
If you want your baby to grow taller in autumn, eat more of these 6 kinds of vegetables

author:Mom Box

Although spring is the golden period of the year for the growth and development of the baby, autumn and winter cannot be ignored, this season is to lay the foundation for the next spring.

Autumn is relatively dry, so you need to moisten a little in terms of diet, and eat more of these 6 kinds of vegetables, which is beneficial to the baby's growth.

If you want your baby to grow taller in autumn, eat more of these 6 kinds of vegetables

lotus root

As the saying goes, "lotus root is a treasure, autumn root is the most tonic person", autumn babies eat more lotus root, can play a role in moisturizing and quenching thirst, nourishing lungs and nourishing blood.

Lotus root is rich in nutrients and exudes a unique fragrance, and the tannins contained in it have anti-inflammatory and astringent effects, which can improve gastrointestinal fatigue. In addition, a carbohydrate protein containing mucin can promote the digestion of protein and fat, which can reduce the burden on the stomach. After the child eats, it has a good maintenance effect on the spleen and stomach.

If you want your baby to grow taller in autumn, eat more of these 6 kinds of vegetables

At the same time, it can also strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea, increase appetite and promote digestion.


The high content of carotene in pumpkin can be converted into vitamin A in the human body, which can prevent the cornea from drying and degenerating, maintain the normal cornea, and enhance the clarity of the eyes to see in a dim environment.

If you want your baby to grow taller in autumn, eat more of these 6 kinds of vegetables

At the same time, pumpkin can enhance the peristalsis function of the human stomach and intestines and help food digestion.


The carotene and mineral content in broccoli is higher than that in cabbage flowers, and the vitamin A content is 240 times that of cabbage and 6 times that of tomatoes, which is rich in vitamin C, which is not only conducive to human growth and development, but also improves immunity.

If you want your baby to grow taller in autumn, eat more of these 6 kinds of vegetables


Yam has the effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach and improving the baby's immunity, yam contains a large amount of amylase, polyphenol oxidase, vitamins and other substances, for the baby to supplement the body needs a variety of nutrients, promote the baby's brain and bone development.

If you want your baby to grow taller in autumn, eat more of these 6 kinds of vegetables

White radish

White radish is rich in mustard oil, crude fiber and amylase, etc., which can promote digestion and speed up gastrointestinal peristalsis, which also contains lignin and a large number of enzymes, which is conducive to improving the body's immunity.

If you want your baby to grow taller in autumn, eat more of these 6 kinds of vegetables

green bean

Green beans contain protein and a variety of amino acids, and regular consumption can strengthen the spleen and stomach and increase appetite.

If you want your baby to grow taller in autumn, eat more of these 6 kinds of vegetables