
The autumnal equinox is near, the rain is weak, and the cooling is strong

author:Beijing Meteorology
The autumnal equinox is near, the rain is weak, and the cooling is strong

Weather overview


Real-time weather

Real weather

Tomorrow, it will enter the autumnal equinox. Today, the north wind is at work, the sunshine continues, and the coolness of the morning and evening is becoming more and more obvious. Riding to work early in the morning, wearing short sleeves, there is a bit of a rhythm of freezing and crying~

The autumnal equinox is near, the rain is weak, and the cooling is strong

Chaoyang Park at night

(Photo: Detection Center ~ Xiaopeng)


Temperature facts and today's weather

Actual temperature

In the morning, the lowest temperature at the observatory is 16.7°C (06:01), and the coolness is online.

The autumnal equinox is near, the rain is weak, and the cooling is strong
The autumnal equinox is near, the rain is weak, and the cooling is strong

Yesterday, the maximum temperature at the Southern Suburbs Observatory was 28.2°C (15:09). Today the sun continues, the north wind will gradually weaken in the afternoon, the temperature is not much different from yesterday, the maximum temperature during the day is expected to be about 27 °C, and the outdoor experience is more comfortable~

Weather forecast


Weather for the next three days

Threeday weather forecast

Daytime on the 22nd: sunny to cloudy; North to south wind 3, 4 (gust 6) to 2; The highest temperature in plain areas is 27°C, and the highest temperature in mountainous areas is 25~27°C; Minimum relative humidity 35%. Night of the 22nd: cloudy and sunny; South to north wind 1, 2; The lowest temperature in plains is 17°C, and the lowest temperature in mountainous areas is 13~15°C; Maximum relative humidity 75%.

Daytime on the 23rd: cloudy to sunny; North to south wind 2, 3; The highest temperature in plain areas is 25°C, and the highest temperature in mountainous areas is 21~25°C; Minimum relative humidity 35%. Night of the 23rd: sunny to cloudy; South to north wind 1, 2; The lowest temperature in plains is 15°C, and the lowest temperature in mountainous areas is 12~13°C.

Daytime on the 24th: cloudy to overcast, light rain in the west; North to south wind 2, 3; The highest temperature in plains is 20°C, and the highest temperature in mountainous areas is 19~21°C. Night of the 24th: cloudy, light rain turned cloudy in the west and north; South to north wind 1, 2; The lowest temperature in plains is 13°C, and the lowest temperature in mountainous areas is 11~12°C.


Morning and evening weather

Commuting weather

The autumnal equinox is near, the rain is weak, and the cooling is strong
The autumnal equinox is near, the rain is weak, and the cooling is strong

Off work today: sunny to cloudy; North to south wind level 2; 26~23℃。

Tomorrow morning: cloudy and sunny; northerly winds 1, 2; 18~23℃。

Weather trends

The autumnal equinox is near, the rain is weak, and the cooling is strong

(Photo: Mentougou Yishi Bingru)

Pay attention to the weekend cooling ~

As we enter late September, cold air activity begins to become more frequent. Affected by cold air on Sunday, there will be light rain in the western and northern areas, and there may be rain spots in the western part of the city, and the amount of rain is not obvious, which has little impact on everyone's travel; However, the temperature has dropped significantly, and the maximum temperature on Sunday is expected to be only about 20 degrees Celsius.

The autumnal equinox is near, the rain is weak, and the cooling is strong

Next week's weather is pleasant and easy to travel~

Fortunately, the temperature bottom rebounded quickly. Next week, the daytime maximum temperature will basically remain between 24-26 °C, and the nighttime minimum temperature will be 13-16 °C, the weather generally feels relatively comfortable, only the night and morning coolness is obvious.

The autumnal equinox is near, the rain is weak, and the cooling is strong

Weather tips


Tomorrow daytime life weather index

Tomorrow's weather index

Dressing meteorological index 5, suitable for single clothing

Ultraviolet meteorological index 3, medium ultraviolet irradiation intensity

Comfort weather index 1, the human body feels comfortable

Morning exercise meteorological index 2, more suitable for outdoor morning exercise

Mountaineering meteorological index 3, more suitable for mountaineering

Car wash meteorological index 3, not very suitable for car wash


Key tips

Weather Focus

The autumnal equinox is near, the rain is weak, and the cooling is strong

There was light rain in the western north on Sunday

The temperature has dropped significantly

~Add clothes at the right time~

~Carry rain gear when traveling in the northern western region~

The autumnal equinox is near, the rain is weak, and the cooling is strong