
Dry in autumn, these 6 kinds of fruits are just right to buy!

Dry in autumn, these 6 kinds of fruits are just right to buy!

We all know that autumn is the season of harvest. Many vegetables and fruits ripen at this time. So in the autumn season, especially for families with children, what fruits do families need to prepare in the fall? What are the benefits of eating fruit in autumn?

Dry in autumn, these 6 kinds of fruits are just right to buy!

What are the beneficial components in fruit?

Vitamin C

Vitamin C improves the bactericidal ability of the body's immune cells and increases your baby's absorption of iron, thereby preventing anemia and respiratory infections caused by iron deficiency.


The β carotene in carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is extremely important for your baby's immune function, maintenance and vision development.

Dry in autumn, these 6 kinds of fruits are just right to buy!


Magnesium is an important component of human bones. Adequate magnesium is indispensable for the development of your baby's bones and teeth, and these fruits are high in magnesium, so don't miss it in autumn.

Dietary fiber

Dietary fiber can soften feces and relieve constipation; And it has an irreplaceable role in maintaining the baby's intestinal health.

• Moisture

Dry weather in autumn, lack of water may lead to dry skin, cracked lip mucosa, but also cause respiratory mucosal vasoconstriction, decreased resistance, and more likely to get sick, so it is important to ensure that the baby has enough fluids this season.

Dry in autumn, these 6 kinds of fruits are just right to buy!

How to eat fruit better?

・Meals are available

It is best to have a little fruit at each meal, and you can separate the morning, noon and evening according to your preference. Or eat some fruits in the morning and afternoon when you add meals, and the best types of fruits to eat every day are different.

Pay attention to collocation

When eating fruit, you can eat it with family or friends, and try to eat more than a few varieties at a time. But the total amount is still about half a catty, and at the same time, you can pay attention to complementing each other in color.

Pay attention to processing

Many people do not like to eat fruit, so they choose some juice to supplement, in fact, this is not right. Fruit juices (especially those with pomace removed) contain excessive sugar and reduce the dietary fiber in fruits. Directly turn ingredients that are good for the body into ingredients that are burdensome.

Dry in autumn, these 6 kinds of fruits are just right to buy!

What are the seasonal fruit recommendations in autumn?


The least in autumn must be pears, the moisture content of pears can reach more than 90%, about 35-50kcal per 100g, and belong to low glycemic index fruits (glycemic index 33), people who control blood sugar can also eat in moderation.

Pears have a high moisture content and are not very sweet, and they are comfortable to eat in the mouth and throat, including fructose itself will make you have a cool and silky feeling. So many people use pears to relieve cough.

In fact, there is no cough ingredient in pears, even if it is "Sydney cough syrup", although the name has "Sydney", it is not only an ingredient of Sydney extract, pears are more coordinated.

Of course, even if pears can't treat coughs, if eating pears while coughing will make you feel more comfortable, it's no problem to eat some.

Dry in autumn, these 6 kinds of fruits are just right to buy!


Hawthorn has the highest calcium content among autumn fruits, with 52 mg of calcium per 100 grams of pulp. Pregnant women and children have a large need for calcium, and these two groups may wish to eat some hawthorn after meals.


The carbohydrate content per 100 grams of grapefruit is 9.5 grams. Yuzu is a very seasonal fruit in autumn, and many people can show half at once. However, it should be noted that from the perspective of Chinese medicine, grapefruit is cold, and people whose bodies themselves are relatively cold are not recommended to eat more. It is best not to consume more than 200g in half a day. Eat a large clove a day, and that's pretty much it.

Dry in autumn, these 6 kinds of fruits are just right to buy!


Citrus is rich in vitamin B1, in the autumn when citrus is abundant, you may wish to eat 1~2 citrus a day to supplement the vitamin B1 needed by the body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that citrus nourishes yin and nourishes digestion, has the effect of suppressing cough and phlegm, and people with lung discomfort are more suitable for eating.

Fresh dates

People with deficiency of qi and blood are suitable for eating more, those with more phlegm and constipation eat less, and ordinary people can eat 8~10 a day. It should be noted that fresh dates have more sugar, and diabetics should eat them with caution; In addition, because jujube peel is not easy to digest, people with poor spleen and stomach function are not suitable for consumption.


Pomegranate contains 4.8 grams of water-soluble fiber per 100 grams, which can absorb water and expand, which can not only prevent constipation, but also relieve diarrhea symptoms.

In addition, pomegranate is rich in antioxidants such as pomegranate polyphenols and anthocyanins, which can reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals in the body and delay aging.

Dry in autumn, these 6 kinds of fruits are just right to buy!

What other things do you like about autumn fruits? You may wish to leave a message to discuss together~


[1] "Guidance on Eating Vegetables and Fruits for the Middle-aged and Elderly" is good nutrition in China

[2] "What fruits are good for babies to eat in autumn, just pick according to this picture" Lilac mother

[3] Eat it when it's dry in autumn! There are also 3 additional benefits" nutritionist Gu Zhongyi

[4] "Autumn Fruit and Vegetable Nutrition Champion List! Eat according to autumn, what to eat ~" Xinhuanet

Personal introduction: Dietitian Vivi (Zhu Yuwei), China's first batch of registered dietitians, returnee nutrition master, national first-level public nutritionist, vice chairman of the Infant Food Professional Committee, member of the Maternal and Child Science Group of China Popular Science Writers Association, 1 million + fans on the whole network, focusing on spreading international mainstream popular science knowledge such as maternal and infant parenting, nutritional food and education. Welcome to follow me on Penguin and various platforms~