
Spoilers are coming! The lighting effect of the cauldron of the opening ceremony is so cool!

author:Bright Net

On the morning of September 21, at the press conference on the preparations for the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the relevant person in charge of the command center of the opening and closing ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games and the main creative team of the opening ceremony met with the media.

At the press conference, Sha Xiaolan, the chief director of the opening ceremony, spoiled the highlights of the opening ceremony: the dialogue between ancient and modern, the release of Kong Ming lanterns by AR programs, the first use of dual 3D WIA, and the biggest highlight was the lighting of the cauldron. Sha Xiaolan also said that more real dynamic effects can be seen on the network screen, so the opening ceremony effect from the TV is no less than the scene.

The first digital ignition ceremony

Digital particle man walked from the Qiantang River into the big lotus

Ignition with the sixth torchbearer

The ignition of previous large-scale games has become the biggest suspense of the opening ceremony, but the Hangzhou Asian Games has long disclosed the ignition method of this Asian Games - using the participation of all people and digital interconnection to light the main cauldron of the Asian Games.

Spoilers are coming! The lighting effect of the cauldron of the opening ceremony is so cool!

Sha Xiaolan said that the main creative team has studied the ignition methods of various large-scale sports events and found that there is a common point, that is, individuals are igniting, "This time we want to return to the essence of sports - strengthening the body, which is a matter for the whole people, so we have this alternative ignition idea." He revealed that hundreds of millions of digital torchbearers have participated in the current situation, eliminating the barriers of time and space, and creating a collective ignition ceremony of "Asia at this time", "The ignition method of the Hangzhou Asian Games has three characteristics, the world's first, the participation of the whole people, and the specific practice of a community with a shared future for mankind, which is also the embodiment of the highest level of digital technology." ”

Spoilers are coming! The lighting effect of the cauldron of the opening ceremony is so cool!

On the evening of the 23rd, when the opening ceremony enters the main cauldron lighting session, hundreds of millions of digital torchbearers will gradually form a digital particle person from a small flame and small luminous point in motion. The digital particle man held the torch, stepped from the Qiantang River to the sky above the big lotus, and then crossed the stadium to a 185-meter-long three-dimensional mesh screen at the scene, and lit the main cauldron tower together with the sixth torchbearer.

"The audience can see the whole process of the digital man crossing the stadium, but the audience in front of the TV can see every process of the digital man stepping on the Qiantang River, which can be said to have a better look." Sha Xiaolan said.

The 185-meter three-dimensional screen amazes the world

Dual 3D WIA was presented at the Games for the first time

If the Beijing Olympics let the global audience see the brilliant effect of the LED screen for the first time, the Hangzhou Asian Games surprised the world with the three-dimensional network screen.

Leng Huang introduced that this mesh screen is like a veil, it is transparent from afar, but it will be very shocking when playing the video, and it can form a naked-eye 3D three-dimensional presentation with the huge floor of the scene, which makes the visual effect of the entire opening ceremony go up a grade.

Spoilers are coming! The lighting effect of the cauldron of the opening ceremony is so cool!

This three-dimensional mesh screen also added a lot of points to the dual 3D WIA technology in the opening ceremony. The Hangzhou Asian Games is also the first time that the double 3D WIA has been fully displayed at the sports event.

"At the G20 Hangzhou Summit, we let the dancers dance on the West Lake in "The Most Remembered Hangzhou", and this time we used new technology to empower the two dancers to dance in the three-dimensional space of the big lotus flower, making them 'fly'." Sha Xiaolan said.

Spoilers are coming! The lighting effect of the cauldron of the opening ceremony is so cool!

The so-called double 3D WIA is in which two dancers are tied to each of them and then made to dance in the air, the fastest flight speed is close to 4 meters per second (14.4 kilometers per hour).

Xie Yongwei, the general designer of WIA, introduced that the difficulty of two people is many times greater than that of solo performances - for example, in the structural layout of the entire ropeway, two actors fly freely in a three-dimensional space, and there are 8 WIA, and the space restriction is very large.

In order to break through this limitation, the special effects team controls it through a specially developed VR system, which can automatically detect whether the entire flight trajectory is safe during the flight. If there is an abnormality, it can alarm immediately.

"This system is customized and pioneered specifically for the opening ceremony, all made in China and created in China, far ahead." Xie Yongwei said very proudly.

Regarding the digital technology of the Asian Games, Sha Xiaolan said with emotion that so far, whether it is the Olympic Games or any other competition, the Hangzhou Asian Games is the most used digital technology, "Ten years earlier, even this idea could not be realized, which is a high integration of art and technology." ”

The water element runs throughout

The overall theme of the opening ceremony is "Tide Rising Asia"

The whole opening ceremony was themed "tide", with "water" to connect the series, and the chief writer Leng Huang introduced that water is the blood of Asia and the source of civilization. Hangzhou is a city that thrives because of water and is born of water, Qiantang River, Grand Canal, West Lake, Xixi Wetland are all related to water, water is the soul of Hangzhou, so the main creative team uses "water" as the core symbol throughout the opening ceremony.

The entire opening ceremony theatrical performance is divided into three chapters, and the water in each chapter is different, Leng Huang introduced, "The water in the first part is poetry Jiangnan, ink into poetry and painting, smoke and rain dye Jiangnan." The water in the middle is a tide, from the tide of nature to the tide of sports to the tide of science and technology, the tide of national customs. The water in the next part is not only green water, green mountains or gold mountains and silver mountains, but also the interdependence of Asian countries, showing the unity and friendship of the Asian Games, and expressing the common sentiment of 'heart to heart, love the future'. ”

Ten thousand trickles into water, rushing into tides. The ceremony and performance of the entire opening ceremony will highlight the surging upward trend of "tide" by interpreting the thousands of changes of "water", and show the integration and excitement of China, Asia and the world in the new era.

Hangzhou Asian Games opened

Count down to two days!

Reporter Zhang Lei

Source: Hangzhou Daily