
Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home

author:Say plants

In traditional Chinese culture, the yin tree is regarded as a symbol of bad luck. According to the ancestors, the Yin tree cannot enter the house, otherwise it will bring bad luck to the family. So, which tree species are considered shade trees? Come and see it with me!

What is a Yin Tree? In folk tradition, yin trees refer to trees that have a bad meaning and an ominous atmosphere. Such trees are often thought to be associated with cemeteries, funerals, and other things, and are unlucky symbols.

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home


The willow tree is seen as a representative of the yin tree, and it has been given some negative connotations in traditional culture. First of all, its negative characteristics are the most prominent, and it is considered a tree with an ominous atmosphere.

Secondly, willow tree is homonymous with the word "flow", which is easily reminiscent of unlucky words such as "loss" and "scattered wealth". These are all negative perceptions of willow trees in folk tradition.

In addition, willow has many medicinal properties. According to Chinese medicine theory, willow has the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and relieving pain, and can be used to treat colds, sore throats and other symptoms.

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home

Willow leaves can be made into a tea that not only tastes sweet, but also helps to relieve fatigue and refresh the mind. The bark of willow can also be used as a preparation in traditional Chinese medicine therapy, which has a certain effect on the treatment of some skin diseases. Therefore, willow is also regarded as an important plant resource for medicinal purposes.

In addition, willow is also widely used in garden design and landscape construction. Due to its unique branch morphology and growth habits, willow trees are often pruned into various shapes, such as umbrellas, arcs, etc., adding a unique charm to the garden landscape.

Willow trees can also be used to create hedges in gardens, shade courtyards and protection works by lakes. These fully demonstrate the wide application value of willow in modern society.

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home

With the re-recognition and attention of willows, the status of willows has gradually improved. People began to see the beauty and utility of the willow tree, and no longer just associate it with unlucky words. As a negative tree, the characteristics of the willow tree contrast sharply with other positive trees, adding more life and variety to the city.

Although an allergic reaction to willow may cause discomfort to some people, this does not negate the benefits and beauty that willow brings.

I believe that with the advancement of science and technology and people's in-depth research on willow, we can find better solutions to reduce willow allergy problems, so that more people can enjoy the benefits of willow.

Let's work together to protect and cherish this beautiful natural resource of the willow tree so that it continues to bring us coolness and joy in the city.

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home


The mulberry tree, as a common tree, is associated with many unlucky symbols in traditional culture. First of all, the homonym of the mulberry tree "mourning" is believed to be related to "death" and is therefore seen as a symbol of bad luck. In some areas, people try to avoid words or words related to "mourning", including things related to mulberry trees.

In addition, the leaves and fruits of the mulberry tree are prone to falling, which is often seen as a symbol of bad luck. In many ancient buildings, gardens or cemeteries, mulberry trees were often avoided to avoid negative effects.

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home

In some traditional gardens, even if mulberry trees are to be planted, some old trees will be selected and planted with other trees to avoid too abrupt or unlucky meanings.

At the same time, mulberries of the mulberry tree were regarded as ghostly food in ancient times, so they were also often considered feminine things. In some areas, mulberry picking is avoided to avoid the unlucky consequences of being considered eating ghostly food.

In addition, in many ancient cultures, mulberry trees are often associated with witches, magic and other mysterious things, which further deepens people's distrust of mulberry trees.

But mulberry trees don't just have unlucky meanings. In some cultures, the mulberry tree is seen as auspicious, representing prosperity and happiness. Especially in China's agrarian society, mulberry trees play an important role.

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home

The leaves of mulberry trees are one of the main foods for silkworm farming, while silk is one of the outstanding representatives of traditional Chinese culture. Since the rearing of silkworms requires a large number of mulberry leaves, mulberry trees are also regarded as the source of nourishing silk.

Many examples of this can be found in ancient Chinese literature. For example, Jia Mu in "Dream of Red Mansions" personally visits the silkworm house every day to check the situation of silkworm breeding to ensure the production of silk. In Nanjing, there is a temple dedicated to silk, called "Sericulture Temple". These all show the importance of mulberry trees in Chinese culture.

In addition to silkworm farming, mulberry trees have many other uses. Its fruit can be made into mulberry wine or mulberry cakes, which have delicious and nutritious effects.

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home

At the same time, the mulberry tree also has medicinal properties, especially its root bark and bark, which are used to treat some common ailments. In Chinese folklore, mulberry trees are also used to pray for blessings and ward off evil spirits. It is believed that peace and happiness can be achieved by praying under mulberry trees.

In addition, the mulberry tree is also regarded as a symbol of tenacity of vitality. It grows on barren land and doesn't require much nutrition and water. Even in the desolate desert area, mulberry trees are still able to survive. This vitality and tenacious spirit make the mulberry tree an admirable plant.

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home

Pine cypress

The pine cypress tree is a common decorative tree in cemeteries and spiritual halls, and is therefore considered a shade tree. However, this tree is also believed to have an ominous aura, closely associated with funerary rites. In some traditions, the oil of pine and cypress trees pollutes the land and is not suitable for planting at home.

In traditional Chinese culture, the pine cypress tree is seen as a plant symbolizing death and mourning. They are often used in the decoration of cemeteries and shrines, and are believed to be trees capable of bringing yin and obscurity. Therefore, it is widely believed that these trees are ominous and should not be planted in homes or around homes.

In addition, since pine trees produce a lot of oil, they can cause pollution to the land if they are planted in the soil. Therefore, some people believe that planting such trees at home or elsewhere should be avoided.

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home


The locust tree is considered to be a feminine plant, and its growing environment makes it emit a thicker yin qi. Therefore, in some areas, locust trees are considered shaded trees, corresponding to masculine plants. In addition, the name of the locust tree is homonymous with the Chinese character "bad", so it is mistaken for an unlucky connotation, and is therefore considered an unlucky tree.

In addition, in traditional culture, locust trees also carry some mysterious symbolic meanings. It is considered to be the place where ghosts and spirits dwell, so it is also called "ghost tree".

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home

This may be related to features such as the morphology of the locust tree, the jet-black bark, and the large canopy. In some folklore, it is believed that locust trees can attract ghosts and even become a shelter for monsters and evil spirits. This perception also reinforces the impression that the locust tree is seen as ominous.

Seeing this, some people may worry about whether they will also have these shade trees in their homes. Don't worry, I'm here to tell you which trees are suitable for planting.

In fact, in addition to the above-mentioned shade trees, there are many other trees suitable for planting. These trees not only symbolize good luck and bring good luck, but also beautify the home environment and improve the quality of life.

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home

Persimmon tree

The persimmon tree is a common fruit tree that has been given a very beautiful meaning in traditional culture. One of the most famous meanings is "everything is good", because the pinyin of persimmon is the same as the pinyin of "thing", so people often use persimmon to represent that everything is smooth and their wishes come true.

In addition to its beauty, the fruit of the persimmon tree is also delicious and is regarded as a symbol of harvest and abundance. In many places, the fruit of the persimmon tree is one of the fruits of the autumn harvest and can be used to make various delicacies, such as persimmon cakes, dried persimmons, persimmon wine, and many more.

Moreover, persimmons have high nutritional value, rich in vitamins and minerals, and have many benefits for human health.

Therefore, persimmon trees are often regarded as a symbol of good luck, abundant harvest and abundance in traditional culture, and many people plant persimmon trees at home to symbolize a good and happy life. At the same time, persimmon tree is also a common ornamental plant, its fruit is golden yellow, very beautiful, can be used to beautify the environment and increase urban greenery.

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home

Pomegranate tree

The pomegranate tree is a very culturally rich tree, and its fruit is regarded as a symbol of "many seeds and many blessings" because it has many seeds. In traditional culture, the pomegranate tree is considered an auspicious tree that can bring good luck and good fortune to the home.

First of all, the fruit of the pomegranate tree is seedy, which is one of its most striking characteristics. In traditional Chinese culture, many children and many blessings are one of the very important values, so this characteristic of the pomegranate tree is regarded as an auspicious omen. People often give pomegranates as gifts to newlyweds, which means to wish them many children and happy families.

Secondly, the pomegranate tree is regarded in traditional culture as a tree that can ward off evil spirits and dispel evil. In some places, pomegranate trees are planted at the entrance to avoid the invasion of evil spirits and protect the safety of the family. In addition, the fruit of the pomegranate tree is also regarded as an auspicious object because of its unique form and color, and is often used in festivals and sacrifices.

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home


The jujube tree is a tree with auspicious meanings, representing "early wealth" and "good luck". In traditional culture, the jujube tree is regarded as a tree that can bring good luck and fortune because its pinyin contains the homonyms "early" and "jujube", which have auspicious meanings.

In addition, the fruit of the jujube tree can also be used to make various delicacies, such as date cake, date paste, etc., which are also believed to have nourishing effects on the body.

Ancestors: "Yin trees can't enter the house", which are "Yin trees"? See if you grow it at home

At the same time, the growth conditions of jujube trees are also relatively easy to meet. It is a relatively drought-tolerant, barren-tolerant tree that can grow in different soil and climatic conditions. Therefore, many people plant date trees in their homes or offices to symbolize good fortune and successful careers.

In addition, there are many other suitable trees such as peach trees, ginkgo trees, osmanthus trees, vines, etc. These trees not only mean good, but also bring fresh air and beautiful scenery to the home.

In short, when choosing to plant trees, we must consider whether their meaning is auspicious, and whether it is suitable for our own family environment and conditions.

Don't be bound by the traditional ideas of our ancestors, as long as you choose the right trees and take good care of them, I believe that our life will be better!