
The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

author:Brother Wang said every day
The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

He was diagnosed by experts as "congenital stupid" since he was a child, but later he was called the "genius moderation" of the music industry!

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

Zhou Zhou, who has the IQ of a three-year-old child, is able to attract so much attention. Does he really have the ability to surpass ordinary people?

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

I thought this was a major breakthrough in medicine, but I didn't expect it to be a long-planned scam.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

A lie is a lie after all and can never become a fact. Now that the "veil" has been lifted, how is Zhouzhou now?

1. Zhouzhou has had a brilliant career

At his peak, he was invited to a large-scale charity gala. When he entered, he and Schwarzenegger walked hand in hand into the RM auditorium, where they became the center of attention.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

At the party, Andy Lau walked onto the stage, held him in his arms, and enthusiastically sang a song "You Are My Hope", just to tell all the audience that even if he is sick, he does not give up hope for life.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

He initially performed on the small stage of a cabaret company. He wears a black tuxedo, holds a baton, listens carefully to music, and conducts with style.

His conducting characteristics are imitation, imitating various famous performance styles of conductors, and has won the recognition of many people. Every time the head of the song and dance troupe mentioned him, he was full of praise.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

By chance, a famous director discovered him. The director believes that it is not easy for a person with Down syndrome to do this.

I just wanted to make a documentary about him that would give a glimmer of hope to families with Down syndrome. Let the world know that such a patient can be so good.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

After discussing with Zhouzhou's father, we immediately began to organize the team to shoot. In order to achieve good results, this shooting took almost a year.

The director was very satisfied with the final result, but Zhouzhou's father felt a little dissatisfied after watching it, because he thought that the documentary went against the objective facts.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

It completely molds Zhouzhou into the image of a genius. But there is no way. If you regret it now, nearly a year of hard work will be in vain.

After the documentary was broadcast, it received a huge response, became popular at home and abroad, and received widespread attention from people from all walks of life. This is how Schwarzenegger met Zhou Zhou.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

Zhouzhou's rapid popularity made some changes in his father's thinking. He wants to take advantage of this wave of popularity to accumulate a fortune so that his son can not worry about food and clothing.

Riding on the public's curiosity and sympathy, he began planning a concert for his son. In 1999, Zhouzhou even had the opportunity to perform with a famous orchestra.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

2. Before the fire, the Zhouzhou family was in tatters. Zhouzhou's father is Hu Houpei, a violinist in an orchestra. Hu Houpei gave birth to his first child when he was nearly forty years old. When he learned the news, he was very surprised.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

He and his wife have been married for many years, but have not been able to conceive. He had already lost hope of becoming a father, but he didn't expect to be pregnant this time. He began naming the child in his womb very early.

He thought about it, and countless words flooded into his mind, but in the end, he found that he just hoped that his child would be safe and smooth in the future, so he named him Hu Yizhou.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

But I didn't expect it to backfire in the end. After the birth of the child, bad news came quickly.

When his son was two years old, he noticed that his son's appearance was slightly different from that of a normal child. He turned black, went to the hospital for a check-up, and was diagnosed with Down syndrome.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

The news was undoubtedly a sudden blow that would be difficult for any family to accept. He brought his son home and took good care of him, expecting a miracle to happen.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

Soon, the day of my son's school arrived. Due to physical reasons, he can only go to schools with special services. As a father, this day is very sad for me.

But there is no choice but to accept this harsh truth. Zhou Zhou felt very uncomfortable after entering school because his IQ was only three years old and he could not play with many children.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

It didn't take long for him to be snubbed by all the children. Hu Houpei had no choice but to let his son drop out of school, and was determined to bring his son to him and educate him personally.

During the holidays, he would teach his son some knowledge at home. In his spare time, he takes his son to work and uses his spare time to take care of and educate him.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

After doing this for a while, he found that his son really couldn't learn. Even the simplest knowledge, no matter how many times he was taught, he could not remember. He gradually abandoned the idea.

My son's only hope is that he can live happily and carefree every day.

I thought that Zhouzhou's talent would be displayed, but in the end everything was in vain.

During a rehearsal, he had his son sit next to him, thinking he could get attention.

Unexpectedly, through this unintentional move, he discovered his son's talent. When my son saw the conductor on stage, he began to learn how to use chopsticks during meals.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

When Hu Houpei found that the rhythm of his son's swing was exactly the same as the rhythm he practiced in the morning rehearsal, he burst into tears of joy. This is the only good thing for the family after the son was diagnosed.

He believed that his son was indeed talented in music, so he tried to pass on his musical knowledge to his son, believing that he would be able to support himself in the future.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

Unfortunately, his wishes were once again frustrated. His son never learned the knowledge he instilled in him. He can only listen to music and imitate some of the movements of others. Although he did not achieve the goal, every time he saw his son happily waving the baton, his heart was still warm and happy.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

In order to support his son, he simply asked the leader to borrow an empty small stage of the song and dance troupe, and let his son listen to music and perform freely on it.

One of Zhouzhou's favorite songs is "Carmen". He had heard it countless times, and of course it played more like it. Hu Houpei thought of asking his son to help his colleagues.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

As the music played, Zhouzhou's hands began to dance, and his body began to sway, showing the style of a commander. After listening to it, colleagues constantly applauded.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

Maybe they all feel sorry for such children. Hu Houpei's colleagues were very happy to see that Zhouzhou could play some rhythms, and thought he played very well.

In their spare time, they are also willing to cooperate with Zhouzhou to do some shows that can be regarded as actual stage experience.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

Others also did not hesitate to praise him. Over time, the legend went from one to ten to a hundred. The legend that Zhouzhou was a musical buffet arose, and he gradually gained some fame.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

Thus began a rich career.

4. In an interview, Hu Houpei confided his heart and exposed the truth of the lie

Monotonous performances are always unsatisfactory. In the eyes of many people who do not understand music, Zhouzhou's performance is also good and has a sense of rhythm.

But for some people who know music, it's child's play. It's like listening to a song alone. If you listen a lot, you will naturally recognize the melody and be able to imitate and sing a few words.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

There is no real musical talent, only practice makes perfect. Think about it, what kind of thinking can a person with an IQ of only three years old have? He doesn't know how to think, so he can only follow blindly.

Hu Houpei also felt that there was nothing to hide, and revealed the reason in an interview.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

He immediately admitted that his son was not a genius conductor. It was in an environment such as a song and dance troupe that he was nurtured, practice makes perfect, and he has his current performance.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

Maybe his IQ is stuck at three years old. People in this period have a very strong ability to imitate.

He explained that he did not really mean to deceive anyone, just to prevent anyone from leaving his son and to raise a fortune for him.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

Because although Zhouzhou is not young, it is difficult for him to take care of himself. He knew nothing but simple music.

Zhouzhou's mother also died. He now has diabetes and is very old. He didn't know how long he could be with his son.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

At first, when he and his wife discussed Zhouzhou's future, they gave birth to a daughter, believing that in a hundred years she would take on the responsibility of taking care of her brother. But when she grew up, she had her own ideas, felt that she should have her own independent life, and was unwilling to take care of her younger brother.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

My sister is already a wife and mother

After listening to Hu Houpei's explanation, the audience did not hate him because of this. Instead, they understood his actions and offered heartfelt wishes to his family.

To support his son's love of music, Hu formed a band out of his own pocket, even though he knew the band had lost popularity.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

Unfortunately, in 2016, Zhouzhou suffered from lung cancer, and almost all of his savings in these years were spent on treatment.

5. Zhouzhou returned to normal life after being silent for a while

Now his condition has been suppressed, but life has become very difficult. Father and son live on other choices. They are empty financially, but extremely rich inside.

Her room in the photo looks simple, but it exudes a warm atmosphere everywhere.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

Hu Houpei carefully cooked for his son, while Zhouzhou looked forward to the finished product, making him drool.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

Isn't such a life happy?


Sometimes deception is not called deception, but also white lies. Hidden behind is the father's selfless love for his son.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

In our opinion, Zhouzhou's life is full of ups and downs, but for Zhouzhou, it can be like playing a game.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

I hope that when we encounter some "old, weak and disabled" in the future, with a little more love, a little enthusiasm, and a little patience, the world will become a better place.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou

Those of us who are normal and healthy should face life more positively and face difficulties when we encounter problems.

The legendary life of the genius conductor Zhouzhou