
The bigger the belly, the more hurt the brain? These 5 bad habits of "fat belly", quickly change →

author:Shangguan News

The pace of life is accelerated and sedentary

Irregular eating, overeating...

These bad lifestyles

Let the belly of many friends get bigger and bigger

A lot of people don't do it right

But you know what?

Obesity doesn't just affect physical beauty

It will also bring a "crit" to health!

Studies have shown that "the bigger the belly, the more the brain hurts"

Is this statement true?

What are the other adverse effects of a large belly?

And how should we lose a big belly?

This is to take you to learn more about it!

The bigger the belly, the more hurt the brain?

The bigger the belly, the more hurt the brain? These 5 bad habits of "fat belly", quickly change →

Recently, research published in The Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific revealed another major harm of obesity - the bigger the belly, the more the brain hurts!

The bigger the belly, the more hurt the brain? These 5 bad habits of "fat belly", quickly change →

This epidemiological analysis and two Mendelian randomized studies in nearly 10,000 Asian populations showed that there was a causal relationship between elevated visceral fat and BMI and cognitive decline - specifically, for every 0.27kg increase in visceral fat, cognitive performance declined, equivalent to 0.7 years of cognitive age decline.

In summary, in Asian populations, body fat content is one of the independent predictors of cognitive function. MR analysis revealed a causal relationship between elevated visceral fat and BMI and decreased cognitive performance. It seems that weight loss has added new benefits - "brain prevention dementia"!

The researchers highlight that the global burden of dementia is shifting from the Western Hemisphere to the Asia-Pacific region, with about 4 million Asians falling ill each year, accounting for about 40% of new cases globally. In addition, the prevalence of obesity in the Asia-Pacific region is already 7% higher than the global average and is even on the rise. Therefore, the prevention and control of obesity plays an important role in maintaining cognitive function in Asian populations and preventing dementia and other chronic diseases.

What diseases are easy to cause with a large belly?

The bigger the belly, the more hurt the brain? These 5 bad habits of "fat belly", quickly change →

1. High blood pressure

The fat tissue in the body of obese people increases significantly, so that the amount of blood circulation increases accordingly, and the output of the heart increases, resulting in an increase in the amount of blood discharged into the blood vessels every minute, and also increases the peripheral resistance of the arterioles, which in turn leads to arteriolar sclerosis, promoting the occurrence of hypertension.

Second, high blood lipids

Obese people, especially abdominal obesity, are more likely than ordinary people to have hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, low-density lipoprotein and extremely low-density lipoprotein abnormally elevated, and high-density lipoprotein is reduced, which can also be said to be high not high, low is not low.

3. Fatty liver

Most of the obese people have elevated blood lipids, under normal circumstances, the liver's intake, synthesis, transport, utilization and other links of fat are in a balanced state, the human body takes in excessive energy, which will lead to excessive intake of fat by the liver, resulting in excessive triglycerides accumulating in the liver, causing fatty liver.

4. Diabetes

Most obese people will have a decrease in the efficiency of insulin utilization in the body, and the workload of insulin to control blood sugar will also increase, so the body can only secrete more insulin to function. Long-term overload can easily lead to impaired islet function, uncontrollable hyperglycemia, and type 2 diabetes.

5. Heart disease

Obese people, due to the presence of excessive fat accumulation in the body, causing increased heart load; Disorders of lipid metabolism in the body can easily lead to coronary atherosclerosis and fatty deposition of myocardial cells, thickening of the ventricular wall, and reduced myocardial compliance, resulting in an increased risk of heart disease.

6. Osteoarthrosis

Obesity leads to an increase in the joint load of the lower extremities, and if the burden carried exceeds its load, the joint surface is unevenly stressed, accelerating cartilage loss, osteophyte formation, and leading to the occurrence of arthritis. At the same time, obesity also increases the risk of osteoarthritis of the joints of the hands.

7. Gout

Metabolic disorders, insulin resistance, endocrine disorders, etc. caused by obesity can cause high uric acid, induce pain in toes, leg joints, etc., and form gout. Surveys have shown that the incidence of gout in obese people is more than 50% higher than that of the general population.

8. Increase the risk of various cancers

The latest research shows that abdominal obesity is positively correlated with the incidence of cancer in 18 parts of the human body, such as gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, biliary tract cancer, etc.

How can you tell if you have a big belly?

The bigger the belly, the more hurt the brain? These 5 bad habits of "fat belly", quickly change →

Waist circumference, which can reflect the distribution of abdominal muscles and fat in the human body, is another indicator of obesity in addition to BMI. BMI is a commonly used standard in the world to measure the degree of fat and thinness of the human body and whether it is healthy. The specific calculation method is: BMI = weight (kg) / height (m) ². BMI < 18.5 is emaciation, 18.5~23.9 is normal, 24~27.9 is overweight, and >28 is obese.

However, BMI can only determine whether the weight is overweight in general, but it cannot reflect the fat distribution of the human body.

Waist measurement: The test subject needs to stand upright, with feet 25~30 cm apart (shoulder level). The general population will circle the soft ruler horizontally around 0.5~1 cm above the navel, and obese people choose the thickest place of the waist to measure the waist circumference.

For Chinese, male waist circumference < 85 cm, female waist circumference < 80 cm is the normal waist circumference standard, while male waist circumference ≥ 90cm, female waist circumference ≥ 85 cm, called abdominal obesity (also called central obesity, centripetal obesity).

What habits specialize in a fat belly?

First, eat too salty

Eating too much salt will not only make you "grow" blood pressure, many studies at home and abroad have shown that salt is a risk factor for obesity independent of energy intake, making people gain weight and long stomachs.

Second, a large intake of "ultra-processed foods"

Ultra-processed foods, as the name suggests, are those foods that have been made by complex industrial processing, usually ready-to-eat convenience foods or snacks, such as carbonated drinks, milk drinks, biscuits, potato chips, instant noodles, cream cakes, etc.

This type of food is characterized by high energy and low nutritional value, and contains a variety of additives or preservatives, excessive intake is not only easy to gain weight, but also cause nutritional imbalance. Ultra-processed foods are often readily available, and often can't stop eating them, and even many people often use it instead of meals, and it is easy to become fat in the long run.

Third, I don't like to eat vegetables

Long-term eating less vegetables or even not eating vegetables will directly cause unreasonable diet structure and unbalanced nutrition, and in the long run, it will lead to slow gastrointestinal peristalsis due to too little dietary fiber intake, resulting in obesity, constipation and other problems.

Fourth, eat too fast

Eating too fast will lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar, at which time the body will open the hypoglycemic mechanism to convert excess glucose into fat for storage, which is another reason why eating quickly and getting fat is easy.

5. Sedentary

Studies have shown that sitting for 1.5 hours a day increases waist circumference by 0.57 cm and increases body fat by 0.44%. Another study showed that if we took out 30 minutes of sitting time a day to do moderate to high-intensity exercise, we could reduce body fat by 1.3% and visceral fat by 7.8cm².

How to lose a big belly?

First, don't eat too salty

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022 Edition) proposes that the daily salt intake of adults should be less than 5 grams per person. In addition, when purchasing food, look at food labels and nutrition facts tables, choose low-sodium foods, and identify "invisible salt"; When putting salt, soy sauce and other spices, use a spoon; People who have no contraindications to diseases eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to increase potassium intake, which is conducive to the excretion of sodium.

Second, consume more fiber

On the one hand, dietary fiber can increase satiety and prevent excessive energy intake; On the other hand, it can help laxative, promote the excretion of harmful substances and excessive cholesterol. Ingredients rich in dietary fiber include: whole grains, beans, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, etc., which can be selected in the diet.

Third, exercise more appropriately

Hyperactivity is not only a specific physical activity, but also a way to increase the amount of activity while adhering to weekly aerobic exercise. For example, you can take a walk after meals, do housework in your free time, walk as much as possible on the way to and from work, etc. Daily exercise can also choose several activities that you can complete and feel suitable for, such as running, swimming, skipping rope, jumping and closing, yoga and aerobics. Insist on doing it for about 30 minutes a day, you can play a very good weight loss effect. In addition, you must refuse to be sedentary for a long time, and every 1 hour of sitting, stand up and walk around for 5~10 minutes.

Fourth, develop good eating habits

Eat fast, love to eat late-night snacks, love meat, eat too late for dinner, stay up late and sleep poorly, drink alcohol... These poor diet and lifestyle habits are important causes of visceral fat accumulation. It is recommended to go to bed early and get up early, eat three meals regularly, and eat a balanced diet, which can not only help reduce the fat content of internal organs, but also make the body healthier.