
From "good husband" to "disrespectful to women", what happened to Lei Jiayin?

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Title: Lei Jiayin: The scandal and truth of powerful actors


Lei Jiayin, with the role of "ex-husband" Chen Junsheng, finally got out of the trough of his acting career, however, the media exposed a series of scandals, making people begin to question his image. In this article, we will deeply analyze Lei Jiayin's deeds and try to reveal the truth behind him.

Shadows after dawn

Lei Jiayin's career flourished after the dawn, but scandals followed. He was rumored to have a rumor of a "crew couple" with Tong Liya, and then was exposed to have intimate contact with a "friend". More worryingly, he was labeled "disrespectful to women." However, Lei Jiayin has always been recognized as a good husband, is all this really just the appearance?

From "good husband" to "disrespectful to women", what happened to Lei Jiayin?

An embarrassing scene at the award ceremony

In June this year, the Magnolia Awards were held as scheduled, but the results were unexpected. Lei Jiayin himself did not expect to be a winner, and his performance at the award ceremony was also shocking. He has always been a funny person in the circle, but he was "arrogant and unreasonable" at the award ceremony, and his interaction with his predecessor Zhang Kaili was also full of tension. This scene made people start to think whether Lei Jiayin's true character did not match the surface image.

Tang Wei incident

At the 2019 Golden Rooster Awards Gala, Lei Jiayin and Tang Wei promoted together because of the filming of the TV series "Whistleblower", and when asked about their troubles on the set, Lei Jiayin unexpectedly criticized Tang Wei for "frequent urination", which caused an uproar. However, the truth behind this incident is that Tang Wei was pregnant at the time and often needed to go to the toilet, and Lei Jiayin's words were misinterpreted as disrespecting women. This incident shows how the media exaggerates the facts and misleads the public.

From "good husband" to "disrespectful to women", what happened to Lei Jiayin?

Rumors of "crew couples"

Lei Jiayin and Tong Liya's scandal is not recent, as early as 2013, their intimate behavior during the filming of the TV series "Weaning" caused rumors. However, Lei Jiayin did not respond to these rumors, but created more scandals in a rebellious way, such as writing her name next to Tong Liya when signing and painting love hearts. Although there is no substantial evidence, these scandals continue to circulate, raising questions about his marriage.

The emergence of old and new scandals

In 2021, some media exposed photos of Lei Jiayin and a mysterious woman, which once again triggered rumors of his heart. Lei Jiayin chose to respond to this incident for the first time, saying that the other party was just a friend, but this did not calm public opinion. People began to compare him to other male stars, such as Han Dongjun, accusing him of being intimate with the opposite sex in a sober state. However, these accusations lack substantial evidence and are only based on the speculation of netizens.

From "good husband" to "disrespectful to women", what happened to Lei Jiayin?

Exemplary good husband

Lei Jiayin's marriage has always been stable and happy, and he has a strong relationship with his wife Zhai Xufei. Zhai Xufei has been protecting family privacy for many years, and only recently posted photos of her second child for the first time. This shows that the relationship between Lei Jiayin and Zhai Xufei has not been disturbed by external scandals. Lei Jiayin has always focused on his acting career, and his outstanding performance in film and television works is where his real talent lies.


Lei Jiayin is a powerful actor whose career has suffered many twists and turns, but now he has come out of the shadows. Although he has been exposed to many scandals, we need to examine the truth behind these rumors. In the vast majority of cases, these rumors lack substantial evidence and may simply be exaggerated by the media. Lei Jiayin's marriage is happy and stable, and he has performed well in his acting career. Hopefully, he can continue to focus on his work and not be disturbed by scandals. Most importantly, we should take a rational view of media reports and not easily believe unsubstantiated rumors.

From "good husband" to "disrespectful to women", what happened to Lei Jiayin?

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