
The female bureau chief is more than half a hundred years old, but she has relations with 98 people, and when she was arrested, she was still exercising and amassing millions

author:Funny star flowers

The female director is in her fifties, but has sex with 98 people. When she was arrested, she was still training and earning millions. I play sports with European and American male models.

In 2019, Zhang Yumei was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison and fined 350,000 yuan for accepting bribes.

After the trial, she had an emotional breakdown and almost collapsed on the ground, saying: "Impossible, impossible!" ”

The policewoman next to her quickly helped her and sent her down.

Throughout Zhang Yumei's life, it can be said that it is full of ups and downs. The first half is a story of grassroots fighting back, and the second half is a story of the depravity and contempt of corrupt officials.

The female bureau chief is more than half a hundred years old, but she has relations with 98 people, and when she was arrested, she was still exercising and amassing millions

Grassroots children's counterattack:

When Zhang Yumei was a child, her family was very poor. From an early age, she learned some household chores such as laundry, cooking, and chopping firewood.

No matter how difficult the conditions, her parents still managed to send her to school, and she was successful. She not only kept her home in order, but also achieved good results in her studies.

By the time everyone else went to bed early, she had read the textbook over and over again.

The female bureau chief is more than half a hundred years old, but she has relations with 98 people, and when she was arrested, she was still exercising and amassing millions

In 1981, she was successfully admitted to the law department of Guizhou University, becoming one of the 280,000 college students at that time.

Because she also had good grades in college, Zhang Yumei was directly assigned to work in the local judicial department after graduation.

As a result, she became the pride of her parents and became a model of grassroots counterattack in the eyes of everyone.

Career Development:

At that time, Zhang Yumei had just entered the judiciary and was only one of the high-profile members.

She understands that if she wants to be promoted, she must continue to work hard.

So she showed her hard-working spirit, everyone was also shocked by her efforts, and the manager also appreciated her work attitude.

In 2000, she received a raise and was appointed vice president of the local court.

At this time, all she wanted to do was to serve the people. Despite the promotions and raises, she worked hard and never slacked off. She has proved her extraordinary ability with practical actions.

The female bureau chief is more than half a hundred years old, but she has relations with 98 people, and when she was arrested, she was still exercising and amassing millions

How can such a working attitude and working state not be valued by the superiors?

In 2002, Zhang Yumei was appointed by the organization as the head of the case trial department of the Bijie District Intermediate Court in Guizhou Province.

In 2006, she was promoted to Vice-President of the Court.

At the age of 41, she became vice president of the municipal court.

In 2015, due to her outstanding ability, Zhang Yumei ushered in her peak.

She was appointed as the director of the Bijie Municipal Bureau of Justice and concurrently served as the director of the Bijie City Compulsory Isolation and Drug Rehabilitation Center.

At this time, she has become a household name in Bijie City.

The female bureau chief is more than half a hundred years old, but she has relations with 98 people, and when she was arrested, she was still exercising and amassing millions

The beginning of autumn:

But the higher the position, the greater the temptation and the greater the risk. Perhaps because she grew up poor, she liked some expensive luxury goods and valuable things very much.

With her current salary and wealth, she can already have enough food and clothing, but she can't control her desires.

In 2015, the first briber, Chen, approached Zhang Yumei, hoping that she would use her position and power to help him do something, and presented a box of Moutai wine as a gift.

The female bureau chief is more than half a hundred years old, but she has relations with 98 people, and when she was arrested, she was still exercising and amassing millions

Zhang Yumei was hesitant at first, but Chen continued to add fuel to the fire: "Of course, I won't treat you badly when the matter is done." ”

After some ideological struggle, Zhang Yumei took over the expensive Moutai liquor and accepted a bribe of about 300,000 yuan after the completion of the project.

After that, Zhang Yumei's thoughts began to change. She thought her power could bring in so much money. If she doesn't get benefits, then isn't she a fool?

I don't know if Zhang Yumei can remember the legal knowledge she learned before at this time, or if she just wants to take risks.

Corruption and distortion of the law:

Later, she became increasingly unable to control her desires: providing office space and company cars in excess of standards, illegally distributing welfare payments, spending public funds, and buying high-end drinks.

Finally, her need for this area grew, and she began to ask young and strong young people for help.

The female bureau chief is more than half a hundred years old, but she has relations with 98 people, and when she was arrested, she was still exercising and amassing millions

Many young people who have bad intentions and want to take the opportunity to build good relationships often trust me.

Some business owners discovered rumors about Zhang Yumei and even found male models in Europe and the United States for her.

She fell into the swamp of desire, countless Moutai wines and European and American male models. In just three years, she embezzled and accepted 1.5 million yuan in bribes, as well as countless shopping cards and luxury goods.

The female bureau chief is more than half a hundred years old, but she has relations with 98 people, and when she was arrested, she was still exercising and amassing millions

She seems to have forgotten that she is a legal intellectual.

Falling off a horse:

In 2016, when Zhang Yumei conducted a labor research report, she also said falsely:

It is necessary to formulate key tasks in such areas as law-abiding by the whole people, impartial administration of justice, interpretation of the law by cases, and popularization of the law among the whole people.

And the things I involved in are all illegal things.

The female bureau chief is more than half a hundred years old, but she has relations with 98 people, and when she was arrested, she was still exercising and amassing millions

The inconsistency between her words and deeds is quite ridiculous. Even when she was arrested, she played sports with European and American male models. Don't mention how embarrassing the scene is.

According to rumors, about 98 European and American male models have had a relationship with her. Now her affairs can no longer be hidden.

Finally, in February 2019, Zhang Yumei was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months in prison and fined 350,000 yuan for accepting bribes.

In addition, drugs were found in her home.

It really makes people sigh, people's desires are getting bigger and bigger, how can they be satisfied?

The female bureau chief is more than half a hundred years old, but she has relations with 98 people, and when she was arrested, she was still exercising and amassing millions


She used to be a respectable and adored person, but now she has become like this, which makes us very disappointed and sad. She was once considered a capable, responsible, honest and selfless person, but now she has become a corrupt official. We are deeply saddened by this change.

A person's change is not something that happens overnight, but a gradual process.

Perhaps she began to neglect her responsibilities, seek personal gain, and collude with bad forces. She is gradually driven by greed and eventually embarks on the path of crime.

Especially for some senior officials, the temptation of power and money is greater, and higher self-discipline and ethical standards are needed to maintain the bottom line of integrity.

Corrupt families have always been blinded by power and regard wealth as the most important goal in life. Their behavior has long exceeded the moral bottom line of normal people.

Not to mention the ethical standards of being a public official.

The corrupt official family is not only the sinner of the country and the nation, but also the sinner of its own family and future generations. They use their power and power to seek personal gain, harm the interests of ordinary people, and undermine social fairness and justice.

These corrupt officials have satisfied their arrogant, tyrannical and arbitrary desires and continue to deceive and oppress the people.

In modern society, corruption has become a very serious social problem.

Without effective control, the problem will continue to spread like cancer.

It is therefore necessary to strengthen oversight and punish responsible public officials.

The female bureau chief is more than half a hundred years old, but she has relations with 98 people, and when she was arrested, she was still exercising and amassing millions

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