
Countries jointly built under the "Belt and Road" have accelerated the pace of green development

Countries jointly built under the "Belt and Road" have accelerated the pace of green development

Visitors visit photovoltaic products at the 2023 Eurasian Economic Forum Economic and Trade Cooperation Expo and China (Shaanxi) Import and Export Commodities Exhibition (taken on September 22). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shao Rui

Xi'an, 24 Sep (Xinhua) -- A camel caravan of a thousand years ago passed through a long corridor of time and space into a China-Europe train that traveled day and night, a cargo car that kept moving, and an air flight that kept coming. Trade goods from tea, silk to large machinery and equipment, to photovoltaic modules, new energy vehicles... Under the "Belt and Road" initiative, this road of economic and trade friendship is now vibrant and green.

The Eurasian Economic Forum opened in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province on the 22nd, and the sub-forum "2023 Silk Road Green Energy International Cooperation Conference" was held on the same day. "Central Asia is rich in scenery and solar resources, and I hope that this forum can strengthen the cooperation and exchange of regional partners in green energy." Nikolai Pomoshnikov, Director-General of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Subregional Office for North and Central Asia, said at the meeting.

Green development is becoming a global consensus, and more and more Chinese enterprises are also becoming a green force chasing the "wind" and "day" on the "Belt and Road".

On August 3, with the first launch of the China-Europe Express (Xi'an-Tashkent) Shaanxi-Ukraine Economic and Trade Cooperation LONGi Green Energy PV Module Export Special Train, the Chang'an, loaded with 50 containers of PV modules, slowly drove out of Xi'an International Port Station and headed west to Uzbekistan. These PV modules will be used in the construction of a 1 GW PV project in Uzbekistan, which will provide 2.4 billion kWh of clean energy and reduce carbon emissions by 2.4 million tons.

Countries jointly built under the "Belt and Road" have accelerated the pace of green development

The photovoltaic storage and charging carport charging station displayed at the 2023 Eurasian Economic Forum Economic and Trade Cooperation Expo and China (Shaanxi) Import and Export Commodities Exhibition (photographed on September 22). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shao Rui

Durk Otayonov, a staff member of the Central Asia Representative Office of LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd., believes that Chinese enterprises play a huge role in the green transformation of Uzbekistan's economy. "Whenever I see that with my help and efforts, a solar system has been installed, even if it is small, I am very accomplished, and Chinese people are our true friends."

Li Wenwen, Secretary of the Party Committee of LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd., introduced that up to now, LONGi module exports have shipped more than 100 trains of the Chang'an train, with a total of 5,000 high containers, which have been shipped to the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and other countries.

More and more Asian and European countries are accelerating the pace of green development in the process of jointly building the "Belt and Road". Andrei Khudek, Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus, said at the forum that one of the priority directions for Belarus' development at this stage is the green economy.

Lu Hefeng, deputy general manager of Jinlang Technology Co., Ltd., said that in recent years, the Southeast Asian market has also begun to show strong interest in green energy products from China. "Seeing the potential in emerging markets in Southeast Asia, we built a 5 GW plant in Vietnam and expect to start releasing capacity gradually this year."

Green energy cooperation among countries jointly built by the "Belt and Road" is continuously benefiting the people of all countries. "More than 90% of Pakistan is very sunny, suitable for the development of solar energy, and my roof is now installed with photovoltaic panels!" Adil Ahmed, a forum exhibitor from Pakistan, said, "Many PV panels are made in China. ”

Countries jointly built under the "Belt and Road" have accelerated the pace of green development

Visitors visit new energy vehicles at the 2023 Eurasian Economic Forum Economic and Trade Cooperation Expo and China (Shaanxi) Import and Export Commodities Exhibition (photographed on September 22). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shao Rui

The energy structure is gradually becoming "green", and the national industrial chain jointly built by the "Belt and Road" is continuously upgraded. On the 22nd, at the China (Shaanxi) Import and Export Commodity Exhibition held at the same time as the forum, new energy vehicles made in China attracted the attention of consumers. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to August this year, China's exports of new energy vehicles were 727,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 1.1 times.

As the first city in China to exceed one million new energy vehicle production, Xi'an opened the first China-Europe train for the export of new energy vehicles on April 21 this year, and the China-Europe train, known as the "steel camel team", has become a green messenger on the "Belt and Road".

"Promoting the high-quality development of energy cooperation along the Belt and Road and building a greener and more inclusive energy future can jointly maintain the security of the international energy resources industry chain and supply chain, actively respond to global climate change, and promote the green and low-carbon development of the Belt and Road partners." Shi Yubo, chairman of the China Energy Research Association, said.