
I love every morning of autumn

author:Qilu one point

In autumn, it is a rich and colorful picture, a melodious and pleasant symphony, and a refreshing aroma. And in this season, every morning is like a beautiful ink painting, which fascinates me and makes me love it.

On autumn mornings, the sun is so soft and pleasant. A ray of golden sunlight shines on the leaves, making each leaf appear so vivid and vivid. The colorful leaves are like butterflies dancing in the breeze. At this time, I can't help but stop to admire this beauty and feel the magic of nature.

The autumn morning is a beautiful symphony. Listen, the birds that flew down from the treetops, singing happily in flocks of three or five, as if to speak of joy in their hearts. And in this wonderful birdsong, there is also the sound of morning dew dripping, which gently beats the leaves, flowers and the earth, like the strings of nature, playing the music of the season.

Autumn mornings are a unique aroma. It was a mixture of earth, ripe fruit, and the smell of dead leaves that fell to the ground. The aroma is so unique, so captivating, that it makes people feel like they are in a dream world. In this world, you can feel the breath of autumn and feel the gift of nature.

In autumn, every morning is a different sight, a different sound, a different aroma. They make me feel the wonder and charm of nature, and make me full of love and passion for life. In this season, I am willing to cherish every morning and feel the gifts of nature.

However, time flies, and the years are like a shuttle. The autumn morning will pass and we cannot save it. However, we can keep the beauty of every morning in our hearts forever and become a precious treasure in our lives. Let us feel, appreciate, and cherish every morning in autumn. Because every morning is unique, it is worth loving and feeling.

I love every morning of autumn.

I love every morning of autumn
I love every morning of autumn
I love every morning of autumn
I love every morning of autumn
I love every morning of autumn
I love every morning of autumn
I love every morning of autumn
I love every morning of autumn
I love every morning of autumn

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