
Wang Lin, a 35-year-old lawyer with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, longs for marriage. Lower the standard and remain lonely and disappointed.

author:Xiaole talks about emotions

Wang Lin, 35 years old, works in a well-known law firm with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan. She has an ordinary appearance, a well-proportioned figure, and a cheerful personality, but she is still unmarried. Her family and relatives around her kept urging her to get married, thinking that she was getting older and could no longer pick and choose.

Wang Lin, a 35-year-old lawyer with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, longs for marriage. Lower the standard and remain lonely and disappointed.

Although Wang Lin longs for marriage, she has quite high requirements for herself and is unwilling to marry someone who is not suitable casually. In the past few years, she has had several romantic relationships, but they ended in a breakup for various reasons such as family objections, insuitability and personality discord. Wang Lin felt that she had a bad fate and never met anyone who really loved her.

Wang Lin, a 35-year-old lawyer with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, longs for marriage. Lower the standard and remain lonely and disappointed.

Her friend Yang Jie has been urging her to relax her selection criteria and give herself and others more opportunities. Yang Jie told Wang Lin that men not only value money and appearance, but also pay more attention to feelings, character and fate. She cited herself and her husband, pointing out that she did not pursue a rich, handsome or well-educated man, but felt comfortable and harmonious with her husband, so she decided to get married. Yang Jie believes that Wang Lin should lower her standards and give herself and others more opportunities.

Wang Lin, a 35-year-old lawyer with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, longs for marriage. Lower the standard and remain lonely and disappointed.

However, Wang Lin does not admit defeat, she firmly believes that she needs to find at least a man with a monthly salary of more than 15,000 yuan to be worthy of herself. She began to look for the right partner through online blind dates and various events, and although she tried to lower the criteria for choosing a mate, no one pursued her. Some of the men I met thought she was too strong and conceited, some thought she was too old and not outstanding enough, and some thought she was too realistic and utilitarian.

Wang Lin, a 35-year-old lawyer with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, longs for marriage. Lower the standard and remain lonely and disappointed.

Gradually, Wang Lin felt more and more frustrated and desperate. She began to question whether she had a problem, whether she was destined to be alone for a lifetime. She often cries about what happened to her, and keeps asking why no one wants to marry her despite having lowered her mate selection criteria.

Wang Lin, a 35-year-old lawyer with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, longs for marriage. Lower the standard and remain lonely and disappointed.

However, frustration and despair did not solve the problem, but put Wang Lin in a deeper dilemma. Her friend Yang Jie talked to her again and persuaded her to change her way of thinking. Yang Jie pointed out that Wang Lin was too obsessed with external conditions, and ignored the inner quality and the tacit understanding of getting along. She encouraged Wang Lin to re-examine herself, understand her own worth and merits, and believe that true love exists.

Wang Lin, a 35-year-old lawyer with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, longs for marriage. Lower the standard and remain lonely and disappointed.

Gradually, Wang Lin began to accept Yang Jie's advice, she tried to let go of the past stubbornness, communicate with male friends more, understand more. She began to pay more attention to her inner feelings and build a real emotional connection with people. At the same time, she has also put more effort into self-growth and improving her ability to make herself more independent and confident.

Wang Lin, a 35-year-old lawyer with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, longs for marriage. Lower the standard and remain lonely and disappointed.

In this process, Wang Lin gradually found that some of the men she met did not fully meet her ideal standards, but they could bring her sincere feelings and care. She understands that true happiness depends not only on how much you give, but also on the sincerity and common struggle of both parties. She learns to cherish immediate happiness and stop overly pursuing perfection.

Wang Lin, a 35-year-old lawyer with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, longs for marriage. Lower the standard and remain lonely and disappointed.

In the end, fate arranged that Wang Lin met a young engineer with a monthly salary of 12,000 yuan. They met at a social event and began a pure and beautiful relationship. Although his monthly salary is lower than the standard set by Wang Lin, he has good qualities, sincere emotions and a positive yearning for the future.

Wang Lin, a 35-year-old lawyer with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, longs for marriage. Lower the standard and remain lonely and disappointed.

Wang Lin understood that love is not only a collision of money and appearance, but also a kind of spiritual fit and mutual companionship. In the process of getting along with this young engineer, she gradually discovered that her happiness already existed, but she needed to discover and grasp it herself.

Wang Lin, a 35-year-old lawyer with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, longs for marriage. Lower the standard and remain lonely and disappointed.

Therefore, Wang Lin chose to bravely let go of the stubbornness and anxiety of the past and welcome the true happiness in her heart. She finally understood that the level of mate selection standards does not determine the happiness of life, but inner tolerance and a positive attitude towards life can truly bring happiness and satisfaction.

Wang Lin, a 35-year-old lawyer with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, longs for marriage. Lower the standard and remain lonely and disappointed.

This story teaches us that it is crucial to let go of past obsessions and stubbornness on the road to finding love and marriage. We need to re-examine our inner needs, learn to be tolerant and tolerant, and believe in true love. Only in this way can we find our own happiness and satisfaction in adversity.

Wang Lin, a 35-year-old lawyer with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, longs for marriage. Lower the standard and remain lonely and disappointed.

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