
Kazakh pedophile was forcibly chemically castrated, went on TV and begged for mercy: my sex life was ruined

author:Jia Zhongqin loves to talk

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In addition to sentencing, many countries impose many other disciplinary measures on serious rapists, such as recording and publishing sexual assault cases and using electronic anklets after leaving prison.

Although chemical castration is controversial, it has been adopted and practiced in an increasing number of countries in recent years.

Kazakh pedophile was forcibly chemically castrated, went on TV and begged for mercy: my sex life was ruined

Due to the increasing number of child sexual abuse cases in Kazakhstan in recent years, with an average of 1,000 cases per year, Kazakhstan also passed the Chemical Castration Act in 2016, which entered into force in 2018.

To curb child sex crimes, offenders undergoing chemical castration will focus on child sexual abuse.

Kazakh pedophile was forcibly chemically castrated, went on TV and begged for mercy: my sex life was ruined

In September 2018, a sex offender was legally chemically castrated, becoming the first chemical castration in Kazakhstan. Since then, several prisoners have been forcibly chemically castrated every year.

But recently, pedophiles who have suffered forced chemical castration in Kazakhstan appeared on TV to ask for forgiveness and hope that chemical castration will stop.

But the reasons they give are speechless.

Kazakh pedophile was forcibly chemically castrated, went on TV and begged for mercy: my sex life was ruined

It is known that chemical castration performed in Kazakhstan is a surgical procedure to control and reduce sexual desire by injecting drugs.

The main drug used in chemical castration is "cyproteroneacetate". After the injection, there are fewer male hormones, which means they are unable to get an erection and have normal sex, reducing sex drive.

However, the effects of chemical castration are not achieved all at once, but require regular injections that last even after a long prison sentence.

An inmate convicted of Marat for attempted rape told reporters he had so far received three injections in a prison in the southern city of Shymkent, causing him to be unable to get an erection.

The man was a sex offender who was imprisoned for 15 years for attempted rape of a child.

Kazakh pedophile was forcibly chemically castrated, went on TV and begged for mercy: my sex life was ruined

"It's very bad for men's health," he said. "I need sex, but right now, no matter what I do, nothing happens."

He felt he didn't deserve to be treated like this because he still had his family and his children.

"Why are you castrating me? I admit that I am guilty. But I want to live longer, I still have a family and children. ”

In his eyes, health and sex seem to be more important.

There was also a child who raped the prisoner and said on TV that he was still young and that continuing to inject like this would affect his health, so he asked for the decision to be canceled:

"I know it's not good for my body, and I know it's going to affect my health in the future."

I am sorry for committing such a crime. I want to show people through my example that they should not commit such heinous crimes. ”

"I ask those who sentenced me to chemical castration to cancel this decision, I am still very young." Another inmate said it was "very painful" after the first injection. He described the pain as so unbearable that he "didn't want his worst enemy to be hurt in this way."

He called for a ban on such "inhumane" measures.

Kazakh pedophile was forcibly chemically castrated, went on TV and begged for mercy: my sex life was ruined

But Zoya Manaenko, a 69-year-old nurse in Kazakh prisons who castrates pedophiles, insists that perpetrators of child sexual abuse should face this ultimate punishment.

"These people are committing such horrific crimes against children that they must somehow be stopped. Therefore, it is right that the law allows this. ”

The Kazakh government also believes that the use of forced chemical castration to reduce male libido among convicted paedophiles will ultimately reduce sexual crimes against children.

Alexei Milyuk, an official of the Kazakh Ministry of Internal Affairs, said that since the law came into force in 2018, "the number of sexual assaults against minors has decreased by 15.4 percent."

Kazakh pedophile was forcibly chemically castrated, went on TV and begged for mercy: my sex life was ruined

In addition to chemical castration, paedophiles who sexually abuse children are not eligible for parole, and the maximum sentence for rape and sexual violence against children has been increased from 12 years to life imprisonment.

Milyuk said Kazakhstan now holds all paedophiles in prisons of the highest security level. Another 95 criminals will also undergo chemical castration this year.

However, this is limited to offenders after the new law came into effect in 2018.

Magzhan Yesimbek, the warden of a prison, said there were more than 100 pedophiles in his prison, but only three were legally castrated.

About 30 were due to be released this year, but were not chemically castrated because the crime occurred earlier.

Kazakh pedophile was forcibly chemically castrated, went on TV and begged for mercy: my sex life was ruined

At present, in addition to Kazakhstan, Germany, Italy passed chemical castration laws, some states in the United States, India, Colombia, El Salvador, parts of the Dominican Republic, western Argentina province of Doza, Poland, South Korea, etc. have also passed chemical castration laws. All countries have chemical castration programs for rapists. Castration.

Chemical castration first originated in the United States. In 1966, sexologist John Money became the first American researcher to use medroxyprogesterone acetate to treat sex offenders.

He injected the drug into a bisexual father who sexually assaulted his 6-year-old son, and the treatment worked well.

Kazakh pedophile was forcibly chemically castrated, went on TV and begged for mercy: my sex life was ruined

Chemical castration is also effective in deterring and punishing sex offenders.

A study by the U.S. Department of Justice showed that chemical castration of sex offenders can reduce recidivism rates from 60% to 15%-20% within 3 years of being released from prison.

According to data from four Nordic countries, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark and Norway, chemical castration has reduced the local case rate from 40% to 5%.

Kazakh pedophile was forcibly chemically castrated, went on TV and begged for mercy: my sex life was ruined

However, the effective method of chemical castration also faces various controversies. First, it has been questioned by human rights organizations as violating the human rights of criminals. After all, chemical castration is drug castration, a medical intervention that can have a certain impact on the body or health of the offender, so there may be some long-term side effects, such as obesity, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, etc.

They may also experience other "feminizing" effects, such as gynecomastia, loss of body hair, and muscle wasting.

Kazakh pedophile was forcibly chemically castrated, went on TV and begged for mercy: my sex life was ruined

Opponents argue that no matter how heinous the crime of sexual assault is, it must be a serious violation of Confucian rights, arguing that chemical castration is a "cruel" punishment.

Proponents argue that this brutal punishment should be used to make criminals feel the pain of victims who have suffered physical and psychological trauma after being sexually assaulted.

Perhaps the controversy over chemical castration will continue.

But the prayers of these pedophiles,

I'm afraid no one will sympathize with them ...

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