
Strive to be a good time management guru! 9/23 (Sat)...


Strive to be a good time management guru!

9/23 (Sat) Today is the autumnal equinox

There are 100 days left in 2023

When you calm down, you often lament how quickly the days go by

Day by day, month by month, year by sneaking away like this!

Think back to the plans and goals you made at the beginning of the year

Some come true

Some are still lying well in the planning book


We live our whole lives

It's all about being a better version of yourself

There is no point in reminiscing about the past

Procrastination is anxiety about unfinished things

How to spend the next 100 days effectively and fully

is the best reward for yourself in 2023


To motivate yourself

I gave myself a gift -

"Jingjin Journal" published by China Machinery Industry Press

This set of logs condenses the work experience and practical ideas of Zhang Lijun, the founder of Entrepreneurial Yeast, for more than 20 years, and is divided into 4 books according to the season

Spring is green bamboo

In summer it is blue waves

Autumn is red maple leaves

❄️ In winter it is white snowflakes ❄️

Each book consists of the following parts:

< daily TDL + 258 practical management golden sentences + 19 sets of thinking tool models >

Self-management is the most difficult lesson in management, starting from the basics and first formulating a TDL for yourself.

TDL (To Do List) is a list of things to do every day, which sounds simple, but not many people can actually implement it. In particular, some elderly people who are mixed up in the workplace think that there is time to write lists, and everything is done. As everyone knows, this is the reason why they have not improved so far.

(1) The most important things to do first (no more than 5 things, preferably 3 things)

(2) Confirm the goal to be achieved in each thing

(3) What needs to be done to achieve the goal

(4) Make a schedule

(5) Confirm the completion result

(6) Review and record the good & bad places, perceptions, and experiences


What is Excellence?

It's about doing simple things repeatedly and improving a little bit every day.

The page design in the personal management section is very close to my heart. At the top of the page, you can record the date & weather & mood, on the left is a TDL list, and there is a golden sentence below. On the right is a large box that can be played freely, and the management concept is written outside the frame.

Because we believe, we see that this is faith.

Because you see, you believe that this is planning.


Play together to fight together.


Management is often inhuman,

But managers need to be compliant.


Every day while recording the essentials

Read a few more golden sentences to cheer yourself up


Unlimited energy! The battle has escalated!

"Jingjin Journal" skillfully combines diary and inspiration, is not cumbersome and empty, abandons academic teaching, and advocates true love sharing. In addition, the soft leather cover is very comfortable to the touch, making people want to flip through, write, read and keep pace with the times every day!

Strive to be a good time management guru! 9/23 (Sat)...
Strive to be a good time management guru! 9/23 (Sat)...
Strive to be a good time management guru! 9/23 (Sat)...
Strive to be a good time management guru! 9/23 (Sat)...
Strive to be a good time management guru! 9/23 (Sat)...
Strive to be a good time management guru! 9/23 (Sat)...
Strive to be a good time management guru! 9/23 (Sat)...
Strive to be a good time management guru! 9/23 (Sat)...
Strive to be a good time management guru! 9/23 (Sat)...