
If the cloud screen has color—she is?

author:Longnan Liangdang released

What is the color of the cloud screen?

It is colorful

Landscape Green, Healing Blue, Golden Yellow...

These belong to the "dopamine" color of the cloud screen

I have to let you see

Mountains and rivers are green

If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?

No mountains are not green, no water is not beautiful

The mountains make the cloud screen majestic

The water makes the cloud screen beautiful and flexible

The beauty of the cloud screen lies between the mountains and the water

Healing Blue

If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?

Blue sky and white clouds, leisurely green water

It always makes people feel good and forget about their worries

"The town is exquisite and picturesque"

Beauty to new heights


If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?

During the harvest, it is golden yellow

It is also for people's hearts

If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?

In autumn, autumn is crisp

A unique and wonderful view is formed

The beautiful scenery of the layers of forest is like a moving picture

Ripe red

If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?
If the cloud screen has color—she is?

Red is the mature color

Schisandra, August melon...

Hang among the vines

Feel the sun and accept the rain

Reveals a red, pink color

Exudes a sweet scent

There are new scenery in the season, and there are colors everywhere

The beauty of mountains and rivers, the interest of life, and the charm of humanities

Pervades every corner of town

There are more dopamine colors that belong to the cloud screen

Warm and colorful

Waiting for you to unlock

(Contributed by: Liu Huan)