
Shen Fei J-31 reveals new progress! The ontology process has been greatly improved, and the biggest regret is that it cannot be invisible

author:Toot say something


Since AVIC Shenfei's J-31 took to the skies nine years ago, it has been in the spotlight. It is rumored that the carrier-based version of the J-21 will soon meet everyone in 2021. Now at the beginning of the new year, we are also looking forward to the good news of Shenfei's J-31. Recently, photos of the latest development of the J-31 appeared on the Internet. For the first time, the image shows many details of the J-31, such as the raised design of the inside of the J-31's wing and the vertical tail. , this time, clearly appeared in front of everyone's eyes. In addition, the entire fuselage manufacturing process has been greatly improved compared with the previous generation and has become very smooth. However, we do not see the Longbo footage on the J-31 in the photo. This means that the J-31 does not use stealth paint on the aircraft, and the J-31 does not currently have any stealth capabilities.

Shen Fei J-31 reveals new progress! The ontology process has been greatly improved, and the biggest regret is that it cannot be invisible

The J-31 is the mainland's second stealth fighter after the J-20. Its biggest competitor has always been the F35B aircraft. In terms of appearance, both fighters have a conventional aerodynamic layout. There are similarities, but there are also big differences. The wing of the J-31 is trapezoidal, with a medium sweep angle, a small aspect ratio, and a forward sweep of the trailing edge. In terms of flat-tail design, the J-31 is similar to the main wing. It is worth mentioning that although the J-31 is twin-engine and the F35 is single-engine, both have an advanced infinite supersonic intake port design, which can effectively reduce the weight of the intake tract and reduce radar reflection interception. of jurisdictions. From an avionics system perspective, the F35B is equipped with an active phased array radar. This active phased array radar is also a further development of the phased array radar used in the F22. It has guided target detection and enemy target detection. There are two different detection modes. In addition to advanced airborne radar equipment, the F35B uses electro-optical distributed aperture systems, integrated electronic warfare systems and electro-optical targeting systems.

Shen Fei J-31 reveals new progress! The ontology process has been greatly improved, and the biggest regret is that it cannot be invisible

As for the continental J-31, according to the data, the assembly of avionics systems has not yet been completed. There is still a certain difference between the export version and the domestic version. There is also information that the J-31 is likely to directly apply the J-20's avionics system. This is not surprising at all. All are models developed in recent years, and the J-20 has been in service for several years. In the actual use of the troops, some experience has been accumulated, and the avionics system of the J-20 has been developed. The avionics system of the J-31 significantly shortened the development cycle of the J-31 and improved its development trajectory. With the achievements of the mainland in avionics over the years, there is no problem for the J-31 to equip my motherland with a domestic active phased array radar and an advanced electronic suite.

Shen Fei J-31 reveals new progress! The ontology process has been greatly improved, and the biggest regret is that it cannot be invisible

The combat effectiveness of the J-31 is directly reflected in the weapons systems it carries. Although the current equipment situation has not been specifically disclosed, from the current point of view, the J-31 is likely to use a built-in bomb bay design, which is fully adapted to the needs of stealth. As for the type of ammunition it carries, it is reported that the J-31 can carry a combination of PL-80 with a maximum range of 12 km and PL-15 air-to-air missiles with a maximum range of 9 km. In addition, Continental's Thunderbolt-10 anti-radiation missile can also be used.

Shen Fei J-31 reveals new progress! The ontology process has been greatly improved, and the biggest regret is that it cannot be invisible

However, with the addition of more and more weapon systems to the continental fighter, the J-31 has gradually matured, and it should carry more and more weapons in the future. Finally, from a foreign trade point of view, the J-31 is also more popular than the F35B. Currently, according to the US offer, an aircraft without weapons systems is worth almost $150 million and was purchased from US military allies. The positioning of the J-31 will be more accurate, which means that it can also be used by third world countries. High-quality and affordable stealth fighter.