
"Infernal" three times in the play hinted at the identity of "Tsing Yi", Shen Xiao is a double agent?

author:Smile Spring Breeze D1a

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In the TV series "Infernal", the first duel between Shem Guan and Shen Xiao, on the surface, Shem Guan has the upper hand with a carefully planned serial scheme. However, in fact, in this game, Agent "Tsing Yi" skillfully participates in it from the bottom up, in a linear structure, achieving his goal.

The flash officer's serial plan is really clever, he can be called the best in the military system, and his plan is extremely thorough and almost flawless. However, through the narration of Hua Shan, the head of Yan'an intelligence, we understand that the plan of the flash officer is not without flaws. In this process, "Tsing Yi" had already recognized the intention of the flash official.

However, it is worth noting that Tsing Yi did not immediately stop the plans of the flash official. Instead, he used the actions of the flash official to return the fiat currency template to the Chongqing government, and dealt a serious blow to the special secret group, causing them to lose a lot. This move shows us that Tsing Yi is in a clever position in the situation, able to respond flexibly to the situation and achieve its goals.

"Infernal" three times in the play hinted at the identity of "Tsing Yi", Shen Xiao is a double agent?

If we look closely at Shem's serial plan, we will find that during the execution process, three hints were left in the play, pointing to the same person, that is, Tsing Yi.

First, we can review the plot of that fish tank. The Flash Officer needed the key to the data room, and Lu Feng was very careful in obtaining the key, and even did not touch the mark that Shen Xiao left under the handle when opening the safe. However, Shen Xiao immediately noticed something unusual after returning to the office, which may be due to the agent's intuition. He examined the safe and keys in detail, and although he found no abnormalities, he stared at the fish tank for a long time, as if thinking about the connection with the keys, the data room, and the fiat template. This episode is not just a repetition, but a subtle reminder that Shen Xiao has doubts about the key, linking it to the plan to rob the fiat template, thus revealing the loopholes in the flash official plan.

"Infernal" three times in the play hinted at the identity of "Tsing Yi", Shen Xiao is a double agent?

Secondly, through Huashan's narration, we learn that Tsing Yi already knew about the plans of the flash official, including sneaking up on the headquarters of the secret group, snatching the fiat currency template, and attacking the data room. Therefore, he chose to pretend to cooperate and intervene in the situation by means of force. The key to this is that Tsing Yi can see the overall situation and see the true purpose of the flash official in advance. His actions require precise information and resourceful strategy, and only those in positions of authority can ensure the smooth execution of the plan and achieve "pushing the boat with the water". Other members of the secret group, such as Betty, while appearing suspicious, lack sufficient information and resources to play a similar role. Even the male protagonist Lu Feng, although he can obtain information from both sides, cannot influence the actions of the special secret group, because Shen Xiao's right to speak in the special secret group is indisputable. Therefore, Tsing Yi is the only candidate with these conditions.

"Infernal" three times in the play hinted at the identity of "Tsing Yi", Shen Xiao is a double agent?

Finally, the play has long given a little clue about Tsing Yi's identity. In the episode of capturing Han Tian, Shen Xiao obtained a set of passwords through the radio listening to stock market reports, deciphered and destroyed the paper. This behavior reveals that Shen Xiao is not only the leader of the secret group, but also has other identities, at least a double agent. This secret way of communication coincides with the connection between Tsing Yi and Huashan, which is likely that Shen Xiao received Huashan's instructions to deal with Han Tian.

To sum up, from the characters who have appeared, only Shen Xiao has enough ability, resources and intelligence to recognize the serial plan of the flash official, and at the same time can influence the direction of the situation, which is the characteristic of Tsing Yi. Before joining No. 76, he worked in the Kuomintang's Party Affairs Investigation Section, and now he seems to have become a traitor due to the change in the focus of his work. This new plot makes Shen Xiao not only have a triple identity, but also may need to return to the military system, adding more suspense and depth to the plot.

"Infernal" three times in the play hinted at the identity of "Tsing Yi", Shen Xiao is a double agent?

Summary: In the TV series "Infernal", Tsing Yi participated in the first confrontation with the Flash Officer in a clever way, and his identity and actions are full of mystery, adding more suspense and depth to the plot. Through the analysis of clues such as the fish tank, Huashan's words, and passwords, we reveal the true identity of Tsing Yi, a key character who grasps the overall information and can influence the direction of the situation. His triple identity and possible mission changes will further advance the plot

Development, so that the audience is full of expectations for the unfolding of the plot.

Tsing Yi's triple identity, that is, taking into account the work of the Kuomintang Party Affairs Investigation Section, No. 76 and the military unification, provides him with unlimited possibilities and injects more complexity into the entire plot. His cleverness and wit make him an unknown in the Flash Officer's plans, a character with the potential to drive the plot forward.

"Infernal" three times in the play hinted at the identity of "Tsing Yi", Shen Xiao is a double agent?

And Shen Xiao's character is also full of drama, and his double-faced spy identity and his interaction with Tsing Yi will bring more deep emotional experience to the audience. His role play between the special secret group and the military system will cause more contradictions and crises, which is a highlight for the entire plot.

Finally, the three hinted clues in the play cleverly point to Tsing Yi, revealing his true identity for the audience, but also burying more mysteries for the plot. This depth and complexity will attract the attention of the audience, who can't wait to see the plot develop.

In future episodes, we can expect how Tsing Yi's actions will affect the direction of the entire story, and how the interaction between him and Shen Xiao will evolve. The TV series Infinity has managed to create a world full of complex characters and plots that immerses viewers in, constantly thinking, speculating and exploring. This will be a work full of suspense and surprises, which will undoubtedly attract the attention and love of more audiences.

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