
Is it good to have a deposit greater than 100,000? Banker: It's really good to have 100,000 deposits, and the reason is very real

author:Raven-kun's first aid workplace

With the continuous development of society and the continuous prosperity of the country, a monthly salary of more than 10,000 is no longer an untouchable dream for many people.

Migrant workers in many cities have achieved this goal, and even many couriers and delivery workers can get this income.

But making money is probably more important than making money and saving money.

This is because it is savings that give us the confidence to face surprises and uncertainties, and it is a solid foundation for us to cope with various crises and secure the future.

In this way, a natural question emerges in people's minds: what is the per capita deposit of Chinese, and is it good to have a deposit greater than 100,000?

Some bankers were consulted, and their answer was somewhat unexpected, it turned out that it is not easy to have 100,000 deposits.

Why is that?

Is it good to have a deposit greater than 100,000? Banker: It's really good to have 100,000 deposits, and the reason is very real

01 The current income situation of mainland people

Although China's economy has performed well in recent years, it has been growing steadily.

The income level of most people has increased significantly, especially in first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, and there are many individuals with monthly salaries of up to 20,000.

At the same time, however, the growth of people's savings does not seem to be satisfactory.

On the one hand, because these cities, although the wages are good, the level of consumption is also amazing.

Many people find it difficult to save a sum of money at such a high level of consumption.

On the other hand, even if the salaries may seem high on the surface, their wages need to support the entire family.

Several mouths have to rely on one person, and naturally the deposit will not go up.

Of course, this is only the current situation of some people in the city.

From a broader perspective, in the mainland's huge labor market, there are still a large number of workers with a small monthly income, only a few thousand yuan, and more than 5,000 yuan do not account for the majority.

In such an income situation, it is naturally extremely difficult to save up to 100,000.

Is it good to have a deposit greater than 100,000? Banker: It's really good to have 100,000 deposits, and the reason is very real

02 Macro data analysis

When it comes to deposits, macro data reveals some thought-provoking truths.

In the past six months, domestic RMB deposits have surged by 20 trillion yuan, of which the residential sector contributed nearly 11.9 trillion yuan, and it seems that people's wallets are getting fuller day by day.

But at first glance, the situation is not as rosy as it seems.

On average, the per capita deposit is 94,200 yuan.

This figure sounds pleasing at first, but it does not accurately reflect the wealth of each person, because it mixes the assets of the rich and the general public.

The breakdown data reveals the grim reality of the gap between rich and poor.

According to the financial report of China Merchants Bank, 2.18% of depositors hold more than 80% of their deposits, while the vast majority of depositors have deposits of less than 500,000 yuan, and their per capita assets are only 12,000 yuan.

Therefore, for ordinary people, a deposit of 100,000 is actually a big achievement.

Behind this figure, there is a large number of family efforts and thrift.

This explains why even bank staff consider deposits of more than 100,000 to be a respectable achievement.

Is it good to have a deposit greater than 100,000? Banker: It's really good to have 100,000 deposits, and the reason is very real

03 Why can't everyone save money?

Faced with the increasing pressures of life, many people find themselves seemingly unable to save money.

So, what are the factors that cause this phenomenon?

First of all, mortgages have become the "invisible hand" of many people.

Nowadays, not only the housing prices in first-tier cities remain high, but also the housing prices in many second-tier cities have exceeded 20,000 / square meter, and in some developed areas, it is as high as 40,000-50,000 / square meter.

This means that the price of an average home can easily exceed 2 million.

Even after the down payment, the monthly repayment is often more than 7,000 yuan.

For most families, a mortgage is undoubtedly a huge financial burden, making saving a luxury.

Second, investment in education is a "bottomless pit" for many families.

Raising a child requires a lot of money from birth.

Not only do you have to pay high fees for insurance, baby products, milk powder, etc., but the cost of education also rises year by year as the child grows.

The cost of various extracurricular tuition classes and interest classes remains high, which has become a heavy burden on families.

Finally, medical costs are also a factor that cannot be ignored.

In the family, it is necessary not only to prepare for your own medical expenses, but also to take into account the health of your elderly parents.

Medical costs tend to increase gradually as we age.

Unless the family is well-off, most of these additional expenses need to be borne by the younger generation.

To sum up, mortgages, education, and health care costs constitute three major pressures and are the main obstacles to achieving savings goals for most people.

Is it good to have a deposit greater than 100,000? Banker: It's really good to have 100,000 deposits, and the reason is very real

04 So what to do?

In the face of so many economic pressures, we can't help but ask, what should we do?

The answer may not be difficult, but it requires us to work together.

First of all, young people should strengthen their awareness of wealth accumulation.

Learn to manage money, plan income effectively, and reduce unnecessary consumption.

Remember, wealth is often accumulated in bits and pieces on a daily basis.

Only by continuing to be frugal can we gradually form a considerable deposit that provides more security for future life.

Second, state support is also indispensable.

At the institutional level, people's housing pressure, education pressure and medical pressure can be further reduced.

For example, develop a diversified housing supply system, improve the allocation of educational resources, and improve the level of medical security.

Finally, we can also explore more diversified sources of income.

For example, investment and financial management, part-time jobs, etc., to improve their economic strength. Make yourself more relaxed in the face of various pressures.

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