
WeChat is on the hot search again, netizens: good crash

author:Bright Net

On the 23rd, WeChat was on the hot search again because it occupied too much storage space on the mobile phone. Some netizens said that their own 512G mobile phone, WeChat accounted for 107G of storage space, causing heated discussions among netizens.

In fact, this is not the first time that WeChat has been on the hot search because of storage space.

Hot search first, habitual offender who eats memory?

Netizen: "WeChat" should be called "Juxin"


Weibo topic


Climbed to the top of the hot search

The number of views exceeded 470 million in a single day

Some netizens posted their 512G mobile phones

WeChat takes up 107G of storage space

It has attracted widespread attention from netizens

WeChat is on the hot search again, netizens: good crash
WeChat is on the hot search again, netizens: good crash


A netizen complained that WeChat was a "memory assassin"

The footprint is 100.1GB

About 39% of your phone's storage space

There are 85.3 Gs in chat history alone

WeChat is on the hot search again, netizens: good crash

In fact

This is not the first time WeChat

Because storage space is at the top of the hot search


As early as May this year, WeChat rushed to the top of the hot search due to the problem of "eating memory", and was dubbed the title of "memory assassin" by netizens.

WeChat is on the hot search again, netizens: good crash

Netizens in the comment area said

Obviously called "WeChat"

But it occupies the storage space of your phone like a Big Mac

Even if you change the 1T phone

The proportion of storage space in WeChat will also rise with the tide

WeChat is on the hot search again, netizens: good crash

Occupy memory but dare not delete it?

More than seventy percent of the content is chat history

According to the statistics of "Jinyun", calculated through the screenshot of the storage information of multiple users, the chat record accounts for 75%~95% of the storage space occupied by WeChat, and most of the storage space is to make room for the chat record.

WeChat is on the hot search again, netizens: good crash

Chat records account for more than seventy percent of WeChat storage space, netizens dare not start on WeChat storage space, "good crash, dare not easily delete, once deleted all gone" "deleted and afraid to use it later".

A netizen roared under the hot search terms, as soon as he opened WeChat, he was prompted that "there is not enough memory, please clean up and use it"; When I wanted to find the file, "Sorry expired and cleaned" pops up.

WeChat is on the hot search again, netizens: good crash

Comprehensive: Xiaoxiang Morning News, Jinan Times

Source: China Business Daily