
Whether to invite the Chinese side, the British took a step back, Meng Wanzhou's new move, the British side was caught off guard

author:Creative Fay 2E1

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With the rapid development of science and technology, the development of artificial intelligence is attracting the attention of more and more countries. Preparations for the Global AI Summit in November are undoubtedly a priority for the UK in the near future, and the list of invited persons is also being finalized. Coupled with the interference and provocation of the G7 countries, whether to invite China has become one of its most sensitive issues. It is worth noting that he even directed and acted in a "good show" during his participation, but eventually took a step back to confirm that he had extended an invitation to China. China has not confirmed whether it will hold a meeting with the association. Meng Wanzhou made another new move, and the latest official announcement caught the British side off guard.

Whether to invite the Chinese side, the British took a step back, Meng Wanzhou's new move, the British side was caught off guard

(British Foreign Secretary Cleverley answered for the first time whether to invite China)

According to relevant media reports on the 19th, British Foreign Secretary Cleverley confirmed that an invitation letter had been issued to China. This is the first time that a senior British cabinet official has explicitly answered whether to invite China, but the reasons given are also very difficult to accept. China was invited because Cleverley believes that if China is excluded, there is no guarantee that the British public will be exposed to the risk of AI. In other words, in order to protect themselves from the "Chinese intelligence threat", they only invited China as a last resort.

Even more funny is that British Prime Minister Sunak, while also aware of the importance of engaging with China, is considering allowing China only to attend the first day of the conference. The reason is security concerns and the concerns of the so-called "Chinese side". Cleverley later responded to China's invitation without explaining that "China is only half of the meeting," so the details are unclear.

Whether to invite the Chinese side, the British took a step back, Meng Wanzhou's new move, the British side was caught off guard

(British Prime Minister Sunak is considering allowing China to attend the half)

However, it should be noted that the "Chinese espionage" mentioned here is nothing more than a play directed and acted by himself. Not long ago, the British side suddenly announced the arrest of two so-called "Chinese spies". Ironically, the job of the spies they mentioned before the indictment was to inform others of the "China threat." The congressman shouted: Unjust accusations. , I am innocent. Later, in response to a reporter's question, the spokesperson of the embassy in the UK replied: This is completely unexpected, self-directing and self-acting. After making a solemn statement, China finally decided to quietly handle the matter and not mention it again.

Obviously, in the face of China's superiority in artificial intelligence, the mentality of the British has tilted. Trying to politicize it, looking at China with thick glasses, trying to ugly China with your own ideas to judge others. Despite its clear superiority in AI, China is reluctant to admit its current lag and seeks to limit and stifle China's development. I thought that the initiative was in my own hands, but I forgot that even if I invited China, whether China would give face to the society still had to put a question mark. At the same time, a dramatic scene happened. "Card point master" Huawei once again made efforts, and the new measures caught the British side by surprise.

Whether to invite the Chinese side, the British took a step back, Meng Wanzhou's new move, the British side was caught off guard

(Meng Wanzhou, Vice Chairman, Rotating Chairman, and CFO of Huawei)

The last time Huawei faded from the limelight was during a visit to China by U.S. Commerce Secretary Raimondo. The new series of mobile phones made a stunning appearance, successfully obtained Raimondo's endorsement for free, and slapped the arrogant United States in the face. Mondo hasn't even recovered yet. When asked at the hearing on the 19th about his views on Huawei's new mobile phone, he admitted to being uneasy, but still insisted that China could not mass-produce advanced chips.

This time it also worked. The day after the British Prime Minister confirmed the invitation to visit China, Meng Wanzhou delivered a speech at the Huawei Connect Conference in Shanghai, officially announcing Huawei's comprehensive intelligence strategy and pledging to lay a solid foundation for China. Computing power foundation, creating a second choice for the world. Accelerate the intelligent transformation of all areas of life, meet the needs of AI computing power, and build AI clusters with innovative thinking. Meng Wanzhou's official announcement is undoubtedly positive for the development of Chinese intelligence, but it is another heavy blow to the G7 group, including the United Kingdom.

Whether to invite the Chinese side, the British took a step back, Meng Wanzhou's new move, the British side was caught off guard

(The G7, including the United States and Japan, blocked China's invitation.)

All in all, whether the British side sends an invitation to the Chinese side, whether it can attend the entire meeting, or whether the Chinese side attends the meeting, it will not affect China's own development. As Ren Zhengfei said: Suppression and sanctions are pressure and motivation. Whether China cares about Britain's small moves is another matter, but the development of artificial intelligence cannot bypass China. Although China still has a long way to go, more Chinese believe that everything will be fine after the storm. He can see rainbows. China's development will not be stagnated by obstacles. Instead, it runs faster and faster. At that time, whether it can catch up with China's pace may be the problem it should fear and face.

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