
The United States can so boldly touch China's red line, but it actually thinks that the battlefield cannot hit the homeland?

author:Leisurely northeasterners see the world

Why is the United States so bold in touching China's red line? With the increasing tension between China and the United States, the United States has gradually played a more radical role on the Taiwan issue. In recent years, the United States has intensified its arms sales and political support for Taiwan, and even begun to send high-level officials to visit Taiwan, which is undoubtedly provoking China's bottom line. One of the core reasons why the United States has so boldly touched China's red line and unabashedly expressed its position is that it feels that if there is a war, it will never hit the United States mainland.

The United States can so boldly touch China's red line, but it actually thinks that the battlefield cannot hit the homeland?

Powerful military power and geographic distance protect the U.S. homeland

First, the United States has a great military power and is one of the largest military powers in the world. It has advanced weaponry and technology, strong naval and air force capabilities, as well as world-leading intelligence systems and combat capabilities. This allows the United States to effectively respond to a variety of threats and challenges, including a potential conflict in the Taiwan Strait.

The United States can so boldly touch China's red line, but it actually thinks that the battlefield cannot hit the homeland?

Second, there is a long geographical distance between the United States and China. The two countries are separated by more than 9,000 kilometers, making the U.S. homeland relatively distant and more vulnerable to direct attack. This gives the United States more time and space to respond to potential threats of war and take the necessary defensive and countermeasures to protect its homeland

The United States can so boldly touch China's red line, but it actually thinks that the battlefield cannot hit the homeland?

Global power projection capabilities and a network of allies support U.S. operations

With its global power-projection capabilities and network of allies, the United States can quickly deploy its military in the event of a conflict in the Taiwan Strait and have the support of its surrounding allies. The United States has a series of stable military bases in the Asian region, such as Japan, South Korea and other countries. Strong security relationships with these allies give the United States a stronger military support capability in regional conflicts.

The United States and its allies have also strengthened cooperation through military exercises, intelligence sharing, and technical cooperation to improve their combat capabilities and access to information. This has provided important support and guarantee for US actions in the conflict in the Taiwan Strait and further enhanced US confidence

The United States can so boldly touch China's red line, but it actually thinks that the battlefield cannot hit the homeland?

Military assistance to Taiwan protects U.S. interests in the Asian region

In addition, the United States has deeply intervened in Taiwan Strait affairs in accordance with its military assistance relationship with Taiwan. The United States has provided Taiwan with a large amount of military equipment and technical support, including fighter jets, submarines, etc. This military assistance is not only an expression of U.S. support for Taiwan, but also an attempt to maintain checks and influence on China in a conflict across the Taiwan Strait.

The United States can so boldly touch China's red line, but it actually thinks that the battlefield cannot hit the homeland?

The United States believes that by strengthening its support for Taiwan, it can weaken China's influence in the Taiwan Strait and protect its interests in Asia. However, the United States is also well aware of the potential for tensions between China and the United States and has taken a series of measures to avoid an escalation of the conflict.

The United States can so boldly touch China's red line, but it actually thinks that the battlefield cannot hit the homeland?

DF-41 ICBM: 14,000 kilometers and can reach the United States

The DF-41 intercontinental missile (DF-41) is a new generation of Chinese intercontinental ballistic missile systems with long-range counterattack capabilities. The missile is famous for its high mobility, concealment and rapid response characteristics, the maximum range of the Dongfeng-41 ICBM reaches 14,000 kilometers, the missile carries a plurality of MIRD thermonuclear warheads, can hit multiple targets at the same time according to different mission needs, DF-41 ICBM can carry different types of warheads. These include conventional warheads, split thermonuclear warheads, etc. Each missile usually carries 3-6 150,000-ton MISSILE thermonuclear warheads or one 1 million tonnes thermonuclear warhead.

The United States can so boldly touch China's red line, but it actually thinks that the battlefield cannot hit the homeland?

DF-31 ICBM: Range 12,000 km, can reach the United States

It can carry 3-6 150,000-ton split guided thermonuclear warheads or one 1 million tons thermonuclear warhead, with a maximum range of 12,000 kilometers, is a land-based intercontinental ballistic missile system of China, with long-range strike capabilities, and the DF-31 intercontinental missile is a solid-fuel missile system consisting of a control command vehicle, a launch vehicle and a bomb vehicle. It has the ability to deploy flexibly and launch quickly, and is able to adapt to different combat environments. The DF-31 ICBM has a maximum range of 12,000 kilometers, which is enough to attack the US mainland. The missile system can carry 3-6 150,000-ton MISSILE thermonuclear warheads or one 1 million KM thermonuclear warhead.

The United States can so boldly touch China's red line, but it actually thinks that the battlefield cannot hit the homeland?

Summary: The reason why the United States believes that once the conflict in the Taiwan Strait escalates into a real war, the war will only be confined to Taiwan or China, and will not affect the United States mainland, because it has strong military strength and long geographical distance, relying on global power projection capabilities and alliance networks, and military assistance to Taiwan. However, winning the war is not the only goal, and military adventures can also lead to political, economic and social consequences, so China and the United States should effectively maintain regional security and stability and resolve differences through dialogue and negotiation

The United States can so boldly touch China's red line, but it actually thinks that the battlefield cannot hit the homeland?

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