
After the autumnal equinox, these 6 diseases are easy to find! Do these well, and get sick less in autumn and winter

Source: CCTV Life Circle

September 23 is the twenty-fourth solar term

The sixteenth solar term - the autumnal equinox

This solar term, how to maintain health?

Let's take a look at the experts' autumn wellness tips


Cardiovascular disease

The temperature difference between morning and evening is getting bigger and bigger, and for acute events such as unstable angina and even myocardial infarction, too cold and too hot are predisposing factors. Therefore, after the autumnal equinox, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should pay more attention.

How to protect cardiovascular health during the autumnal equinox?

1. By keeping warm, avoid excessive stimulation of the body by cold.

2. In the environment with a large temperature difference, a large amount of activity will aggravate the load of the cardiovascular system, so light exercise such as walking and tai chi should be used, and strenuous exercise should not be used.

3. Ensure a light diet, avoid high salt, high fat and high sugar, and increase cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risks.


Respiratory diseases

The weather becomes cooler after the autumnal equinox, and if it rains, the temperature drop is more pronounced. Cold air will irritate the skin, the body's immunity is reduced due to cold, unable to resist cold evil, prone to lung and respiratory diseases, such as fever, cough, bronchitis, etc., severe cases may appear pneumonia and other problems.

How to protect lung health during the autumnal equinox?

1. Keep indoor air circulation and avoid air pollution;

2. Maintain a healthy diet, eat more foods that moisturize the lungs, and drink plenty of water to prevent dryness and damage to the lungs;

3. Carry out appropriate aerobic exercise to enhance lung function;

4. Quit smoking and avoid lung damage caused by second-hand smoke.


Dry skin

When the autumn breeze cools down, it also dries the moisture in the air, and TCM calls this climate characteristic "autumn dryness". At this time, it is easy to have dry mouth, dry lips, dry nose, dry throat and dry stool, itchy and cracked skin, nosebleeds and other symptoms.

How to prevent dry skin during the autumnal equinox?

1. Diet adjustment: eat less spicy food to prevent damage to the yin fluid, so that the body is exposed to dryness and evil outside and burned inside; Eat more foods that nourish the yin and blood, such as dates, goji berries, lilies, etc.

2. External consolidation: Vitamin E cream, petroleum jelly, hydrating mask and other moisturizing and moisturizing basic skin care products can be used for prevention, and the refreshing skin care products commonly used in summer can be replaced with moisturizing types.

How to prevent dry mouth during the autumnal equinox?

1. Autumn is mainly dry, pay attention to yin, eat more moist and warm foods, such as: sesame, walnuts, tomatoes, etc., reduce the intake of hot foods, such as beef and mutton, ginger and garlic, etc.;

2. Dry and easy to hurt, need to replenish water;

3. The time of bathing in autumn should not be too long, and the water temperature should not be too high;

4. Exercise appropriately, avoid excessive sweating, damage to human fluids.


Gastrointestinal diseases

The gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to cold stimuli. After the autumnal equinox, the weather becomes cold, and if the protection is improper, it will cause gastrointestinal diseases, such as acid reflux, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc., or aggravate the original stomach disease.

How to regulate the spleen and stomach during the autumnal equinox?

1. Autumn is mainly dry, autumn is dry and easy to hurt yin, so the diet is mainly based on yin, eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, coarse grains;

2. Autumn harvest and winter storage, should converge and should not be consumed, so the diet should be light. "Autumn porridge is pleasant", it is advisable to eat light porridge that is light and spleen-strengthening, and try to avoid spicy and irritating foods;

3. When the weather becomes cooler, pay attention to keeping warm and pay special attention to warming the stomach.


allergic rhinitis

In autumn, the wind is strong, pollen and dust are in the air, which is easy to cause allergies. In addition, the temperature and humidity in autumn are suitable for the reproduction of mites, which is easy to cause allergies.

How to prevent autumn allergies during the autumnal equinox?

1. Prevention of allergies should start with strengthening immunity. You can eat more foods rich in vitamins C, E and A, such as citrus, nuts, etc., to enhance immunity and reduce the occurrence of allergies.

2. Maintaining indoor air circulation and avoiding contact with allergens are also important measures to prevent allergies.

3. Choosing the right skin care products and cosmetics and avoiding excessive cleaning and irritation are also the keys to preventing allergies.

How to prevent allergic rhinitis during the autumnal equinox?

1. Wear a mask: keep the temperature of the nose, avoid touching plush toys, dry bedding frequently, etc.;

2. Medicine and food homology: those with mild symptoms can take ginger and red jujube soup, 5~7 pieces of ginger, 3 red dates, and decoction water. It has the effect of warming the lungs and drinking, dissolving the surface and dispelling cold, and reducing symptoms;

3. Moxibustion: large vertebrae, damper, lung Yu, Zusanli and other acupuncture points, each acupoint moxibustion for about 20 minutes a day, can warm the lungs to disperse cold, invigorate qi and solidify the surface.

After the autumnal equinox, these 6 diseases are easy to find! Do these well, and get sick less in autumn and winter


Depressed irritability

At the beginning of the autumnal equinox, there is less sunlight, and the body's biological clock does not adapt to the change of short sunshine time, resulting in circadian rhythm disorders and endocrine disorders, so it is easy to have emotional and mental state instability. This is the truth of "sad spring and sad autumn".

How to regulate emotions during the autumnal equinox?

1. Adhere to exercise and bask in the sun: you can carry out sports exercises such as Baduan Jin and Tai Chi every day, kinetic energy rises the sun, yang energy can promote the operation of qi and blood, yang qi is sufficient, and it is easier to alleviate the influence of negative emotions in the heart.

2. Stimulate the acupuncture point: when you are angry, depressed, anxious, and unhappy, you can pat or rub the chin for a few minutes to soothe the qi machine and stabilize your emotions.

After the autumnal equinox, these 6 diseases are easy to find! Do these well, and get sick less in autumn and winter

Strengthen immunity to do so

During the autumn equinox, the weather becomes cooler and cold, and moxibustion can be used to improve the body's immunity and achieve the purpose of disease prevention and health care.

Acupuncture points can choose from the Zhongzhong and Zusanli points, "Qi will be in the middle", moxibustion can dredge the meridian qi and warm veins. This method can prevent the onset of respiratory diseases. Moxibustion foot Sanli point can warm the spleen and stomach, suitable for patients with spleen and stomach deficiency, including immunocompromised and cold gastrointestinal diseases.

After the autumnal equinox, these 6 diseases are easy to find! Do these well, and get sick less in autumn and winter