
Suspected ideal employees bombard friends: Qianjie is not equal to Huawei, Qianjie M7 is oil to electricity

author:Entertain Phoenix Fire

On September 12, 2023, Cialis Automobile and Huawei announced a partnership to release the impressive AITO new M7 car. The new model caused an uproar in the market, with orders already exceeding 15,000 units in less than 24 hours on the market, and in the following days, the number of orders also climbed rapidly, reaching 2,000 and 2,700 units on September 16 and 17, respectively, and the total order number may have exceeded 20,000 vehicles. However, despite the impressive sales performance of the M7, some Ideal Car employees questioned it, arguing that the M7 is only an oil-to-electricity product, not equivalent to traditional Huawei cars, and they pointed out problems in sales, product positioning, suspension systems and safety.

Suspected ideal employees bombard friends: Qianjie is not equal to Huawei, Qianjie M7 is oil to electricity

This article will take a closer look at the launch and market performance of AITO's new M7, as well as its impact on Ideal Auto and the automotive market as a whole. At the same time, we will explore the challenges and choices that car buyers may face between choosing the ideal L7 and the M7, as these decisions depend not only on individual needs, but also on the values of car buyers.

Sales of AITO's new M7 are booming

The release of AITO's new M7 has caused a stir in the automotive market, especially because it is the product of Cialis Automobile's cooperation with Huawei. In less than 24 hours on the day of launch, orders for the M7 have already reached 15,000 units, which is an impressive number.

Suspected ideal employees bombard friends: Qianjie is not equal to Huawei, Qianjie M7 is oil to electricity

More strikingly, M7 sales momentum has not weakened over time, reaching 2,000 and 2,700 units on September 16 and 17, respectively, and the total order number is likely to have exceeded 20,000 units.

There are many reasons behind this sales boom. First of all, the M7 is equipped with Huawei's advanced technology, including autonomous driving, intelligent interconnection and other functions, which have attracted many technology enthusiasts and potential consumers. Secondly, the M7 is competitive in terms of price, range and fuel consumption, attracting buyers who are looking for a good value for money. Finally, the reputation of the cooperative brand Cialis Automobile has also helped the sales of the M7, giving consumers a certain confidence.

Suspected ideal employees bombard friends: Qianjie is not equal to Huawei, Qianjie M7 is oil to electricity

Doubts from ideal car employees

However, despite AITO's excellent sales of the new M7, not everyone is optimistic about the new car. Some employees of Ideal Car questioned, believing that the M7 is not equivalent to Huawei's traditional products, but an oil-to-electricity product. Here are some of the main questions they raised:

Sales below the Ideal L7: Ideal Auto introduced the L7 long before the release of the M7, and the model sold relatively well in the market. Employees believe that the M7's sales momentum, while strong, still cannot match the L7, raising doubts about its market appeal.

Suspected ideal employees bombard friends: Qianjie is not equal to Huawei, Qianjie M7 is oil to electricity

Different product positioning: The M7's product positioning seems to be different from the traditional positioning of the ideal car. Some employees worry that the M7's presence could lead to confusion in the market, making it difficult for consumers to understand the difference between the two brands.

Suspension system is not high-end: There are reports that the M7's suspension system is not high-end independent suspension, but traditional non-independent suspension. This raised concerns among some employees about the quality and performance of the M7.

Safety concerns: Some employees mentioned the M7's safety concerns, and while not elaborating on specific issues, it raised some concerns about the model's safety.

Suspected ideal employees bombard friends: Qianjie is not equal to Huawei, Qianjie M7 is oil to electricity

The competitiveness of the M7

Despite some skepticism, AITO's new M7 remains competitive in some respects. Here are some of the features that stand out:

Price competitiveness: The M7 is relatively affordable, making it an extremely cost-effective EV option for many car buyers. This has led to more people considering buying electric vehicles, thereby driving the growth of the electric vehicle market.

Range: The M7's relatively long range is a big selling point in the electric vehicle segment. Long range means longer driving distance, while also reducing the frequency of charging and improving user convenience.

Suspected ideal employees bombard friends: Qianjie is not equal to Huawei, Qianjie M7 is oil to electricity

Fuel consumption performance: Although the M7 is an electric vehicle, its fuel consumption performance is still impressive. This means that car buyers can enjoy a low-cost driving experience even if the charging facilities are not convenient enough.

The competitive pressure of the M7 on the ideal car

AITO asked about the success of the new M7

Chapter Five: M7's Competitive Pressure on the Ideal Car

The success of AITO's new M7 not only attracted the attention of its competitors, but also brought certain competitive pressure to Li Auto. Although the M7 and the L7 of Ideal Car have their own advantages and positioning, they still have overlapping market segments, so it is inevitable that they will compete for the same consumers in the competition.

Suspected ideal employees bombard friends: Qianjie is not equal to Huawei, Qianjie M7 is oil to electricity

First of all, the low price and good performance of the M7 may attract some potential consumers who originally considered buying the L7. Car buyers may start to consider whether it is worth paying a higher price for the L7 or opt for the more affordable M7.

Second, the M7's range and low fuel consumption may give some consumers greater confidence in the viability of electric vehicles. This could reduce some buyers who might otherwise opt for a traditional internal combustion engine car, causing a certain loss of market share to the ideal car.

However, the ideal car is not without a strategy to fight back. The company can enhance the L7's unique selling points, such as higher-level suspension, more advanced safety technology and a more comfortable interior to appeal to consumers who value automotive performance and quality.

Suspected ideal employees bombard friends: Qianjie is not equal to Huawei, Qianjie M7 is oil to electricity

In addition, Li Auto can also enhance marketing to increase brand awareness and clearly communicate the unique value of its products. At the same time, they can consider further lowering the price of L7 to remain competitive in the market.

In conclusion, the success of AITO's new M7 does give Ideal Auto some competitive pressure, but Ideal Auto has a variety of strategies to meet this challenge to maintain its position in the market.

Choosing L7 or M7 – depends on individual needs and values

The decision to buy a car is an important one for every consumer, and the choice between the L7 or the new AITO M7 may depend on individual needs and values.

Performance and quality needs: If a consumer values car performance, high-quality interiors and superior suspension, then the L7 of the ideal car may be more suitable for their needs. The higher price of the L7 may be seen as good value for money in this case.

Price sensitivity: For those who are very price-sensitive, AITO's new M7 may be a more attractive option because it offers a more affordable price while offering the advantages of an electric vehicle.

Green awareness: Consumers who are sensitive to environmental issues may prefer to choose electric vehicles because they can reduce their negative impact on the environment.

In this regard, both the M7 and L7 are electric vehicles, so both can meet this demand.

Tech Seekers: Consumers who are keen on the latest technology may be inclined to choose the AITO New M7 because it is equipped with Huawei's advanced technologies, including autonomous driving and smart connectivity features.

Driving habits and needs: The final choice may also depend on the individual's driving habits and needs. If a person usually drives short distances in the city, then an electric car may be more suitable, while someone who needs to travel long distances may be more concerned about range.

In short, the choice between buying the L7 or AITO M7 depends on the consumer's personal circumstances and priorities.

In the decision to buy a car, consumers should weigh various factors such as price, performance, environmental protection, and technology to find the most suitable car model for them.


The release and hot sales of AITO's new M7 have brought new vitality to the automobile market, and at the same time, it has also given Li Auto a certain competitive pressure. The success of the M7 partly indicates the strong demand for EVs and technology integration, but it has also sparked some controversy over product positioning and quality.

When it comes to car buying decisions, consumers should weigh their choices based on their personal needs, values, and budget. Whether it's the L7 of the ideal car or the AITO new M7, there are their own advantages and disadvantages, and no one option is suitable for everyone.