
Zeng Lao predicted that 2024 will be extraordinary, what is going on

author:Second brother history said

Zeng Shiqiang is an old man, I believe that with the popularization and progress of the Internet, everyone is no stranger to Professor Zeng Shiqiang. Through the fulfillment of various major events in the past few years, Professor Zeng Shiqiang's reputation has been further enhanced. Such as accurately predicting epidemics, floods, and the discharge of Japanese nuclear wastewater into the sea.

Professor Zeng Shiqiang was born in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province in 1935 and grew up in Taiwan, a famous master of Chinese Sinology, proficient in Confucianism and Taoism. Professor of Taiwan Chiao Tung University, President of Taiwan Xingguo Institute of Management. PhD from Oxford University, PhD from Leicester University, MA in Management from Truman University. He died in Taiwan in November 2018 at the age of 83.

Read Professor Zeng Shiqiang and you will feel that life is not complicated, read Professor Zeng Shiqiang you will feel that Zeng Lao is approachable, read Professor Zeng Shiqiang you will feel that Chinese culture is broad and profound, read Professor Zeng Shiqiang you will feel that Zeng Lao is amiable.

Zeng Lao predicted that 2024 will be extraordinary, what is going on

Professor Zeng Shiqiang

Professor Zeng Shiqiang devoted his life to the dissemination of traditional Chinese culture, proficient in the wisdom of Confucianism and Taoism, especially the study of the I Ching, and only then did he have the accurate prophecy of Zeng Lao. You must know that Zeng Lao passed away as early as 2018, but he accurately predicted the epidemic in 2020, the flood in 2021, the war in 2022, and the rabbit hunger in 2023.

What does that mean? That is to say, as early as 2015, Zeng Lao proposed that plague, cow water, tiger fighting, and rabbit hunger. That is to say, there will be plague in the year of the rat, floods in the year of the ox, struggle in the year of the tiger, and hunger in the year of the rabbit. Then Zeng Lao put forward these words in 2015, 2015 is the Year of the Goat, 2016 is the Year of the Monkey, 2017 is the Year of the Rooster, 2018 is the Year of the Dog, and 2019 is the Year of the Pig.

It just so happens that 2020 is the Year of the Rat, 2021 is the Year of the Ox, 2022 is the Year of the Tiger, and 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit. It just so happens that the epidemic in 2020, the Henan flood in 2021, the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022, and people are having a hard time in 2023. It coincides with the plague proposed by Zeng Lao, cow water, tiger fighting, and rabbit hunger.

Zeng Lao predicted that 2024 will be extraordinary, what is going on

Professor Zeng Shiqiang

So whether we are good or bad in 2023, I believe everyone should feel the same way. The impact of the epidemic in the past three years, the instability of work, the imbalance of income, and the various pressures of life, it seems to return to the life of fifties and sixties.

Coupled with the incident of Japan's nuclear wastewater discharge, Zeng Lao proposed many years ago that Japan is an island country that is very rampant and often does things that go against the way of heaven, and that if this island country exists for a day, Asia will never be at peace.

If you do too much against the way of heaven, it is only a matter of time before you lose your country, so Japan often has tsunamis, earthquakes, flash floods, etc. Elder Zeng's prophecy has been fulfilled many times and accurate many times, and we have no doubts about Elder Zeng's strength for a long time. So sometimes we often say that it is good intentions, and more often it is not a superstition.

Zeng Lao predicted that 2024 will be extraordinary, what is going on

Professor Zeng Shiqiang

So what are Zeng Lao's instructions and predictions for 2024?

For the forecast for 2024, Zeng always said that from 1984, 1984 is the year of the jiazi, and said that a jiazi has 60 years, and every 20 years is a unit. That is 1984 and 2004 and 2024, looking back at 1984 and 2004, there were major and unexpected events, and there will be major events in 2024.

As for what major events, Zeng Lao just revealed that 2024 is a very important level, everyone must be careful, you can go up after the past, and there is no way to get by. As early as more than ten years ago, Zeng Lao revealed this news, and many people asked Zeng Lao what to do, and Zeng Lao also said that it was very simple, called "asking for blessings".

What does that mean? Although Zeng Lao did not clearly indicate what to do, in fact, the answer has been given. That is, follow the will of God, do what you should do, do no evil, do all good, cherish time, and honor your parents; Leave the rest to Providence.

At the end of the article

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