
The PLA unmanned bomber unit was exposed, and China's imaginary enemy within 3,000 kilometers did not want to be spared

author:Miss Hakou

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In the long history of history, there is a war that has been deeply imprinted on an astonishing scale and destructive power, that is, the "bombing of a thousand aircraft" during World War II. This name will be familiar even to those who are familiar with history. "Thousand Aircraft Bombing" is a strategic bombing strategy adopted by Britain and the United States in World War II, and its core goal is to drop bombs on strategic targets in Germany through a large bomber formation to carry out devastating carpet bombing. In terms of visuals and actual destructive power, this strategic strategy has indeed achieved astounding results.

The PLA unmanned bomber unit was exposed, and China's imaginary enemy within 3,000 kilometers did not want to be spared

However, as time flies, the ways of warfare are constantly evolving. Today, in the context of the large-scale use of various air-launched guided weapons, the traditional "thousand-plane bombing" has become a page in history. Amazingly, modern fighters only need to carry some precision-guided weapons, and they can achieve an effect comparable to or even surpass the "thousand aircraft bombing" in one air strike. But can we continue to reduce the military costs and improve the cost-effectiveness of such air strikes? The answer is yes, and China is exploring a new solution.

The PLA unmanned bomber unit was exposed, and China's imaginary enemy within 3,000 kilometers did not want to be spared

Recently, according to CCTV reports, at an experimental base in the northwest hinterland of China, the domestically produced "double-tailed scorpion" large UAV conducted a live-fire strike test. The scene was impressive, with three "two-tailed scorpions" quickly flying towards the target in a triangular formation, releasing precision-guided missiles and bombs in turn, accurately hitting ground targets. Although it is only three aircraft, considering that as many as 200 fixed-wing UAV swarm flight tests have already been carried out in China, it is not difficult to imagine that the "twin-tailed scorpion" UAV is likely to be able to carry related systems to achieve a larger "swarm" assault operation.

The PLA unmanned bomber unit was exposed, and China's imaginary enemy within 3,000 kilometers did not want to be spared

The "two-tailed scorpion" is an impressive military reconnaissance and combat integrated UAV, its payload exceeds 1.5 tons, and the combat radius can even reach more than 3,000 kilometers. If a large formation of dozens, dozens or even hundreds of "twin-tailed scorpions" can be formed, then their precision ground strike capabilities will be unparalleled enough to threaten any ground target. More importantly, compared with dispatching more than a dozen manned multi-purpose fighters, the equipment cost of the "twin-tailed scorpion" UAV is far lower, and there is no risk of casualties, which is undoubtedly a new tactical thinking.

The PLA unmanned bomber unit was exposed, and China's imaginary enemy within 3,000 kilometers did not want to be spared

In addition, in the "anti-access/area denial" system built by the PLA, the "twin-tailed scorpion" unmanned bomber unit will also play an important role. Especially in anti-carrier operations, drone swarm tactics can effectively deplete the anti-aircraft ammunition of the escort ships of enemy carrier formations, forcing them to distract themselves from large-scale drone strikes. When our side launches weapons such as anti-ship ballistic missiles, anti-ship cruise missiles and aviation troops, the enemy's aircraft carrier formation is likely to be unable to effectively resist a new wave of attacks because the consumption of air defense ammunition is too large, and thus fall into a helpless predicament.

The PLA unmanned bomber unit was exposed, and China's imaginary enemy within 3,000 kilometers did not want to be spared

In addition, if the unmanned bomber forces are large enough, they themselves pose a significant threat to various surface ships. While UAVs' guided missiles are relatively small and difficult to sink large warships, they can still cause damage to critical parts of enemy ships, such as bridges, mast electronics, and exposed weapons systems. This could interfere with the adversary's carrier-based aircraft operations, causing damage to its carrier flight deck and associated equipment, thereby limiting the enemy's ability to operate.

The PLA unmanned bomber unit was exposed, and China's imaginary enemy within 3,000 kilometers did not want to be spared

To sum up, with the huge combat radius of the "two-tailed scorpion", the unmanned bomber force formed by multiple "two-tailed scorpions" has the ability to threaten any potential enemy within 3,000 kilometers of China's perimeter, and is even expected to show the UAV version of the "thousand-plane bombing" in the future. This innovative weaponry and tactical thinking is expected to lead the development and reform of the world's military in the future. We are no longer limited to thinking of UAVs as "wingmen" of manned fighters, but

It is a weapon that can independently carry out high-intensity combat. The development and application of this military technology will bring profound changes to the future pattern of war.

The emergence of the "twin-tailed scorpion" UAV not only brings new possibilities at the tactical level, but also has great strategic value at the strategic level. First of all, it has the ability to have long endurance, can perform tasks in a wide range of operations, and is not limited by the piloting of traditional manned aircraft. This means that our army can quickly deploy UAV formations to quickly respond to various threats and emergencies, improving the mobility and flexibility of battlefield decision-making.

Secondly, the cost of the "twin-tailed scorpion" drone is relatively low, not only manufacturing costs, but also maintenance and personnel training costs. In contrast, manned warplanes are not only expensive, but also require cumbersome maintenance and high personnel training costs. Therefore, the large-scale use of the Twin-tailed Scorpion UAV will help to effectively control the military budget, allow resources to be better allocated to other areas, and further enhance national defense capabilities.

In addition, the large-scale deployment of the "twin-tailed scorpion" UAV will also enhance the strategic deterrence capability of our military. In the international military arena, with a powerful formation of UAVs, capable of quickly responding to any provocation, sending a strong signal of deterrence to a potential enemy. Such a deterrent force can not only maintain regional peace and stability, but also help protect the country's core interests.

Finally, the development of the "two-tailed scorpion" UAV marks China's continuous progress in the field of military technology. China has not only made significant breakthroughs in drone technology, but also demonstrated its ability to independently develop and innovate. This will further enhance China's position in international military cooperation and technology exports, and make greater contributions to the maintenance of international peace and security.

In general, the appearance and potential of the "twin-tailed scorpion" UAV demonstrates China's strength and ambitions in the modern military sphere. It not only provides our army with new works

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