
38 years of wandering away from 6 rich people, "rich businessman killer" Guan Zhilin: Anita Mui is jealous of Andy Lau's love

author:Only the book direction

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Walking into the legendary love history of Guan Zhilin is like stepping into a world full of gorgeous and magnificent waves. Kwan Zhilin has been walking among Hong Kong's rich for 38 years, and her life is like a wonderful drama, full of suspense and reversal.

In 1993, the news that Kwan had removed two balls from St. Mary's Hospital in Hong Kong shook the Internet, and it was only part of her long love history. People familiar with the matter said that this turmoil is a rivalry and emotional game between Kwan Zhilin, Li Jiaxin and Liu Luanxiong. This incident turned her from a goddess into a slut that everyone shouted at, but the truth is more confusing than rumors.

Guan Zhilin does not stop at the wealth of 20 million, she walks among the rich and knows the skills of the "rich harvester". St. Mary's Hospital became the arena for rumors, but Hong Kong has no record of the hospital. How this rumor evolved into a stain on Guan Zhilin's acting career through word of mouth is really strange.

38 years of wandering away from 6 rich people, "rich businessman killer" Guan Zhilin: Anita Mui is jealous of Andy Lau's love

Behind the emotional game, Guan Zhilin has experienced ups and downs. Before her fiery relationship with Liu Luanxiong, she was exhausted to pay off her debts, leaving only two hours to go home to take a shower, and the rest of the time on the set. Wang Guojing's appearance rescued her, and he not only paid off her debts, but also made her a princess, so that Guan Zhilin had to marry this man who was a round older than her. However, after marriage, Wang Guojing's true face was exposed, Guan Zhilin divorced and swept away half of her property, and this failed marriage made her more firm in her belief in "money" as her ultimate goal.

After the divorce, Guan Zhilin became a "rich harvester" and roamed among the men. She successfully seized tens of millions of properties from Liu Luanxiong, and then set her sights on the wealthy businessman Chen Taiming. This relationship not only made her Chen Taiming's second room, but also made her and Liu Jialing a love rival. Guan Zhilin, who was unwilling to be humiliated, threw out the news of her "divorce" with Chen Taiming in the interview, showing a resolute side.

38 years of wandering away from 6 rich people, "rich businessman killer" Guan Zhilin: Anita Mui is jealous of Andy Lau's love

Kwan's love life has always been the focus of Hong Kong circles, and her affair with Andy Lau is also one of them. Andy Lau openly shows his love for her, and she does not hide her love for Andy Lau. However, the relationship between the two has remained superficial, because Guan Zhilin does not lack suitors.

In 1985, Kwan Zhilin met Hong Kong real estate tycoon Ma Qingwei, and although Ma Qingwei had a wife, Kwan Zhilin was undaunted and eventually took him down. This relationship is full of twists and turns, and Guan Zhilin has taken a variety of measures, even causing Ma Qingwei's wife to miscarry. After the end of this relationship, Guan Zhilin targeted Xiang Huaqiang again.

However, Xiang Chenlan's intervention made Guan Zhilin have to withdraw from the relationship. Guan Zhilin's emotional life is full of twists and turns, but she lives a dashing and wanton life in her own way.

38 years of wandering away from 6 rich people, "rich businessman killer" Guan Zhilin: Anita Mui is jealous of Andy Lau's love

Guan Zhilin is not only an actress, but also a successful businessman. She founded the fashion brand MOISELLE to provide high-end fashion for celebrities and ladies. Her mansions, jewelry, designer bags and cloakrooms are all luxurious, showcasing her quest for beauty.

Kwan is also a philanthropist who has auctioned off her jewelry and donated the proceeds to charitable organizations. She also donated a large amount of relief materials to the disaster area after the Wenchuan earthquake.

In general, Guan Zhilin's life is full of legends. She has excelled in her feelings, careers and philanthropy, showing her extraordinary personality and charisma. Her story teaches us that even without the blessings of marriage, a strong and intelligent woman can live a wonderful life. Guan Zhilin has created her own legend with her own efforts and wisdom.

38 years of wandering away from 6 rich people, "rich businessman killer" Guan Zhilin: Anita Mui is jealous of Andy Lau's love

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