
The first taste of autumn - smelly feet!

author:Smart Sky GYz

When it comes to autumn, what's the first taste that comes to mind?

Is it the strong aroma of golden cinnamon? Or fresh seafood from crabs on the table? Or is it... When you get home, take off your shoes and socks, the sour smell wafts out?

The first taste of autumn - smelly feet!

In autumn, the temperature is low, the nerve endings are more obvious, and the dense distribution of the nerve endings on the soles of the feet is prone to sweating, and sweat contains lactic acid and urea in addition to water and salt. Coupled with the sweat discharged from the soles of the feet through the friction between socks and walking, sneakers and thick socks are covered, and the natural humid environment directly becomes a microbial petri dish, which is prone to peculiar odors.

This season our dander sheds more, after microbial fermentation, it will produce odor, plus foot sweat, autumn is enclosed in the shoes, foot sweat will lead to moisture in the shoes, breeding fungi, bacteria will definitely appear foot odor symptoms. What's even scarier is that this smell goes with you! Repeatedly!

The first taste of autumn - smelly feet!

What to do about smelly feet?

First of all, to choose shoes and socks with good breathability, socks are best to choose cotton, and shoes should be selected with good breathability and comfort. In daily life, pay attention not to wear a pair of shoes for a long time, especially some people who are easy to sweat, change shoes frequently, wear shoes in a ventilated place to dry, let the moisture in the shoes remove before wearing.

Secondly, we must pay attention to foot hygiene and develop the habit of washing feet and changing socks every day. After washing your feet, you should dry your feet and then wear shoes, do not wear shoes with wet feet, wet feet can easily lead to moisture into the body, will cause the growth of bacteria.

If the foot odor is caused by some fungal infection, you can add the foot bath liquid to the foot water, a bottle of 180ml of the foot bath, mix 500ml of warm water, immerse the feet for about 20 minutes, and dry the water stains on the feet with a clean cloth. No further rinsing is required, three times a course of treatment.

The first taste of autumn - smelly feet!

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