
Can't stand it, retired player IMP tears Xuxu baby fans, netizens: LOL's look down on DNF?

author:Hikigaya Z

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Stand! Retired player IMP tears Xu Xu baby fans, netizens: LOL's look down on DNF?

Title: Retired Player IMP Tears Xu Xu Baby Fans Deep analysis of the generation gap between LOL and DNF

Subtitle: The Abyss of LOL's Highlands and DNF, Controversy and Misunderstanding under the Collision of Game Cultures


Recently, retired player IMP had a fierce dispute with Xuxu baby fans on social media, which caused widespread attention and discussion among netizens. IMP said that Xuxu baby fans lack respect for LOL games, which has caused a lot of contradiction and controversy. This incident has once again triggered people's thinking about the generation gap between LOL and DNF games, as well as the controversy and misunderstanding under the collision of game culture. This article will conduct an in-depth analysis of the incident from different angles, explore the causes, the points of contention, and try to find a solution.

First, the reason behind the dispute between IMP and Xuxu baby fans

The dispute between retired player MAP and Xuxu baby fans belongs to the representative event of the game fan circle, and the reasons behind it mainly include the following aspects:

1. Differences in competitive attitudes: LOL is an e-sports project with a strong competitive atmosphere.

Can't stand it, retired player IMP tears Xuxu baby fans, netizens: LOL's look down on DNF?

DNF, on the other hand, encourages players to cooperate and share, and these two different attitudes to the game may have different values among users.

2. Circle separation and lack of communication: LOL and DNF player circles do not overlap, and people in different circles create a barrier. Therefore, for LOL players, the charm of DNF cannot be understood, and there is a misunderstanding of its players.

3. Differences in game culture: LOL, as a 5v5 battle game, attaches great importance to teamwork and skill; DNF, on the other hand, pays more attention to the mentality of brushing equipment, and the gameplay is more single-player. The characteristics of different games also cause cognitive differences between players on both sides.

Can't stand it, retired player IMP tears Xuxu baby fans, netizens: LOL's look down on DNF?

Second, the focus of controversy: LOL's disdain for DNF?

In the dispute between IMP and Xuxu baby fans, the focus of the dispute mainly focused on the issue of LOL players looking down on DNF. This view is widely available online, but its essence is worth exploring in depth:

1. Acculturation differences: Different cultural concepts are carried behind the game, and players will have selective preferences due to the cultural differences experienced. This acculturation difference may also be one of the reasons why LOL players are not interested in DNF.

2. Differences in competitive atmosphere: As an e-sports game, LOL has been pursued by more professionalism and competition. DNF, on the other hand, is more focused on leisure and entertainment, and this difference also causes LOL players to have a certain bias against DNF.

3. The influence of social circles: People make friends and form teams in the game, and a sense of belonging is an important part of the game.

Can't stand it, retired player IMP tears Xuxu baby fans, netizens: LOL's look down on DNF?

The social circles of LOL and DNF do not overlap, so players with different feelings of belonging may have stereotypes about the other party.

Third, solve the generation gap and misunderstanding between LOL and DNF

To address the generation gap and misunderstanding between LOL and DNF, we need to take the following measures:

1. Promote respect and inclusion: As players, we should respect and tolerate the choices of different games and understand the culture and meaning behind them. Only by proceeding from respect can we narrow the generation gap and eliminate misunderstandings.

2. Strengthen communication and communication: Expand communication between LOL and DNF players to enhance mutual understanding. Organize cooperative events, hold cross-game competitions, etc., to promote the integration of the two gaming circles.

3. Guide the right attitude to the game: Whether it is LOL or DNF, the game itself exists for fun and relaxation.

Can't stand it, retired player IMP tears Xuxu baby fans, netizens: LOL's look down on DNF?
Can't stand it, retired player IMP tears Xuxu baby fans, netizens: LOL's look down on DNF?

We need to guide players to treat the game correctly, not to be overly obsessed with competition or simply brush equipment, and to keep the essence of the game fun.

4. Promote the development of game culture: By promoting the development of game culture and strengthening the cognition and understanding of games, the purpose of enhancing mutual trust and respect between players can be achieved, and the generation gap can be further reduced.


Although the dispute between retired player IMP and Xuxu baby fans has attracted widespread attention in the game circle, it is actually a bigger topic hidden in it - the generation gap between LOL and DNF. Solving this problem requires players to work together to strengthen exchanges and communication, promote the spirit of respect and inclusion, and promote the development of game culture. Only by getting to know each other and passing on goodwill can we truly eliminate misunderstandings and build a more harmonious gaming community.

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