
The "most fragrant" 8 kinds of flowers, beautiful and long-lived, planted in the yard, can be fragrant for decades

author:Florist, Ah Bin

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Flowers are distinguished not only for their beauty, but also for their fragrance. Today, let's explore together the 8 most fragrant flowers that are not only beautiful, but will accompany you for decades and bring a wonderful fragrance to your yard.

Wisteria flower: the beauty of the vine in the flower

Wisteria flowers are famous for their beautiful purple flowers and unique vine morphology. It is a perennial liana with tenacious vitality and the ability to bloom for a long time.

The "most fragrant" 8 kinds of flowers, beautiful and long-lived, planted in the yard, can be fragrant for decades

Maintenance tips: Wisteria flowers need plenty of sunlight and are suitable for hanging in the yard or balcony. Keep the soil moist, but not overwater. Spring and autumn are the best times to apply fertilizer.

Precautions: Old vines and withered flowers should be pruned regularly to promote new growth and blooming.

Proper watering: keep the soil moist in spring and summer, and reduce the frequency of watering in autumn and winter.

Laughing flowers: flowers full of laughter

Hanxiao flowers are famous for their bright flowers and rich fragrance. They are perennials that bring joyful laughter to your yard.

The "most fragrant" 8 kinds of flowers, beautiful and long-lived, planted in the yard, can be fragrant for decades

Maintenance tips: Smiley flowers need to be bright but avoid strong sunlight, suitable for indoor near bright windows. Keep the soil slightly moist, but avoid overwatering. Spring and summer are the best times to apply fertilizer.

Precautions: Prune old branches and diseased leaves regularly to keep the plant healthy and beautiful.

Reasonable watering: keep the soil slightly wet in spring and summer, and reduce the frequency of watering in autumn and winter.

White orchid: Pure flower fairy

White orchids are favored for their pure white flowers and light aroma. They are long-lived flowers that are able to bloom in your yard for many years.

The "most fragrant" 8 kinds of flowers, beautiful and long-lived, planted in the yard, can be fragrant for decades

Maintenance tips: White orchids need to be bright but avoid strong sunlight, suitable for indoor near bright windows. Keep the soil slightly moist, but avoid overwatering. Spring and autumn are the best times to apply fertilizer.

Note: Avoid soaking the leaves with moisture to prevent rot.

Reasonable watering: keep the soil slightly wet in spring and summer, and reduce the frequency of watering in autumn and winter.

Milanese flowers: flowers of happiness

Milanese flowers are famous for their charming aroma and colorful flowers. They are not only beautiful, but also have the characteristics of longevity and are able to bring you happiness.

The "most fragrant" 8 kinds of flowers, beautiful and long-lived, planted in the yard, can be fragrant for decades

Maintenance tips: Milanese flowers need to be bright but avoid strong sunlight, suitable for indoor near bright windows. Keep the soil moist, but avoid overwatering. Spring and summer are the best times to apply fertilizer.

Precautions: Old and diseased leaves should be pruned regularly to promote new growth and blooming of flowers.

Proper watering: keep the soil moist in spring and summer, and reduce the frequency of watering in autumn and winter.

Night incense: the aromatic star of the night

Night incense is loved for its strong fragrance at night. It is a hardy perennial plant capable of thriving in cold climates.

The "most fragrant" 8 kinds of flowers, beautiful and long-lived, planted in the yard, can be fragrant for decades

Maintenance tips: Night incense needs plenty of sunlight and is suitable for planting outdoors in flower beds or gardens. Keep the soil moist, but avoid overwatering. Spring and summer are the best times to apply fertilizer.

Note: The roots of the night incense are more fragile and should be avoided from transplantation and touching.

Proper watering: keep the soil moist in spring and summer, and reduce the frequency of watering in autumn and winter.

Ruixiang flower: the representative of the fragrance in the flower

Ruixiang flowers are famous for their fragrant flowers and green leaves. They are perennials that are able to consistently bloom in your yard.

The "most fragrant" 8 kinds of flowers, beautiful and long-lived, planted in the yard, can be fragrant for decades

Maintenance tips: Ruixiang flowers need to be bright but avoid strong sunlight, suitable for indoor near bright windows. Keep the soil moist, but avoid overwatering. Spring and autumn are the best times to apply fertilizer.

Precautions: Prune old and diseased leaves regularly to keep the plant healthy and beautiful.

Proper watering: keep the soil moist in spring and summer, and reduce the frequency of watering in autumn and winter.

Woody flower: A flower with a fragrant flower

Woody flowers are famous for their fragrant flowers, which are able to bring a tranquil atmosphere to your yard. It is a perennial plant that is able to bloom for a long time.

The "most fragrant" 8 kinds of flowers, beautiful and long-lived, planted in the yard, can be fragrant for decades

Maintenance tips: Woody flowers need plenty of sunlight and are suitable for planting outdoors in flower beds or gardens. Keep the soil moist, but avoid overwatering. Spring and autumn are the best times to apply fertilizer.

Note: Avoid soaking the leaves with moisture to prevent rot.

Proper watering: keep the soil moist in spring and summer, and reduce the frequency of watering in autumn and winter.

Moon Season Flower: The flower of the queen of flowers

Monthly flowers are loved for their rich flower colors and the layering of their flowers. They are perennials capable of becoming a queen-like presence in your yard.

The "most fragrant" 8 kinds of flowers, beautiful and long-lived, planted in the yard, can be fragrant for decades

Maintenance tips: Monthly flowers need plenty of sunlight and are suitable for planting outdoors in flower beds or gardens. Keep the soil moist, but avoid overwatering. Spring and summer are the best times to apply fertilizer.

Precautions: Prune old flowers and weak branches in time to promote new growth and blooming of flowers.

Proper watering: keep the soil moist in spring and summer, and reduce the frequency of watering in autumn and winter.


These 8 flowers, including wisteria, smile, white orchid, milan, night, recense, woody and moonflower, are not only beautiful and charming, but also bring lasting aroma and visual enjoyment to your yard. Whether you're a flower lover or someone who wants to add charm to your yard, these fragrant flowers are worth considering that will bring life and beauty to your outdoor space.