions every year, and some netizens said that "The Legend of Zhen Huan" fed LeEco employees. It is true that the success of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has benefited LeEco for a long time, and behind this is actually the positive return brought by the choice and positioning of the platform, and it also proves the correctness of LeEco Video to do classic content and pursue good stories.

LeEco's autumn media conference announced the revision of the sub-account, and all the proceeds were given to the film party!

LeEco Video will open a new chapter: change the existing billing model of the industry and transform into an open video platform

At this media conference, Xu Tianyang, head of LeEco Video Copyright, revealed LeEco Video's upcoming important plan, that is, to transform the video open platform and make changes to the existing video billing model. The new billing sharing model does not set a limit on the period of account sharing, which allows the film party to make profits through the platform without kidnapping the copyright of the film party. At the same time, it does not over-market, reduces marketing noise pollution, and also provides a clean environment for the audience to choose the content independently.

He said: "The biggest feature of the video open platform is that it lowers the threshold for cooperation between the film side and the platform. Our billing policy is very open, 100% of the revenue is given to the filmmaker, and LeEco Video does not charge any commission and service fee. Moreover, the film party can enter and exit independently, and does not kidnap the copyright of the film party. We'll also provide an easy-to-manage and operational back-office where partners can run their own content. Let the good films that have no foothold on the market have platform broadcasts and have revenue returns; It is our vision to let users decide what good content is, rather than over-marketed, platform-rated content, and give users full respect and right to speak. ”

The launch of this new billing model is believed to be expected to solve the distribution problems of the film and television drama industry, and at the same time introduce more high-quality content to the platform, pushing the platform to a new height. According to reports, LeEco Video's new billing model will be launched around the end of the year.

LeEco's "Da Sheng Kui" creator media meeting brought us a lot of exciting news and inspiration. After years of waiting, "Da Sheng Kui" finally met the audience, and its success proved that the value of a good story is irreplaceable, even if it is ten years of dust. The transformation of LeEco Video may create a new video platform model, inject new vitality into the film and television industry, and bring more high-quality content to the audience.

The power of stories will never wane, and the spark of innovation will ignite a broader future. As viewers and industry practitioners, we look forward to more classics like "Da Sheng Kui", and look forward to the new video open platform to bring us more surprises.