
Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

author:Night X998

Child abuse soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

In the Internet era, especially the era of short videos, some bloggers rack their brains and create a lot of traffic passwords to obtain traffic and make money, such as hyping handsome guys and beauties, provoking conflicts between men and women, etc.

Now they have extended their claws to teenagers and children. Under their wrapping or coercion, a group of influencer children appeared on the internet.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

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Some parents use their children to make up jokes, full of fat, marginalized jokes under the guise of fairy tales; In order to please the audience, some parents deliberately feed their babies spicy food and shoot their babies' expressions. There are also some parents who have no bottom line and let their children dance adult dances...

As a result, after "gnawing the old people", "gnawing the small people" has become a hot topic on the Internet.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

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While the "rodent tribe" makes a lot of money, behind it are countless children who are forced to work and lack a happy childhood.


Internet celebrity children become the code to get rich

Most of the children's video content that appeared on online platforms in the early days was mainly to record children's daily lives.

However, with the intervention of capital and brands, many parents and "smart people" saw business opportunities and, under the temptation of interests, began to create "Internet celebrity children" in batches.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

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In order to gain more attention and popularity, they gradually went astray in content production.

Last year, an account posted a series of "baby-drying" content, which caused unanimous disgust among netizens.

In these videos, Peggy turned into a stick and was forcibly fed to 70 pounds, 2.5 times the weight of children of the same age!

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

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Can a child eat as soon as he is born? Of course not.

In one of the videos, Peggy apparently can't eat anymore and loudly pleads: "Don't do this, don't do it." But the parents next door were superficial and kept adding food to her bowl.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

Image from the web

Netizens couldn't stand it anymore, accusing little Peggy's parents of not caring about their children's health in order to make money.

But parents responded that the video was purely for fun. They have three apartments at home, and there's no reason to make money on it.

But in the videos they shot, the captions are filled with words such as "drinking", "eating amazingly", "little chubby", "dead weight" and so on.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

Image from the web

If not for traffic, and not for making money, is it necessary to choose such a catchy title?

Also, even if it's not for money, don't parents know the dangers of overeating in their children?

Eventually, amid condemnation of the blockbuster, the parents shut down their accounts and deleted all mukbang videos. At the behest of her parents, little Peggy finally doesn't have to eat as much anymore, but in another area, teenagers and children being forced to work is the unspoken rule of the industry. These kids are children's clothing models.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

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In 2019, a short video inadvertently revealed the secrets of the industry to us.

In the video, two adults stalk a little girl. Halfway through, the little girl suddenly put the basket in her hand. At this time, the woman behind her came over and kicked her.

The little girl was kicked and almost fell, but she didn't cry or fuss, just stood there calmly.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

Image from the web

In the video, netizens commented a little sadly: "I feel that she is used to it." ”

It was later learned that the person who kicked the little girl was her biological mother.

In the face of public pressure, the little girl's mother issued an apology statement on the Internet, but then some netizens posted video clips of her hitting her child with an iron ring, causing netizens to be indignant.

Physical abuse is just the tip of the iceberg of the harm this industry does to young children.

A video of the "fattest child model" circulated on the Internet. In the video, an 11-year-old boy talks proudly about his income.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

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"Today I earned about 8,000 yuan, my annual income is more than 800,000 yuan, and 5.6 million is less. The highest person (child model) earns 567,000 yuan, and adult models earn more than 10 million yuan a year..."

In front of the camera, he looked philistine: "Internet celebrities are more relaxed, stars are too tired, everyone wants to be rich..."

Looking ahead to his future, the boy even embarrassed adults: "Find a better-looking wife, like Di Li Gerba, you know." ”

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

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Speaking of this, he naturally raised his eyebrows and touched his chin.

After reading several reports about children's clothing models, I found that children's clothing models generally have a "maturity" that does not belong to youth. They know how to talk about benefits in terms of conditions. They are obviously children, but they are full of profanity, and even their values have changed. Distortion.


The tragedy of Jack Ma

Do you remember "Jack Ma" Fan Xiaoqin?

Fan Xiaoqin, an 8-year-old boy in Jiangxi, became popular on the Internet overnight because of his chance encounter with Jack Ma.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

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Fan Xiaoqin has become a well-known Internet celebrity, and the Fan family has also become an Internet celebrity attraction. Suddenly, people with ulterior motives flocked to the scene, including those who took pictures, filmed, and sold goods...

Later, Fan Xiaoqin was taken away by Boss Liu of Shijiazhuang, known as the "world's first Chinese hypnotist".

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

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During the packing period, Fan Xiaoqin became "Mr. Pony", eating big meals, shooting advertisements, meeting stars, driving luxury cars, living in luxury houses, and even arranged a beautiful nanny to take care of 24 hours.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

Image from the Internet, due to the long time shooting videos and participating in various activities, Fan Xiaoqin has hardly gone to school in recent years.

After being packed or used for three years and losing its value, "Xiao Ma Yun" was sent back to the village and became the "thin and dirty" Fan Xiaoqin again.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

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Because she has seen the outside world, it is difficult for Fan Xiaoqin to integrate into the original poor life.

The originally naïve and optimistic little boy lost himself in a colorful world that did not belong to him, and became uncomfortable and irritable.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

Image from the web

What is even sadder is that due to the lack of school education and later diagnosed with second-degree intellectual disability, 13-year-old Fan Xiaoqin cannot even add and subtract within 10. When someone hands a $100 bill. Ask him what it is and how long it has been, and he can only say "two duck eggs".


Why ban influencer children

In the business world, it's okay to talk about money, but it's unacceptable to go to the margins of law and social morality in order to make money.

The use of ignorant children as a means of earning money should be strictly prohibited at the root.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

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Because you simply can't predict how crazy they will become under the temptation of money.

Today they can force their children to say things they don't understand in front of the camera, do actions they don't like, and tomorrow they can test the moral bottom line step by step to get more traffic.

Such behavior will not only exhaust the child's energy and physical strength, cause psychological anxiety, but also seriously endanger the child's physical and mental health.

It is also easy to transmit utilitarian thinking and driving mentality to children, thus forming a deformed outlook on life.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

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In addition, at the social level, there is a negative tendency to use children as a means of earning money, resulting in negative social impacts.

In addition to more and more netizens spontaneously beginning to boycott this behavior, the state also revised the Advertising Law in response to the phenomenon of "child star fever" as early as 2014.

It clearly stipulates that "minors under the age of 10 shall not be used as advertising spokespersons", adding that "goods or services aimed at minors under the age of 14 shall not encourage them to require their parents to purchase the advertised goods/services." ” ”

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

Image from the web

Recently, in response to the phenomenon of "sharing treasures" that has gradually gone astray, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism also issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of Minors in the Online Cultural Market", suggesting that it is strictly forbidden to use "Internet celebrity babies" to make money to protect legitimate rights and interests. Rights and interests of minors in cyberspace.

Write at the end

Of course, there is nothing wrong with parents capturing their children's innocent daily lives and sharing them with short videos, but if they use their children as a tool to make money, it is intolerable.

The act of "gnawing children" for the sake of profit is actually "pit children", and it is also a short-term behavior of burying one's own pit.

Child abuse, soft pornography, monthly income of 150,000, who mass-produces "Internet celebrity children"?

Image from the network Today, children can be used as money to earn money, but in the future, children who have been physically and mentally harmed will grow up and in turn "take revenge".

The right of children to grow up naturally and healthily should be guaranteed, and no one has the right to deprive children of a clean, unproductive and happy childhood.