
Zhu Di died on the journey, and if it were not for the ingenuity of the eunuch Ma Yun, the Ming Dynasty would have faced a great disaster

author:The ancients brewed

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On that hot July day in 1424, the Ming cavalry marching through the desert did not realize that they were about to embark on an unusual journey. This Ming army was brave and good at fighting, led by the emperor himself, majestic and morale. However, in this hot desert, the crisis quietly came, and the Daming Dynasty, which had only been established for less than sixty years, had once again reached a crossroads.

In the history of the Ming Dynasty, there was a major crisis known as the "Change of Jing". At the beginning of Zhu Yuanzhang's grandson, Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunjiang, when he ascended the throne, the contradictions within the regime gradually intensified. Zhu Yunjiang listened to the advice of some ministers and was eager to weaken the power of many princes, forcing his uncles into a corner. Most of these uncles are experienced military commanders who are not willing to be captured.

Zhu Di died on the journey, and if it were not for the ingenuity of the eunuch Ma Yun, the Ming Dynasty would have faced a great disaster

Among them, Zhu Di the King of Yan took the lead in rebelling, and in July of the first year of Jianwen, he launched the Battle of Jingjian in the name of "Qing Jun's side". After three years of hard fighting, Zhu Di finally defeated his nephew Zhu Yunjiang, seized the throne, and ascended the throne as emperor in 1402.

However, after Zhu Di took the throne, he faced unprecedented pressure and crisis. His legitimacy has been questioned, and he has been plagued by problems of severance within the regime, and the most difficult problem is the remnants of the Yuan dynasty in the north, who are not willing to fail and have been watching the north.

Zhu Di died on the journey, and if it were not for the ingenuity of the eunuch Ma Yun, the Ming Dynasty would have faced a great disaster

These three problems are intertwined, and any loss of control at any point could trigger political turmoil and threaten the stability of the Ming Dynasty. But fortunately, Zhu Di was a brilliant emperor who solved these problems with wisdom and decisiveness. He properly handled the issue of the legitimacy of the regime, carried out the reduction of the domain in an orderly manner, and personally led the Northern Expedition many times, successfully eliminating the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty.

In 1410, the eighth year after ascending the throne, Zhu Di began his vigorous Northern Expedition. Although historically the farming peoples of the Central Plains have won more than lost more than nomads, Zhu Di was a brilliant military strategist, and his Ming army made five expeditions to the North, successfully weakening the threat of the Mongol Iron Horse.

Zhu Di died on the journey, and if it were not for the ingenuity of the eunuch Ma Yun, the Ming Dynasty would have faced a great disaster

However, the Mongolian desert was vast and the Mongol cavalry was highly mobile, and it was not easy to completely eliminate them. In addition, the protracted war put enormous pressure on finances, and Zhu Di had to face the attack of war-weariness between the DPRK and China.

Under these circumstances, the ministers persuaded Zhu Di to stop the Northern Expedition, believing that continuing to fight and cost the people and money. However, Zhu Di stood his ground, and despite the opposition of his ministers, he sent another army to the Northern Expedition in April 22 of Yongle.

Zhu Di died on the journey, and if it were not for the ingenuity of the eunuch Ma Yun, the Ming Dynasty would have faced a great disaster

However, this time the Northern Expedition encountered an accident on the way to withdraw. The Ming army divided into east and west and returned to the division, planning to meet the division in Pingping, but on July 7, when Zhu Di led the eastern road cavalry army through Qingshuiyuan, he suddenly felt chest pain, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and seemed to suffer from heart disease. There are also rumors that Zhu Di may have been injured because of alchemy.

Regardless of the cause, Zhu Di's condition deteriorated sharply, and the imperial doctors were helpless, and eventually Zhu Di's heart stopped beating, and he died in the desert.

Zhu Di died on the journey, and if it were not for the ingenuity of the eunuch Ma Yun, the Ming Dynasty would have faced a great disaster

Zhu Di's dying caught the ministers off guard. In ancient China, succession to the throne was often accompanied by political turmoil, and Zhu Di's death occurred in the desert more than a thousand kilometers away from Beijing, making the transition of power face great uncertainty.

The question of the transition of power has long plagued Chinese history, and this time the situation is more complicated. You know, when Qin Shi Huang died, Zhao Gao controlled the regime and launched a coup d'état, which led to turmoil in the Qin Dynasty. Now, Zhu Di has also died suddenly in the desert, and the transfer of power has become very tricky, and the slightest carelessness may trigger political turmoil.

Zhu Di died on the journey, and if it were not for the ingenuity of the eunuch Ma Yun, the Ming Dynasty would have faced a great disaster

Yang Rong and Kim Youzi became key figures in the political situation. Yang Rong was a talented minister whose wisdom and decisiveness played a key role at this time. whereas

Since that hot day on July 17, 1424, everything has changed dramatically. The fate of the Daming Dynasty is like a leaf floating in a raging torrent, pushed to the cliff by the wind and waves one moment, and swept back into the turbulent water by the rapids the next. The death of Zhu Di and the resulting regime crisis brought the Daming Dynasty to a crossroads again.

Looking back at history, the rise and stability of the Daming Dynasty was not all smooth sailing. As early as the beginning of Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunjiang's accession to the throne, he fell into a situation of internal and external troubles and crises. Zhu Yunjiang listened to the advice of the minister and rushed to reduce the domain, which led to a conflict with Zhu Di the King of Yan, which eventually broke out into the Battle of Jingyan. After three years of bitter fighting, Zhu Di successfully seized the throne and became the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, facing many difficulties after ascending the throne.

First, the legitimacy of Zhu Di's accession to the throne is controversial because he seized the throne by war, rather than in the traditional order of succession. Second, Zhu Di also faced the problem of reducing the domain, and needed to stabilize internal affairs and ensure the loyalty of the feudal princes. The most difficult problem is that the remnants of the Yuan regime still exist, and the border problem in the north has become a major problem for him.

Zhu Di died on the journey, and if it were not for the ingenuity of the eunuch Ma Yun, the Ming Dynasty would have faced a great disaster

These three problems are intertwined, which could cause political turmoil at any time and threaten the stability of the Daming Dynasty. However, Zhu Di was a brilliant emperor who skillfully handled the first two issues, ensured the legitimacy of the regime, and carried out the policy of reducing the domain in an orderly manner.

As for the confrontation against the remnants of the Mongol forces, Zhu Di was undaunted, and personally led his army to the desert many times, defeating the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty to the ground and achieving remarkable results. But in the eighth year of his accession to the throne, that is, beginning in 1410, Zhu Di launched a series of imposing Northern Expeditions. This decision caused widespread controversy at the time because of the history of the Central Plains farmers

Zhu Di died on the journey, and if it were not for the ingenuity of the eunuch Ma Yun, the Ming Dynasty would have faced a great disaster

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