
The creation of a model city of civilization - social affairs in action

author:Community Governance and Social Affairs Bureau

Jointly build civilized cities and share the fruits of civilization

The sky is bluer, the water is clearer, and the streets are cleaner

The smiles of the citizens are brighter

Civilized cities allow citizens to have more sense of well-being

Sichuan Tianfu New Area focuses on creating a civilized city, improving the quality and energy of urban development, and implements the new development concept of the park city demonstration area with high quality, realizes the residents' yearning for a better life, accelerates the construction of a new benchmark for a high-quality living environment, and jointly builds a new sample of a happy city.

The creation of a model city of civilization - social affairs in action

The Bureau of Community Governance and Social Affairs attaches great importance to the creation of civilized model cities, organizes and convenes special training meetings, arranges the deployment of online declaration materials and field evaluations, and requires the units and departments involved in the social affairs system to carry out self-examination and rectification article by article according to the requirements of the detailed rules. Establish a work contact mechanism, actively link up with relevant departments and streets, and carry out strong rectification of the surrounding environment such as campuses and hospitals. At present, 3 rounds of supervision have been carried out at a total of 13 points in 5 middle schools, 7 primary schools and 1 hospital, decomposing and setting up projects for the problems found in the inspection, establishing a rectification ledger, and supervising and guiding the rectification within a time limit.

At the same time, the social affairs system takes the initiative to actively carry out activities such as the publicity of civilized model cities into campuses and hospitals, and makes full use of public bulletin boards, publicity shelves, electronic display screens, weChat public accounts, Microblogs, video numbers and other online and offline carriers in school hospitals to publicize the creation of civilized model cities. Through activities such as speeches under the national flag and theme class meetings, school teachers, students and parents were widely mobilized to actively participate. Through the voluntary activities of "I do practical things for the masses", publicizing industry norms such as medical ethics and medical style, distributing more than 3,000 copies of public service advertisements and health education materials such as "Our Values" and "Civilized Health, You Have Me", and providing more than 600 medical treatment services, the whole society has widely participated in creating a joint force, creating a good social atmosphere in which everyone knows and everyone participates.

The creation of a model city of civilization - social affairs in action

On October 14, in order to do a good job in the creation of a national civilized model city in 2021 and once again ensure the implementation of the point work, Chen Yi, member of the Education and Health Work Committee, member of the party group and deputy director of the Community Governance and Social Affairs Bureau, supervised 13 points such as Huayang Middle School, Nanhu Primary School, and Tianfu New District People's Hospital, listened to the preparation for the inspection work, and made a return visit to the problems existing in the previous two supervisions.

The creation of a model city of civilization - social affairs in action

The social affairs system will deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on propaganda and ideological work and the construction of spiritual civilization, fully implement the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the provincial party committee on the creation of civilized model cities, further tighten the responsibility for compacting work, and on the good basis of the successful creation of civilized cities for five consecutive sessions, continue to work hard and take advantage of the momentum, and go all out to strive to create a national civilized model city, so that the city can bloom with a more brilliant and brilliant light of civilization.

The creation of a model city of civilization - social affairs in action