
On National Day, these 4 kinds of flower cuttings are timely, the survival rate is high, and the white roots are carefully maintained!

author:Say plants

As the temperature rises, flowers and plants are often damaged in summer due to high temperature and humidity, resulting in a decrease in ornamental value.

In late September, as the temperature gradually decreases, this is a good time to renew the flower plant and increase its ornamental value.

The following will introduce four flower plants suitable for cuttings and their cutting methods, so that flower friends can feel the magic of nature and the tenacity of vitality during the National Day.

On National Day, these 4 kinds of flower cuttings are timely, the survival rate is high, and the white roots are carefully maintained!


Geranium is a much-loved potted flower, and the fragrance and beautiful flowers they give off always attract people's attention. In the process of breeding geraniums, we can use the rooting ability of the joint parts of old and new branches to cultivate cuttings.

First of all, in order to cultivate healthy geraniums, we need to choose some robust shoots. These shoots should be rich in rooting tissue, which is a key site for plant growth and reproduction.

When cutting shoots, we need to pay attention to the length of the cut, in general, the length is about 10 cm is more appropriate. After cutting the branches, we need to dry them a little, so as to avoid excessive moisture and cause rot.

On National Day, these 4 kinds of flower cuttings are timely, the survival rate is high, and the white roots are carefully maintained!

Next, we need to prepare some loose and breathable soil. This soil is conducive to the growth and respiration of the root system. In the process of cuttings, we are going to moisten the soil sufficiently and then dig a small hole to insert our geranium branches.

The depth of insertion is about two-thirds of the length of the branch, which facilitates the growth of the root system. After insertion, we make sure that the soil remains moist, which can be achieved by watering regularly.

After about two weeks, we can see white roots growing from the branches. This shows that the cuttings have been successful and that our geraniums have successfully taken root in the new soil. At this time, we can transplant the seedlings into the pot and continue to maintain moderate moisture.

On National Day, these 4 kinds of flower cuttings are timely, the survival rate is high, and the white roots are carefully maintained!

After about a month, we will be able to see these geraniums grow up strongly, bringing more beauty and joy to our lives.

Every cuttings is a process of creation and a full affirmation of the vitality of nature. By cultivating geraniums, we can not only enjoy the beautiful flowers, but also feel the magic and infinite charm of nature.

On National Day, these 4 kinds of flower cuttings are timely, the survival rate is high, and the white roots are carefully maintained!


Autumn is the season when hydrangeas are in full bloom, and in this season hydrangeas will show their beauty and vitality. This is also the best time to prune and cut hydrangeas. It is very important to choose healthy hydrangea shoots to ensure the success of cuttings and the healthy growth of future hydrangeas.

We can choose a healthy branch from the hydrangea plant, which needs to have more bud points and full leaves. Then, shoots about 8 cm long are cut and cuttings are placed in soil containing more granular soil. Such soil facilitates drainage and prevents rotting of cuttings' branches.

On National Day, these 4 kinds of flower cuttings are timely, the survival rate is high, and the white roots are carefully maintained!

After cuttings, we should pay attention to keeping the potting soil moist continuously. This can be achieved by watering regularly. In the process of cuttings, the humidity of the potting soil will directly affect the growth rate and quality of new shoots. Maintaining the right humidity can promote the growth and development of new shoots.

After about a month, new shoots will grow out of the shoots. This is a sign of the success of cuttings and the basis for future hydrangea growth. Then, in the coming summer, hydrangeas bloom beautifully, its flowers are usually blue or pink, these bright colors can bring a touch of enchanting color throughout the summer.

As one of the stars of autumn, hydrangea has won the love of many people with its bright flower colors and elegant flower shapes. Whether as an embellishment for a courtyard or as the protagonist of a flower bed, hydrangeas add a touch of enchanting color to autumn. Its unique flower shape, elegant and charming, can not only please the eye, but also cultivate the mood.

On National Day, these 4 kinds of flower cuttings are timely, the survival rate is high, and the white roots are carefully maintained!


Choosing healthy mint branches can plant a cool and refreshing greenery for us. First of all, we need to carefully select the mint branches to ensure that they have intact leaves and stems.

Next, cut the shoots neatly and remove the leaves at the bottom to make it easier to grow. Then, insert the cut mint branches into clean water and let them take root quickly. Keep in mind that choosing longer shoots helps the root system grow. After the roots have grown, we can transplant the mint into the pot.

On National Day, these 4 kinds of flower cuttings are timely, the survival rate is high, and the white roots are carefully maintained!

Before transplanting, we need to choose a suitable pot and fill it with nutrient-rich soil. Bury the mints gently in the soil, making sure they are completely covered. Next, give the mint the right environment and light.

Mint loves sunlight, so choose a location with plenty of light, but gradually increase the light time so as not to be too stimulating. Before mint has taken root, we can choose not to expose it directly to the sun, but keep it well ventilated and give them plenty of air.

On National Day, these 4 kinds of flower cuttings are timely, the survival rate is high, and the white roots are carefully maintained!

Through such careful cultivation, we can quickly enjoy the cool taste of the mint we grow. These mint branches will thrive and become a beautiful sight in our pots.

Whenever we need something refreshing and refreshing, just pick some fresh mint leaves and feel nature's gift. Growing mint is not only a way to care for nature, but also a way to create a better life. Let's enjoy this planting journey together and sprinkle a healthy and cool breath!

On National Day, these 4 kinds of flower cuttings are timely, the survival rate is high, and the white roots are carefully maintained!


Jasmine is a flower plant that exudes a strong fragrance. When pruning jasmine branches, we choose those that are semi-lignified. Before cuttings, a loose and breathable soil needs to be prepared.

Next, soak the jasmine shoots in rooting agent for a while, which can help them take root and grow better. After cuttings, we patiently observe their growth, and fortunately, jasmine usually has a high survival rate.

On National Day, these 4 kinds of flower cuttings are timely, the survival rate is high, and the white roots are carefully maintained!

When the jasmine grows gradually stabilized, we can transplant it into pots. The whole process requires a certain amount of patience and attention, but when the spring comes, we will be able to enjoy the beautiful scene of jasmine blooming. A faint fragrance fills the air, making people feel refreshed.

As a plant with good survival ability, jasmine can adapt to different environments. Whether placed on the balcony or suspended in the courtyard, it brings us a unique beauty and tranquility. Therefore, we can grow jasmine flowers at home or in the office and enjoy the comfort and pleasure they bring.

The beauty of jasmine is not only reflected in the appearance, but more importantly, the pleasure and comfort it brings. In the busy and tiring life, they often ignore their pursuit of beauty, and planting jasmine is not only a green decoration, but also a soothing for the soul. Let's let go of the busyness in our hands and share a warm and beautiful time with Jasmine.

On National Day, these 4 kinds of flower cuttings are timely, the survival rate is high, and the white roots are carefully maintained!

The meaning and simplicity of cuttings

Cuttings are a method of rapid propagation of flower plants, which can give flowers a new look and add ornamental value. Not only that, but cuttings are also of great significance, allowing us to witness the miracle of life and feel the power of the tenacious growth of plants. The propagation method of cuttings of these four plants is simple and easy, without the need for professional skills, as long as you do it, you can complete it.

By trying cuttings with your own hands, you can feel the magic of nature. Cuttings are not only a technique, but also a way to get in touch with nature.

Every successful cuttings is a celebration of nature's wisdom, and every sprout is a celebration of vitality. Cuttings can not only meet our appreciation needs for beautiful flowers, but also let us feel the infinite charm of nature and the wonderful changes of life.

In daily life, cuttings are also a simple and economical method, we can use pulp to cut love trees, moss to cut ivy, thus creating more greenery.

Cuttings not only bring us beauty, but also make us rediscover the power of plants. As long as you are brave and experimented, everyone can become the creator and creator of plants.