
Civil servants and doctors can have their salaries reduced, and teachers' salaries must not be reduced!

author:Piff's magnifying glass

Hi everyone, I'm Magnifier. Let's focus on social issues together.

The country's financial situation is indeed not optimistic, because the salaries of civil servants, teachers and doctors have been reduced. This is a very bad signal! The prospects for the development of society are very anxious.

Civil servants and doctors can have their salaries reduced, and teachers' salaries must not be reduced!

The role of civil servants is to maintain social stability and promote national development. In short, civil servants are a group of people who maintain order. If the group that maintains order falls apart, then the whole society will be out of order. The economy is sluggish, fiscal revenues are declining, and they do not know how to make money, but they blindly cut the salaries of civil servants. This will cause dissatisfaction among the civil service and will also affect the stability and efficiency of the contingent.

To be honest, the hospital is a place where money is made every day, all hospitals are places where there is a 24-hour queue to pay, and the salary of doctors has actually declined, which is strange.

Civil servants and doctors can have their salaries reduced, and teachers' salaries must not be reduced!

The group of doctors is a group of white angels who save lives. If their treatment declines, it will inevitably affect their motivation to work, and at that time, it will still be the majority of patients who suffer.

As the saying goes, no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education, and the most that will reduce the salary of civil servants is difficult to do things and inefficient. The most significant drop in doctors' salaries is that patients cannot receive timely treatment. The treatment of teachers has been reduced, and that affects the future of the country!

Civil servants and doctors can have their salaries reduced, and teachers' salaries must not be reduced!

Imagine if teachers don't have good pay, who will try to teach and solve their problems? How many children will be abandoned, and "love to learn or not, care about my" will become the mantra of teachers. The decline in the quality of education is inevitable, which is very detrimental to the development of education.

Civil servants and doctors can have their salaries reduced, and teachers' salaries must not be reduced!

In summary, financial constraints can reduce staff and increase efficiency, and civil servants can reduce salaries, which is a big deal to sacrifice administrative efficiency. Doctors can also reduce their salaries, Chinese more mouths, and treat a few fewer patients with little impact. Teachers' salaries cannot be reduced! Because education is the foundation of the country and cannot be shaken.

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