
Zhao Youting's father Zhao Shuhai: Big mouth, love to talk, once almost "mistakenly injured" his daughter-in-law.

author:The cutest little potato ever

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Zhao Shuhai, an artist with a unique reputation in the entertainment industry in the 80s and 90s, is both a folk singer and an excellent actor, and also shoulders the heavy responsibility of host. Today, he is over 72 years old and still active in the entertainment industry. However, his multiple identities, while bringing honor, also come with a lot of troubles, not least because of his mouth that likes to express opinions.

In the early years, his remarks attracted much attention because his son Zhao Youting won the actor award for "Riffraff Hero", but it attracted a lot of controversy. In recent years, the marriage of his son Zhao Youting and Gao Yuanyuan has once again put him on the cusp, and has been misunderstood as being quite critical of his daughter-in-law Gao Yuanyuan, or inappropriate words, and seems to lack a sense of boundaries for his juniors. It can be said that Zhao Shuhaicheng also speaks, and defeat also speaks.

Zhao Youting's father Zhao Shuhai: Big mouth, love to talk, once almost "mistakenly injured" his daughter-in-law.

Now, let's review his acting career. Zhao Shuhai, born in 1951, emerged as a folk singer. In the late 70s and early 80s of the 20th century, his musical works sprang up, and his golden partner with Wang Menglin emerged. They can not only compose lyrics and music, but also are good at singing, and have composed many classic songs, such as "Ami Ame, Ami Mei", "Kapok Road", "Scene in the Rain" and so on. The songs written by Zhao Shuhai alone are more literary and affectionate, and even Li Zongsheng once asked him for advice on songwriting.

Zhao Shuhai has been lively and full of desire to express himself since he was a child. As a student, he often organized events and participated in competitions. Later, he went to the city to work hard, turning his exuberant desire for expression into songs. However, with the rise of the record industry, he switched to acting and played the role of Liu Bang in "Chu Han Fengyun" for the first time, which not only allowed him to open the door to the show business, but also gained love and family after marriage. tied the knot with the "Yu Ji" Dai Yiyu in the play, formed a family, and soon welcomed the eldest son Zhao Zhongting and the youngest son Zhao Youting. Over the years, he has also left many classic film and television works, such as many roles in the 93 version of "Bao Qingtian". However, most of his roles required multiple roles, so he accepted an offer to become the host of a traditional local TV show. Although he was not reluctant at first, his life improvement and guidance made the show gain widespread attention, and his hosting career has skyrocketed since then. In addition, he also hosted a very famous interview program, inviting many popular stars to his program.

Zhao Youting's father Zhao Shuhai: Big mouth, love to talk, once almost "mistakenly injured" his daughter-in-law.

However, the reason why Zhao Shuhai also spoke and defeated also spoke began with his dispute with his sons Zhao Youting and Zhou Yumin. At that time, Zhao Youting was a fledgling actor, and Zhou Yumin had already accumulated a large number of fans. They played the lead role in "Riffraff Heroes", a film that was so popular that both of them were highly acclaimed for their performances, making them popular candidates for the actor. However, in the end, Zhou Yumin did not win the award, and Zhao Youting won the crown. This incident has caused a lot of controversy in the industry, some people claim that there is shady scenes, and some people are grievances against Zhou Yumin, Zhao Shuhai supported him in order to protect his son's reputation, but he was accused of consuming Zhou Yumin and bears this name.

Zhao Youting's father Zhao Shuhai: Big mouth, love to talk, once almost "mistakenly injured" his daughter-in-law.

Another thing that made Zhao Shuhai feel aggrieved and angry was related to his daughter-in-law Gao Yuanyuan. When Zhao Youting and Gao Yuanyuan's relationship was exposed, Zhao Shuhai became the focus of the media. He mentioned in the interview that he hoped that his son would bring his girlfriend home first to understand their living habits and values to see if it was suitable. However, this remark was misinterpreted as not optimistic about the relationship between his son and Gao Yuanyuan, and was even accused of disliking Gao Yuanyuan's age. In fact, Zhao Shuhai's family has an unwritten rule that no matter what friends are, they recommend that their son take it home first to understand to ensure that the two can get along harmoniously. This logic is plausible, because marriage involves two families, but it is met with malice

Zhao Youting's father Zhao Shuhai: Big mouth, love to talk, once almost "mistakenly injured" his daughter-in-law.

Interpretation. These misunderstandings are not only related to the position of the media, but also to Zhao Shuhai's expression and attitude.

Zhao Shuhai may be overconfident, thinking that everyone knows his style and personality, and understands his consistent views on children's marriage. However, he had a unique pattern of getting along with his son Zhao Youting, and as an elder, his successful career and penchant for expressing opinions led him to often show overly enthusiastic preaching. Although others may think that he is too nagging, Zhao Youting is accustomed to this kind of preaching. However, once in the program "Kangxi is Coming", the host Xiao S was almost driven crazy by Zhao Shuhai's preaching. Generally speaking, no matter how authoritative or serious artists participate in such shows, most of them will be taken away by Xiao S. But this time Xiao S miscalculated, and Zhao Shuhai's confidence made him insist on his point of view, causing Xiao S to be unable to refute it. Zhao Youting said that he was accustomed to his father's preaching, but Zhao Shuhai still expressed his views on the program and seemed to be able to preach at any time.

Zhao Youting's father Zhao Shuhai: Big mouth, love to talk, once almost "mistakenly injured" his daughter-in-law.

Zhao Shuhai mentioned his daughter-in-law Gao Yuanyuan in the show, which caused more controversy. He described various details of Gao Yuanyuan's home, trying to praise her for her understanding and thoughtfulness. However, his rhetoric is interpreted as a traditional view of the family, which seems to hold that a woman's primary duty is to serve her husband. This sparked widespread controversy, with many believing that his traditional ideas were anachronistic and ignored women's sense of autonomy and rights.

In addition, Zhao Shuhai also put forward an unusual view of the tall round body, believing that women should be fuller, not too thin. This view has been challenged by the rise of female autonomy and aesthetic diversity, and many consider his views too traditional and biased.

Based on Zhao Shuhai's previous remarks, it can be seen that he is a traditional elder with his own values and family model. However, he seems to have failed to keep pace with the changes in modern society and the awakening of women's rights. His rhetoric and opinions in public are often easily misunderstood or controversial. As an artist, he should better understand the attributes of media, especially in the Internet age, where media becomes a selective magnifying glass. It is therefore essential to be more cautious in what we say and deed.

Finally, although Zhao Shuhai has been active in the entertainment industry for many years, he still seems to have not kept up with the pace of the times, and his words and attitudes often cause controversy and misunderstanding. As a traditional elder, he may also have failed to maintain a proper sense of boundaries and fully understand the independence and modern ideas of his younger generation. The older you get, the more wisdom should appear, but wisdom is not ostentatious, but still water flowing deep, perhaps Zhao Shuhai needs to be more cautious and understand the changes of the times in the future to better adapt to the values and concepts of modern society.

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