
Huawei Mate60Pro four-day use experience, advantages and disadvantages, don't myth this phone!

author:Kindness Dew Z7t

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Recently, an author made a major decision in the choice of mobile phones, switching from the iPhone to the Huawei Mate 60 Pro. This move has sparked widespread attention and heated discussion, because the iPhone has always been one of the best-selling smartphones in the world. In this article, we will delve into the author's subjective experience to understand how the Mate60 Pro performs in all aspects and whether it can rival Apple's superstar.

Huawei Mate60Pro four-day use experience, advantages and disadvantages, don't myth this phone!

The 5G signal is strong and one step ahead

The first striking advantage of the Mate60Pro is its powerful 5G signal performance. With the popularization of 5G technology, high-speed data transmission has become an urgent demand of today's mobile phone users. The author says that when using the Mate60Pro, he experienced superior 5G connection speeds, both when downloading large files and streaming. This has allowed the Mate60Pro to occupy a place in the mobile phone market and become the first choice for many users.

Powerful battery life, say goodbye to anxiety

Another aspect that impressed the author was the Mate60 Pro's battery life.

Huawei Mate60Pro four-day use experience, advantages and disadvantages, don't myth this phone!

The phone is equipped with a powerful battery that easily supports a full day of use and remains stable even under heavy use. This is undoubtedly a huge advantage for users who often forget to recharge or travel. The Mate60Pro's battery life allows users to say goodbye to charging anxiety and allow them to use their phones more freely.

The screen looks and feels great and delicate

In terms of look and feel, the screen performance of the Mate60Pro has also been highly praised by the author. Despite the curved screen design, the Mate60 Pro's screen look and feel is close to a straight screen, which means that users can enjoy a wider field of view and better visual effects.

Huawei Mate60Pro four-day use experience, advantages and disadvantages, don't myth this phone!

At the same time, the feel and delicacy of the mobile phone cannot be ignored, which makes the Mate60Pro very comfortable to hold in the hand, and users can hold it for a long time without fatigue.

Outstanding camera performance for photography needs

For many mobile phone users, camera performance is one of the important considerations when choosing a mobile phone. In this regard, the Mate60 Pro also lives up to expectations. Its camera performance is excellent, with excellent resolution and latitude, and it meets the needs of users when taking still photos or recording video. In particular, the Mate60 Pro's video recording is also excellent, capturing impressive detail images.

The game is suitable for improvement, and some shortcomings cannot be ignored

However, like any phone, the Mate60 Pro leaves something to be desired. The authors point out that game adaptability is not ideal, especially for some high-performance games. While the Mate60Pro excels in everyday use, performance can fall slightly short when dealing with complex gaming graphics. This can be an important consideration for gaming enthusiasts.

In addition, the author also mentioned that the position of the ultra-wide-angle camera is easy to cause fingers to enter the lens. While this doesn't affect the overall performance of the phone, it can be a bit of an inconvenience for users who are keen on selfies and photography. Moreover, the Mate60 Pro's relatively wide body may not be very suitable for users with small hands.

Notification classification is not intelligent, and messages may be missed

When using the Mate60Pro, the authors also found that the notification classification mechanism was not smart enough. This can cause important messages to be missed or drowned out in other notifications. While this can be adjusted with some settings, it's still an area for improvement for users who want their phones to be able to manage notifications more intelligently.


Overall, Huawei Mate60Pro performs well in many aspects, including strong 5G signal, excellent battery life, excellent screen look and feel and camera performance.

However, it also has some shortcomings, such as game adaptability, ultra-wide camera position, and notification classification mechanism. Overall, the Mate60 Pro can be considered a qualified phone, especially when it comes to satellite calls. However, it does not need to be overly mythical, and users still need to carefully consider their needs and priorities before buying to ensure that the phone they choose best suits their usage habits and expectations. This shift may be just one of the future options for many mobile phone users, and the mobile phone market is still full of exciting innovations.

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