
Putin openly challenged Biden, but the United States did not dare to take it?

author:Yiyin Facts Update

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Lu Xun once said: "To commit a crime without proofing is to forgive the way, and to return an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is the straight path." This phrase seems to have become a motto on the international political stage. At a time when the United States and Europe and other countries continue to put pressure on Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin once again showed a firm posture.

Tensions between the United States and Russia have long been in international scrutiny. Everywhere, as long as there is Russia, the opposition of the United States can be seen. However, since Biden took office, US policy towards Russia has changed, but not for the better, but in a more tense and hostile direction.

During the Trump era, the United States adopted a strategy of relative isolation, advocating "America First", frequently withdrawing from international agreements, and exerting economic pressure on allies, leading to an escalation of tensions between the United States and its allies, and the United States was more like going it alone.

Putin openly challenged Biden, but the United States did not dare to take it?

However, with Biden in office, U.S. allies such as Britain, France, Germany, Japan and South Korea have once again moved closer to the White House, hoping to forge closer cooperation with the new administration. Less than two months after Biden took office, the United States and its allies are working again to encircle Russia.

In the Middle East, the United States carried out airstrikes on Syria, followed by Britain and France, sending aircraft carriers to the Middle East. In Eastern Europe, NATO, led by the United States, began frequent military exercises on Russia's doorstep, apparently for military deterrence. In the Asia-Pacific region, the U.S. Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State visited Japan and South Korea one after another, hinting at additional troops and missile deployments. Japan, in particular, has been trying to retake the "four northern islands" occupied by Russia, and is now clearly more active.

Putin openly challenged Biden, but the United States did not dare to take it?

In addition, Britain has been working closely with the United States to increase the number of nuclear warheads, saying that Russia is the biggest threat to the United Kingdom. This statement is clearly a signal to the White House. The momentum of "encirclement" of Russia by the United States and Europe and other countries has begun to appear.

However, Russia is not easy to deal with, and Putin is by no means an ordinary person. Suffice it to say that the United States and Europe have been trying to exert pressure for years, but have failed to bring Russia to its knees. Therefore, in the face of joint pressure from the United States and Europe, Putin finally broke his silence and proposed an online dialogue with Biden, responding directly to the actions of the White House.

Putin's response was simple and clear: if you are able, you will have a face-to-face dialogue, and if it is not possible to meet in person, then through online dialogue. He urged Biden to take practical action and not make small moves behind his back. However, when asked by reporters whether Biden would answer Putin's call, Biden fell silent and eventually left silently. This has sparked ridicule in many American media, believing that the White House may not dare to answer Putin's call, because if the call starts, it will inevitably be accompanied by accountability and embarrassment.

Putin openly challenged Biden, but the United States did not dare to take it?

In addition, Putin also responded to the US accusations of Russian interference in the 2020 election and Biden's call on Putin to "pay the price", saying that only those who are accustomed to interfering in the affairs of other countries will think that others will do the same, and reminded Biden to "take care of your health." This suggests that Putin is skeptical of the U.S. accusations that they are an unwarranted slander against Russia.

Since Biden took office, his health has been in the spotlight due to his older age. In addition, Biden often makes mistakes in public, forgetting words or mispronouncing names. This makes Putin's response all the more ironic. In contrast, Putin seems to be more comfortable in this round of "war of words" between the presidents of the United States and Russia.

Putin openly challenged Biden, but the United States did not dare to take it?

In addition, in addition to Biden's confrontation with Putin, US-Russian relations are also at risk of collapse. Russia recalled its ambassador to the United States, Antonov, to reconsider future U.S.-Russian relations. In addition, while NATO held military exercises, Russia also launched military exercises to strengthen military forces on the border and raise the level of readiness. After visiting Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov plans to visit a series of countries, including South Korea. This shows that Russia is seeking international support.

in a word

In short, the current tension between the United States and Russia is getting more and more intense. The confrontation between the United States and Russia has become more than just a verbal confrontation, but has evolved into a complex and dangerous game on the international political stage.

Putin openly challenged Biden, but the United States did not dare to take it?

First of all, it can be seen that Putin does not intend to show weakness. As an experienced politician, he has successfully faced Obama, George W. Bush and Trump, and now he remains unwavering and undaunted by challenges in the face of new President Joe Biden. His response was concise and forceful, demonstrating Russia's firm position.

Second, Russia has enough confidence to deal with the encirclement of the United States and Europe. Russia has great military power and nuclear weapons, which should not be underestimated. Putin once said that if Russia disappears, what is the point of the world? Therefore, if the United States and Europe insist on pressuring, Russia will inevitably take countermeasures. In addition, Russian allies, such as Iran and Syria, can also support Russia to some extent. If America's allies are hit, they will weaken the power of the United States and Europe, so the plan of the United States and Europe will not be easy to achieve.

Third, Russia needs to be wary of indirect means by the United States. In addition to directly pressuring Russia, the United States is also trying to weaken Russia's influence by creating a larger anti-Russian coalition. Therefore, Russia needs to skillfully use diplomacy to ease the international situation and divide US allies to protect its own interests.

To sum up, the confrontation between the United States and Russia is escalating, and the international situation has become more complex and unstable. Countries need to be prepared, because this game could have far-reaching global implications. Both the United States and Russia must proceed with caution to avoid further escalation of tensions and greater uncertainty for the world.

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