
The sudden blue color of the Sahara Desert is a great disaster for the earth! Netizen: Will the climate change drastically?

author:Xiong Lin Lin Xiansen Y

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Recently, some netizens shared a set of shocking photos on social media showing that parts of the Sahara Desert have turned blue. These photos sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some fear it's a climate change disaster, some suspect it's a man-made illusion, and still others wonder what's really going on.

The sudden blue color of the Sahara Desert is a great disaster for the earth! Netizen: Will the climate change drastically?

1. The Sahara Desert suddenly turns blue

The photos aren't fake, they're recent happenings on Earth — a NASA satellite on September 13 showing rare precipitation in the region. At that time, parts of the Libyan Sahara Desert in North Africa experienced the heaviest rainfall in more than 40 years, resulting in large puddles and lakes in the desert. The satellite bands have been specially treated to give the sea a more vivid blue color, standing out from the surrounding environment, indicating that heavy rains caused flooding in dry deserts inland, inundating low-lying areas and inland river valleys.

The sudden blue color of the Sahara Desert is a great disaster for the earth! Netizen: Will the climate change drastically?

NASA satellites also captured satellite images of the same area on September 7. Comparing satellite images on September 13, it is not difficult to see that before the heavy rains, the interior of the region was a large area of barren and dry desert. Libya's Cyrenaica region, which is close to the Mediterranean Sea, is greener in color, indicating insufficient rainfall inland. Therefore, it is quite unusual for arid inland areas to experience heavy rains and form a large number of "rivers" and "lakes".

The sudden blue color of the Sahara Desert is a great disaster for the earth! Netizen: Will the climate change drastically?

Secondly, this is a huge disaster for the planet!

On September 10, 2023, Hurricane Daniel, a Mediterranean hurricane that was developing over the Mediterranean, brought torrential rains to northeastern Libya, causing deadly flooding and destroying cities along Libya's Mediterranean coast. On the coast of Libya's Cyrenaica region, Al-Bayda receives 414 mm of rain in a day. The nearby port city of Derna received more than 100 millimeters of rainfall during the storm, while the city's average monthly rainfall in September was less than 1.5 millimeters. This heavy rain is unprecedented in the history of September.

The sudden blue color of the Sahara Desert is a great disaster for the earth! Netizen: Will the climate change drastically?

Derna is located at the end of a narrow valley called the Wadi Valley, which is arid for most of the year. The floods caused two dams along the Derna River to collapse, with water and mud flowing into the city. Roads and entire neighborhoods were reportedly washed away by flooding, and the flood aftermath in Derna resembled a major earthquake. According to a report by British Sky News on September 13 local time, Abdul Monem Getty, mayor of Drna, Libya, said that the number of people killed in Drna due to flooding may exceed 20,000.

The sudden blue color of the Sahara Desert is a great disaster for the earth! Netizen: Will the climate change drastically?

Therefore, the blue Sahara desert does not bode well, but shows the huge flooding disaster in the region. As of 13 September, search and rescue efforts were still being carried out in the area. On that day, Derna remained largely inaccessible, making it difficult to assess the full impact of the flooding. It has been previously reported that Libya may have lost more than 100,000 people due to the catastrophic floods, which could also be the world's worst weather disaster this year.

The sudden blue color of the Sahara Desert is a great disaster for the earth! Netizen: Will the climate change drastically?

Mediterranean Hurricane Daniel brought heavy rains days before making landfall in Libya, inundating parts of Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria. Record rainfall led to deadly flooding across Greece, flooding the low-lying plains of Thessaly, where agriculture is the region's main industry, accounting for about one-sixth of Greece's agricultural production, meaning that Hurricane Daniel in the Mediterranean wreaked havoc on Greek agricultural production. The Pinos River near Larissa, the capital of Thessaly, one of Greece's largest cities, flooded the city's outskirts with torrential rains. Meteorologists noted that as the storm approached Libya, it developed a more intense tropical cyclone signature, with winds of about 70 to 80 kilometers per hour.

The sudden blue color of the Sahara Desert is a great disaster for the earth! Netizen: Will the climate change drastically?

Beyond focusing on disasters in places like Libya, that doesn't mean we can ignore the effects of climate change. Scientists have shown that due to global warming and the intervention of human activities, the intensity, scope and extreme degree of extreme weather continue to increase and spread, threatening more countries and regions. In short, the sudden blue color of the Sahara Desert is shocking and disturbing. It reflects the unpredictable and uncontrollable consequences of climate change. We should pay more attention to environmental protection and measures to cope with climate change and reduce the occurrence of similar disasters.

The sudden blue color of the Sahara Desert is a great disaster for the earth! Netizen: Will the climate change drastically?

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