
Acting in the hardest drama and soaking the most beautiful girl, Wang Xuebing's love history is not simple


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In 1990, on the journey from Urumqi to Beijing on the Green Train, three high-profile stars sat on the same train and were about to embark on their own brilliant acting careers.

The first star, Li Yapeng, who was jokingly known as "Sister's Little Milk Dog", was holding the dream of his first love Liu Yan at this time, and he couldn't sleep all night with excitement. His future awaits in Chinese opera, where Beijing's most beautiful girls gather.

The second, Chen Jianbin, a rural youth, is immersed in the world of villain books and is full of expectations for his future studies. His path of learning will continue into graduate school, becoming a pedantic teacher.

The third place, the scumbag Wang Xuebing, lazily wore sunglasses and pretended not to look at the little girl opposite. He is the youngest in his family, ordinary, but his heart burns with a passion for excellence. Wang Xuebing is not satisfied with mediocrity, he wants to prove his strength.

Acting in the hardest drama and soaking the most beautiful girl, Wang Xuebing's love history is not simple

In addition to immersing himself in early love, Wang Xuebing is also enthusiastic about literary and artistic activities, and although his singing voice is mediocre and his acting skills are average, he has the courage to participate in various cultural performances in the school, and in high school he seemed to be a small opera garden. He actively participated and kept trying, until the appearance of an older man changed the course of his life.

This old man is the director surnamed Zhang, although unknown, he sees the potential of Wang Xuebing. He invited Wang Xuebing to join the performance team and ignited the passion for performance in Wang Xuebing's heart. So, Wang Xuebing decided to be admitted to the Academy of Arts and began his acting career.

In 1990, Wang Xuebing was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama. At the same time, Li Yapeng also got the opportunity to accompany his first love girlfriend Liu Yan to participate in the interview for Chinese opera. Chen Jianbin was successfully admitted to this school after a year of hard study. Three strange men who had met on the train would now meet in the same dormitory at the same university.

Acting in the hardest drama and soaking the most beautiful girl, Wang Xuebing's love history is not simple

However, fate does not always go according to people's plans. At this new starting point, the three stars ushered in different challenges and opportunities, and their lives were intertwined into a colorful picture.

In this rewritten story, we have a deeper understanding of the inner world and dreams of each star, and how they continue to move forward under the arrangement of fate. Wang Xuebing embarked on the road of acting with tenacity and hard work, Li Yapeng pursued a balance of love and career because of his first love, and Chen Jianbin continued to work hard in his studies to shape his own unique acting path.

This story tells us that life is full of unknowns and variables, and everyone has the opportunity to change their destiny and realize their dreams. In the process, we may encounter a variety of challenges and opportunities, but with perseverance, we can create our own wonderful story.

Acting in the hardest drama and soaking the most beautiful girl, Wang Xuebing's love history is not simple


In this in-depth analysis and innovatively extended story, we learn about the inner world and dreams of the three stars, and how they continue to move forward under the arrangement of fate. The rewritten story is richer and deeper, emphasizing the importance of tenacity, hard work, and pursuing dreams. No matter what challenges and opportunities you face, if you persevere, you can create your own wonderful story. This story also reflects the variability and uncertainty of life, emphasizing a positive attitude towards life and a determination to pursue goals bravely.

Acting in the hardest drama and soaking the most beautiful girl, Wang Xuebing's love history is not simple

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