
The real cause of the US supply chain crisis: the essence is a shortage of people, the key is too many dollars

author:Youchun breeze is satisfactory

One of the reasons for the trouble of the US economy is the water release policy implemented by the Biden administration, which has not solved the economic problems of the United States, but has led to supply chain chaos. At present, the most serious problem is the poor flow of materials, which is extremely scarce in some places and backlogged in others. This is not because of a lack of money, but because of poor logistics and a lack of labor.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the U.S. economy has faced a severe crisis and unemployment has soared. Many companies are laying off workers to save costs, which has led to higher unemployment. After the American people lose their jobs, without income, they naturally have no purchasing power, further exacerbating the economic contraction. However, at present, American companies are also refusing to offer high wages to attract labor. This has led to the biggest problem facing the United States is the lack of labor.

To address this issue, the Biden administration has called on those on duty to double their labor. But this does not solve the underlying problem, because the unemployed do not have enough labor and there is a shortage of forklifters, warehouse managers and truck drivers in the ports. This has led to imports hoarding in ports, while many places in the interior of the United States are short of supplies.

In order to alleviate the problem, some supermarkets began to "save the shelves", because filling the shelves is not good for the image of the supermarket. Especially before the upcoming Christmas, if the problem is not solved, the American people may have a Christmas when they have money but cannot buy anything. So what the United States lacks now is not dollars, but a labor force willing to work hard.

The reasons for the shortage of labor are many, on the one hand, the economy is not good, and many enterprises lay off employees; On the other hand, because of the high benefits given by the Biden administration, people are reluctant to work. The U.S. government began to issue relief funds after the outbreak of the epidemic, so that many people chose to lie down and not work, and they could receive more than 4,000 US dollars a month, which is higher than the normal income of many people. This high welfare policy sent unemployment soaring, but did not solve real economic problems. In addition, making people not work while enjoying welfare also makes people dependent on and disgusted with labor.

Now the seriousness of the problem has attracted the attention of the Biden administration. The government stopped handing out bailouts, but people were dissatisfied with it, and the percentage of polls dissatisfied with the government had risen to 62 percent. At the same time, the money people have cannot be exchanged for actual commodities, and many people choose to invest this money in the stock market, making the stock market bright red. However, this economic bubble can only bring temporary benefits, and in the long run, the bursting of the economic bubble will lead to economic collapse.

History tells us that the United States made a similar mistake during the economic crisis of 1929. After the bursting of the economic bubble, the economy fell into the Great Depression, which was gradually restored only through new policies and war dividends. Now, once the securities binge is over and the bubble bursts, who does the United States need to lead a new policy to save the economy?

In addition, the US government has not really solved the problem of human nature and has not stimulated the labor enthusiasm of the American people, resulting in the lack of a dynamic and positive consumer market. People need to realize that only through hard work and struggle can they create wealth that truly belongs to them. Without a broad, active consumer market, how can the economy develop?

In short, the problem facing the United States is not a lack of dollars, but a lack of consumer markets and labor. To solve these problems, we need to truly solve the problems of human nature and stimulate people's enthusiasm for labor, so that the economy can return to the track of a virtuous circle. Printing money does not solve the economic problem, the real solution lies in allowing everyone to gain wealth and a happy life through hard work and struggle.

The real cause of the US supply chain crisis: the essence is a shortage of people, the key is too many dollars
The real cause of the US supply chain crisis: the essence is a shortage of people, the key is too many dollars
The real cause of the US supply chain crisis: the essence is a shortage of people, the key is too many dollars
The real cause of the US supply chain crisis: the essence is a shortage of people, the key is too many dollars
The real cause of the US supply chain crisis: the essence is a shortage of people, the key is too many dollars
The real cause of the US supply chain crisis: the essence is a shortage of people, the key is too many dollars
The real cause of the US supply chain crisis: the essence is a shortage of people, the key is too many dollars
The real cause of the US supply chain crisis: the essence is a shortage of people, the key is too many dollars
The real cause of the US supply chain crisis: the essence is a shortage of people, the key is too many dollars
The real cause of the US supply chain crisis: the essence is a shortage of people, the key is too many dollars

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